Bestow Me a Love Like Wind

Chapter 1353: The first time (2)

"If his parents object to you being together?"

Against? She thought for a while: "Maybe I will stay, continue to study for PhD, and then maybe find a job. When I have the ability to support myself, I will consider the matter of coming back.

Stay over there, study for a Ph.D., find a job, fall in love, do you want to get married! Then, give birth to a few more babies with him, right?

enough! Really enough!

How long does she want to go there, if his parents never promised them to be together, she won't come back?

"Haha." He sneered, the whole figure seemed to be filled with void, making people feel barren in life!

She turned her head and looked at Lengsi City, his eyebrows were frowning, his eyes were stern. She couldn't help feeling a little dim, he didn't like herself, otherwise he wouldn't laugh so indifferently.

"Will you... marry Sister Zipei?"

marry? He just wants to yell in anger, vent, and ruin his entire life!

Seeing that he didn't answer, Gu Qingqing was still a little strange. Turning his head, he saw Lengsicheng frowning and looking pained.

"Are you uncomfortable?" She just remembered that Lengsi City had just been drunk, so it should be uncomfortable.

Moreover, he hadn't drank water yet, so she immediately passed the mineral water bottle over.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the water bottle was handed to Lengscheng, he suddenly slapped the water bottle and patted it away!

With a "pop" the water bottle landed and fell into the corner. Gu Qingqing was shocked. He thought he was too uncomfortable because of drinking too much alcohol, and asked: "Do you want to vomit? Where is it? Do you want me? Give paper towels? Or get a basin?"

He didn't answer no matter what she said. Gu Qingqing was scared to death this time, only to see Lengsicheng's entire face, and the whole body was red, as if she had a fever of more than 40 degrees!

She rushed up immediately, with the back of her hand against his forehead, it was really hot and hot!

"It's hot. Is it sick at such a high temperature? Drinking too much seems to be dangerous! I'll call a doctor!-Ah!"

She was just about to run, but before running two steps, she was grabbed back by Leng's City, and then slammed it hard!

"Senior Leng? What's wrong with you?" Gu Qingqing was a little unbelievable, especially, his palm grasped her delicate arm, which bound her everything like an iron chain! His hands are hot, his bones are distinct, he has a rough thin callus compared to a woman, and the lines on his palm are also entangled and twisted.

However, his entire face seemed terribly painful, tightly wrinkled together, and his body was tightly stretched, as if trying to restrain something.

If Gu Qingqing left directly like this at that time, perhaps, the following things would not happen.

However, at that time, Gu Qingqing did not have time to feel dangerous, just want to make Lengsi City more comfortable, thinking that he was seriously ill, the whole person sat up instantly, stretched out his arm, and caringly pulled his arm: "Lengs Senior, don't scare me, you--ah!--"

This time, Lengscheng pushed her to the bedside again. Gu Qingqing thought he was an impatient posture, just like when she had just ridiculed her.

Unexpectedly, in the next instant, he suddenly turned over his body, and his body instantly pressed up!

"Leng Xue—well—"

Gu Qingqing didn't expect that before she started to resist, Leng Sicheng leaned forward hard and sealed her lips tightly!

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