Bestow Me a Love Like Wind

Chapter 1375: Photo storm (5)

"If you have time here to discuss whether you want me to be responsible for such silly topics, it's better to call the police!"

"Can't call the police!" Xu Zijin called out immediately.

Suddenly, everyone in the room looked at her. Xu Zijin suddenly thought of something and immediately changed the subject. "She said, she hid countless documents in the mailboxes of many of her friends. , This photo will be posted on the Internet! My sister will be ruined!"

"But if you don't report to the police, since she still hid these photos, since she might sell them to you, she might sell them to others." Lengscheng also said, "I don't care, you know my previous reputation anyway. But Xu Zipei Image, because this matter may be ruined! Are you sure you want to do this?"

As he said, Xu Zijin, who was next to him, suddenly broke into cold sweat. She really wants to be thankful that she is Xu Zipei's sister, otherwise, with the personality of Lengscheng, she will definitely be the first to doubt her!

However, all this is indeed her design, except for the camera! She also didn't expect that this maid would secretly pretend to be such a thing, wanting to get more money!

If at that time, the matter between him and his sister was broken by the people who arrested X, maybe the matter would not be so complicated. It is a fact that the two of them slept together without clothes, even if nothing happened. When such a big basket came out, the world changed color absolutely!

But she was really stupid at the time. She didn't know that the maid had such thoughts. At that time, the maid pretended to be pitiful to her, saying that she was afraid of being found out and wanted a fake identity to prepare to run away. She really helped her. Who knows, after she cheated her family of 5 million with a photo today, she really slipped away with that fake identity.

In fact, she was even more afraid. If the maid was caught and then confessed that she was the messenger behind the scenes, would she be immediately driven out by the Xu family?

It's not easy for the Xu family to call the police for this kind of thing-as soon as the police intervene and make a thorough investigation, if an accidental photo is exposed, it will also die miserably.

Even if you want to use the power of the police, it is best to do it in secret. At this point, the Xu family, a family that just returned, naturally did not have so many doorways. If you want to know the situation, you have to find Leng's family.

Lengs City must be investigated, and he absolutely does not allow anyone to calculate him like this! But even if he wanted to check, he didn't want to give the Xu family any feeling that he wanted to check.

"Check, of course you want to check! But, my sister..."

"Can you stop this." Xu Zipei was also helpless.

Mainly, after something happened at the beginning of last night, they were as calm as she and Lengscheng. Both of them were blinded. For a while, both of them thought it was an oolong caused by drinking too much alcohol, and did not think too much. It wasn't until today that the maid and those photos appeared that people knew that this matter was designed by someone.

But how can Xu Zijin endure such a lighthearted ending of the plot created so easily: "But sister, it's too cheap for them!"

"In fact, I never know why Xu Zijin, you are so excited about this matter." Gu Qingqing, who has been silent next to him, suddenly said: "I know that this matter has nothing to do with Sicheng, but he must be held responsible for something. Could it be that you are behind the design of this matter?"

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