Big Life

Chapter 102

16 – Learn what you do not know (8) 16 – Learn what you do not know (8) – Senior, hello! This is the freshman index!
A lively voice rang the eardrum.
The rebuilding which was enthusiastic about the article was not able to recall who the other person was.
– Surge demand, senior. I also have a friend joe and signing, and I have been in orientation. You do not remember?
"Alas, uh. Yes, I remember. "
Reconstruction replied, turning the face away from the monitor screen. His voice, pouring through the udder, felt strange to him. It's been a long time since I've been writing and writing for some time.
"But how did you know my number?" – Yes? Oh that… … Through your seniors.
It was a lie, even if I could see it in a loud voice.
Anyway, how you figured out your number was not important to reconstruction right now. I just wanted to write a scenario that I used to end the call quickly.
"Yeah, what is going on?" – Actually, our class ended early today so we came to play.
"play… … You came? "
Reconstruction has narrowed my eyes.
The loud laughing sound of the chirping women on the other side of the handset rang. I did not seem to be one or two.
– I came to the neighborhood, but I do not know the exact location. I tried to find a surprise, and I called and called.
Rebuilding opened the door to the window with the cellphone in the ear.
Four female college students were standing on the distant road and jarring.
Among them, a female college student holding a cellphone found Yongke reconstruction and shook one hand.
– They're us, sir!
Oh my God.
The reconstruction did not come out laughing at all.
Even so, where did you get the address? Without care, his younger juniors were just shaking hands with innocence.
“……okay . . . Come on up. "- Yes.
Within a minute or so of juniors coming up, rebuilding pushed the beard with an electric razor. I can not seem to look like a lung without filtration. As soon as I finished the light and washing my face, I opened the front door and four juniors standing in front of the threshold.
"Hello, Ha Hae-jin!"
Four people bowed at the same time and greeted with a loud voice.
The reconstruction laughed grudgingly and welcomed them into the studio.
"Do not stand, come in. The room is narrow. "
The juniors changed their eyes as one.
The simple one-room scenery with only the necessary supplies was not understood to them. I had a feeling that it was a little too cheap to be a studio of a best-selling author who sold 1 million copies.
"Would you like some coffee?"
"Oh, you. We'll take it. But you … … "
“Oh, Say it."
"You were in the writer's den. That's recording in the artist's studio. Have you ever been here? "
One junior asked without being able to endure anxiety.
The library of the artist who finished the recording a long time ago has not been broadcast yet. I would not have been so surprised if I had seen the one-room scenery on the air.
"I did it here. Why
"Oh, no. I was just curious. Cute, cats are cute! "
The junior turned to say to Rica.
However, Rika looked at her and looked away from herself over a cupboard that could not be reached by her junior.
"I do not like me. Is it a girl? "
"Uh, my name is Rika. Cover a little. There's coffee over there. "
Junior students took a cup of coffee on their knees and sat on the floor. The reconstruction was sitting on the opposite side of them.
"Sit comfortably."
"Yes, sir."
The juniors took their toes away and sat down at an angle. One was like a throbbing face with excitement.
Reconstruction for those who are creative students and new students of Myeong-Kyung Yada literary arts was the star of the sky itself.
"I have something to ask."
"Yes, ask me anything."
"How did you know the address?"
Junior swallows both cheeks and looks at each other 's eyes.
Soon after, the index came up as a representative.
"I saw it in the courier box that my assistant sister was in."
"Courier box?"
"Yes, Professor Han Hye-sun is sending out the scenario books … … "
"Ah, yes."
Reconstruction convinced and nodded. I have now clearly realized where my numbers and addresses are coming from.
'Well, I saw it and found it right away … … . '
Reconstruction has cut off his head in the middle.
I am now a college student, but I still thought it was a little boy. It may be that there was no reason to think that it was unconventional behavior.
"Good to see you."
The reconstruction opened her mouth with a smile.
At first, I was pleased to accept that my junior and junior colleagues came to see myself. But I did not forget to add caution.
"But do not come in suddenly in the future. I just can not come to play, and if I have a job, I should contact you in advance. So I'm ready to hit you guys. "
"Yes, sir."
"I'm sorry, sir."
My juniors dropped their heads with a quick voice.
Rebuilding laughed and pinched their balls in turn.
"Did not everyone eat lunch? Look at the brochure and do anything you want to eat. "
"Wow, you're the best."
The unanimous choice was finally Chinese cuisine.
Shortly after I called, the delivery guy pulled out two pieces of chowder, sweet and sour pork, mackerel and champon.
"I will enjoy this food!"
The cute juniors ate as well as they said.
After eating thoroughly, I took care of empty containers, cleaned the statues, washed dishes, and even mopped the floor. I was about to turn the washing machine afterwards, and I rebuilt myself and dried up.
After lunch, I talked about the creation. Most of the conversation was about rebuilding. So, it was almost time for the sun to set.
"You guys should go back now. I enjoyed it today. "
Four Seniors."
The juniors stood up with a nervous expression. The words that still have not been asked to reconstruction are surly.
Rebuilding drove the car and walked the juniors to the subway station.
I looked back at the rearview mirror while breaking the steering wheel back to home, and my juniors were standing still and waving their hands. There was another laugh at the mouth of the reconstruction.
'This is often difficult.'
When I returned home, the anxieties I buryed for a moment were revived.
There are four people today, but next time eight people, then 16 people may come.
The meeting with juniors is certainly a joy, but apart from that, the writing is definitely a hindrance.
'It's all about the kids.'
The reconstruction calls to the assistant to prevent the telephone number and address from being leaked.
With a little relief, he resumed working on the scenario he had stopped.

It has been several days since then.
The wind was cool and the reconstruction was working with the air conditioner turned off and the door open wide. I did not worry that mosquitoes or fly insects would come in because I called people and installed front door screens.
Cat communication
"Okay, Rica. I'll just spend up to this scene. "
Reconstruction was going to write a plot while watching a movie on DVD. The happy laugh that came to the mouth was not the bird to be erased. It was thanks to the confidence that was generated as the amount of learning accumulated. I was confident that I would now be able to write the original scenario properly.
My cell phone rang and I got a call.
The reconstruction received a phone call as soon as I could confirm the name of the mildew on the LCD.
"Uh, Chung Miya." – Hi, rebuilding. Were you writing? Did I interfere?
"no, that's fine. Did you call because of the novel? "- Something like that … … .
The yelp clouded the end. In addition, the sound of the engine of the car was heard from far away from the window.
Was it because I was working in the middle of the day and became sensitive?
Rebuilding felt strange, and approached the window. Foresight was a reality.
'No, what is this?'
The Ivory color scale of the jellyfish which I saw in the orientation of the freshman student was approaching low speed. The voice of the jellyfish was followed by the ears of the rebuilding that the fish was stunned.
– I actually stopped by on the way. I just went to school to see your professor some time ago. I saw the address on the courier box the TA sent to you.
Because I was not feeling well, the reconstruction replied with a pause.
In the car, which was stopped before, Yumi was standing down with his cellphone in his ear. One hand held a large shopping bag.
– Thank you very much for seeing a lot of articles. So I bought a little something, but I think it would be better to look at the face as well, instead of sending it by courier, so … … .
"You did, okay. I'll go down. "
The reconstruction went down to the first floor and took the room with the tin. The gift she bought was a set of red ginseng that cost quite a lot.
"I'll eat well."
"Take care of yourself, rebuild it. I think it's drier than before. "
The reconstruction answered with a dry voice.
The worry of an unexpected visitor was more burdensome than thanking.
Yongmyu did not stand up in his seat.
He stood up until he drank a cup of coffee for about an hour and a half to write his writing, his work, and his daily routine.
"It must have been too long. I'm sorry, I'll go. "
"Be careful."
I spent the rest of the rest and sat down in front of the laptop and sighed. The flow was cut off because of the sweet taste. He returned to the film for the first time and started working from scratch. It took quite a long time to recover once the concentration was broken.
'I will not come again.'
E-mail, chat, or even phone calls are all that's possible. There is no reason to confront.
I am very thankful today for coming to buy gifts and to say hello. Rebuilding so ended up his idea.

But again a few days later. There has been an incident of deflecting the prospect of reconstruction.
It was the gloomy weather with thick rainwater falling thin.
The reconstruction was asleep, with the entrance door open wide. It's been 5 hours since I could not wait to charge the mug.
Whew… Whew… Whew… Whew…
The strange sound was awakening the reconstruction.
The outline of someone came to mind in a pseudo-vision. The naked eye became clear enough to recognize objects gradually. Reconstruction was able to recognize the sweet taste of cutting vegetables with an apron.
"Oh, rebuilding. Woke up?"
I felt like a shame and laughed.
Reconstruction felt even chills and confirmed the surroundings. It was in his own room. I was sitting squatting on a Ricardo window sill.
What are you doing?
"I went to Guro Digital because I was at work. I did not answer the phone, so I went and saw the door open. I tried to put a stew on my stomach. "
Rebuilding lost its meaning in front of the tongue that speaks inconsequently. In front of his reaction, which was not good at a glance, he asked with a grim look.
"Did I make a mistake?"
"No, what … … I'm fine.
Reconstruction scratching the back of the head and raised the body in place.
"Thank you for me. I came to this way freely and cooked my own way. "
It was a tongue that could not know that it was a sarcastic word.
She glanced at the reconstruction and turned to the kitchen. She sliced ​​her vegetables and replied as if they were muttering.
"I'm sorry, I'll just boil the stew."
"I am sorry to be sharp, but it is not."
"I'm really excited to hear it. I was just a long time motive and I did not mean it, but it really is not. "
The jelly boiled stew without words. Throughout that time, reconstruction was looking out the window with a coarse look.
"Rebuilding ah."
"Say it."
"Would you like me to go out with you when you want me to come in?"
“……?” The reconstruction looked back on the face with a puzzling look. I was standing in front of the porch with a bag, and I could see my head.
"I do not know what you're talking about all of a sudden."
"Literally. I like you. "
"No, Jung Mia … … "
The reconstruction sighs and sweeps away the bangs.
"Since college, I have never done that before."
"I did not know right then. You are such an attractive person. "
“…….” "Do not misunderstand. You are not doing this because you are successful and earn money. I have a lot of feelings while learning to write to you. I want to stay close to you. There is no other way. I am also at work … … ! "
"Chung Miya."
The reconstruction stared at the jiggle and stopped talking.
Faced with the coldest of his eyes, Jungmi shook his body.
"You do not know anything about me."
"Rebuild ah … … "
"Let's not look at it like this in the future. I will not have a job today. Please stop. "
He rebuffed his hand as if he did not want to talk again.
The hot tongue was one step closer and raised the voice.
"I really liked you!"
"I hate you."
“……?!” "I'm sorry but I can not see you at all."
The cold answer that came back without moxibustion made the rice frozen. The two eyes of the rice paddy were reddening. She laughed as if she had convinced herself and nodded.
"Yes, I do not compare to anything like me."
"I did not say anything. Sorry, rebuilding. I'll go … … "
At the end of that, Jung – mi left his room in a silent shoe.
The car with the starter ran away.
The rebellious gaze of the reconstruction was piercing through empty air in the studio.
'I have to move.'
Rebuilding was firmly committed on the spot.
For Rika, I had been thinking since I had to move to a large place.
From juniors to trespassing and professing of truffles that do not exist.
If similar things continue in the future, work efficiency will be a mess.
"Rica, let's go to the house."
Cat communication
The reconstruction hugged Rika in her chest and put on her shoes. The thick rainwater was still pouring out.

16 – Learn what you do not know (8) End

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