Big Life

Chapter 200

24 – Dragon Rider Rani (7) 24 – Dragon Rider Rani (7) "The title of the movie I'm going to introduce today is Road to Perdition. It is the work of the story of a member who was betrayed in the background of the United States of the times of the Great Depression in 1931. The famous actor Tom Hanks, who has no one to know, has starred. "
Let's see the movie.
The look of the reconstruction looking at the camera sitting on a high chair was relaxing.
There is no conversation with MC or other panel. There was little burden to record in advance with the prepared script in advance.
"In addition to Tom Hanks, Paul Newman is a legendary actress, a handsome star Jude, and now he's starring actors such as Daniel Craig, who has been very popular in Korea in the 007 series. Suddenly I think of old times. When I was a child, adults would call this neurological work, which is a major crime subject, as a child. "
It is a program that I started because I wanted to give strength to Dojun.
But now he was enjoying the reconstruction himself. I received a lot of emails from viewers and I got a sense of mission.
"This film is characterized by the fact that the betrayed hero recovers what he has lost and draws a process of revenge, while emphasizing the affectionate love. After the murder of his wife and little sons, he starts his journey with the eldest son. As the story progresses, a lot of changes are coming in between rich and poor. This movie is one of the great fun we have. "
The staff of the control room switched the screen of the studio.
Reconstruction continued to read the script in a relaxed and relaxed tone to the signal.
"The scene that I personally came across was the point where the rich understand each other's minds. The main character tells the big boy why he likes his brother and discriminates himself. You seemed to like me so much that I did not like it. It was never a heart to discriminate…………………… How did he feel when he saw himself from the older children? "
The door opened softly and Oh PD of MBS Arts Department came into the studio.
New PD, who was watching the recording outside of Angle, recognized him and shook hands.
"Was it almost done?"
"Right. Why?"
"Mr. Ha, I came to see you for a while."
"Ah, that's it."
New PD is scratching the beard and smirking, he added.
"You will not."
"Once I hit it, I must see it."
Time passed and the recording was finished.
Rebuilding came off the stage, pulling off the shirt button that clamped his throat.
His PD appeared to share his greetings with the staff.
"Good morning, Mr. Ha."
"Oh, it is not Oh PD. Long time no see."
I shake hands with a smile of reconstruction.
Oh PD's face knew him well. It was his program, "I live alone," who appeared with Dojun in the past.
"I wanted to say hello many times, but Ha must have a lot of work. Every time I called, I was busy and I came into the scene with an excuse. Hahaha
Oh PD shook his head nervously and laughed happily as he wiped his matted head backward.
The reconstruction was spoken with a sorry face.
"There has been a lot of work to be done in recent years."
"Haha, yes. · · · · · From now on Where do you have a schedule? If you do not mind, I'll have a cup of coffee for a while. "
Oh PD blinked and looked at the notice.
Reconstruction took the wrist and confirmed the time.
I was supposed to go back to the Bucheon office and have dinner with the writers. He seemed to be somewhat short of time, so he thought.
"I'm really sorry, but I have an appointment."
"Ah, yes …"
Suddenly I was quick to rebuild the face of Oh PD, who is very disappointed.
"So I will not go far, but if you would like to have a cup of coffee in the break room, I'll be grateful."
"Ah, ahaha …! Nee, come on, sir. "

The two sat down facing each other with a cup of coffee on their couch.
The words that Oh PD took out were as expected from reconstruction.
"I want to take you to live alone."
"What do you think a person like me who writes or writes?"
"The viewers who want to see the human life of the teacher are scattered all over the country. It will not require excessive production. We will have fun editing our camera by putting in a natural way to write and act as usual. "
"Think seriously and let me tell you."
There was a faint smile at the mouth of the reconstruction.
It was interesting to know that the awareness was increased enough to appear as the main character in 'I live alone'.
There is nothing I have done so far. However, the world around me was all changed.
Oh PD in front of me did not differ.
Until he appeared as a guest of Dojun, he called the artist a reconstruction. He is now a teacher, and he has a sense of honor.
"We'll get back to you as soon as we can."
"Thank you for your consideration, sir."
A group of readers were waiting for reconstruction after receiving the PD transmission.
'Let's watch the movie' There is no embarrassment in rebuilding ahead of those who come every time there is a recording.
"You've grown a lot. I think it'll work well with your perm. How are you? I'll work really well if you come to that beauty salon. "
"When can you see the 20-year-old summer drama?"
"You're saying that Oscar is dungeoning? How many levels? "
Readers have been asking for signs and photographs, and they've been asking questions like this.
The rebuilding did not answer the one by one calmly responding to their demands.
I had no intention of being hassle-free.
Everyone is thankful.
Because of these, today's self could exist.
'Finally, it's late again.'
I finally managed to get back to my office after 30 minutes.
The reconstruction ran to Burinake parking lot.
The moment you reach out to open a parked car door.
"Could you sign me, too?"
A woman's voice came from behind her back.
“······!” Reconstruction shook the body as it stood in the hand of the car door.
It is not the most beautiful voice in the world that I have never forgotten.
"Lee Soo-hee …?"
The reconstruction turned out to be frightening, so I opened my mouth.
Sue was standing with a smile when she put it on.
The nose and cheeks were slightly red in the cold. In his hands toward the reconstruction, he was holding the final volume of the 'Oscar Dungeon'.
"Would you not sign, Ha?
"What happened to this? You said two more weeks should come? "
Plural What revenge? "
"You told me when you came to Taiwan. Huhh, I wanted to make you amazed, but how did you succeed? "
Rebuilding stood up one step in a strange look. Then he suddenly reached out his arms and held his head full of chest.
The dungeon of Oscar, which was held in the hands of Sui, fell to the floor.
Wait a minute The book fell. "
"Is it a problem now that the book has fallen? You came. "
"Out here. Who would take a picture and go up on the internet again? "
"It does not matter. I'm getting married. "
Rebuilding responded with a strong sense of humor. The cold weather that the white breeze came out did not exert my power in front of the body temperature of Suhee.
"How did you know I was here?"
"Your manager."
"Oh, did you talk to my sister?"
"Yeah, you said you were supposed to have dinner with the office writers today?"
The reconstruction relieved his arm, which had been dragged by Sui. He said grinningly to Sue, who looked at her lips without turning round.
"Let's go out for a nice meal with me."
"What have you promised with the artists? If you care about me, you do not have to. I saw your face today and I can go home and meet tomorrow. "
"Because it's cold, get in the car once."
Rebuilding opened the passenger door and buried Sui first. As he returned to the driver 's seat, he took out his cell phone and called Mr.
"Uh, it's my sister. I'm sorry, brother, I can not have a party today. Yes, thank you for understanding. I'll put some money into your account, so you can have something delicious with the writers. Okay, I'm sorry to have you, but you have to pay a fine. Yes, I will. "
The reconstruction that broke the phone started.
The driver of the passenger seat pulled down the seatbelt and muttered.
"I'm really okay …."
"I'm not okay."
In fact, there was a way to take Su-hee to dinner with the artists. Just didn't do so-MI for their own care.
"Today is going to see your parents get this landscape? So what is a long way to get drunk: eat? Tell me what you want to eat. "
"I want to do it at home …."
“Oh, What
Sui laughed silently with a shy expression. Then he whispered to the ear of reconstruction.
"At home, I know I will come to Korea tomorrow."
"I want to be with you today."
The reconstruction was no longer tolerable.
I picked up the hand that manipulated the navigation and pulled the sword and kissed it violently. The ten fingers of the hero who was full of strength were squeezing the spur of the reconstruction.

*** "SOMI, it's too early today."
"Not even fast, 끅. Jean, we have another toast. "
A large sushi restaurant near Bucheon office.
It was a restaurant where all office writers except reconstruction were gathered.
From Minho and Eunyoung to Yeonwoo, Hyung Kyung, the Galaxy, and Sommy, everyone gathered and played a toast.
"Mr. Sommy, what happened today? I think I drink a little faster than I can see. "
After Eunyoung, the galaxy also talked sorrowfully.
He would also like to drink a bottle of shochu by himself alone, not less than 30 minutes after the party started.
Sommy smiled as if it was not a bit of a surprise.
"I've been drinking for a long time and the alcohol is so sweet. And I like him too. It's the sea's daughter. "
"That 's right, Soma says the East Sea is home. Our Donghae girl get a cup of my cup. "
"Hehe, it's a good idea to hear it from the East Sea girl. Gomapseumnida This bishop. "
The loud and cheerful atmosphere lasted for nearly two hours.
When the fresh sashimi and the maquongtang were to reveal the floor, the empty flask was passing over the heat bottle.
"Should we move to second place now?"
"Okay, where do we go? Why do not you let them sing at all, Junko? "
Cole Junko Kohl! "
Soma welcomed her head with a warm applause.
Other writers nodded and sympathetic.
"Sommy, are not you too drunk? Walk with me. "
"It's okay, this bishop. Oh, thank you for your grab. "Heehee!"
The Galaxy and Eunyou helped Sommy to the left and right.
Fortunately, the destination was not far away. They settled in a spacious room with a karaoke machine, ordered proper snacks and drinks, and then started enjoying the second car.
'What are you doing right now …?'
The blurred sommelier of two eyes did not hear the voice of the writers. My mind was only thinking about the reconstruction that I could not attend today.
I know why I can not attend.
I know that she returned home today, that she and her reconstruction are together, and that they are getting married now.
I accepted it enough and now I have to let it out of my mind. It was not as easy as I thought.
"Wow, scam four scams. How come my song is only 70 points? Is not there a problem with the machine? "
Hyun Kyung, who finished the song, said to me in front of the low score. The mike, who was handed over to him, stepped forward.
"I can not go even if it is because of my brother, Hyung Kyung, who is blaming this machine for his stupid machine. 0.8 Let's sing this song to you, Lee Yeon-woo. "
"Jackpot, 0.8 in his mouth."
"This boss is so laughing. Let's hear it once. "
I entered the number and pressed the start button.
The sweet melodic thoughts flowed out.
I started singing with a chimpanzee chitchat.
"You do not have to do it ~ I can understand you well ~ Your figure standing next to someone else ~ A little awkward ~ ~" "Oh, you really good at this artist's song? Not yet 0.8, not 1? "
The galaxy looked at me as if I was surprised.
The excited chorus sang more sincere songs.
His voice was pounding into the ear of Sommy, who was locked in a thought.
'This song is also ….'
It was a song that SOMI was also able to find after he suffered from the pain of the break through the reconstruction.
Cause I am drunk.
Much more empathy came to the heart of the speaker in the lyrics than usual. In the sentiment, Sommy poured tears into her eyes without even knowing.
"· · · · · Sommy? '
The first thing I saw was tearful sister 's tears.
After she wiped her face and wiped her face, she realized she had cried.
"Alas, I'm sorry. Why am I doing this …? "
"Mr. Sommy is really strange today. What happened? Yes. it is.
SOMI grunted tears steadily, and asked for a smile with the abovementioned face.
He stopped singing and was looking at her anxiously.
no I guess the song was so sad that it just became sentimental. I'll get some air for a while. "
Sommy opened the door and walked out of the room.
After a moment hesitating, he put the microphone down on the table.
"I'll follow you."
"Yes, it is. please. I do not feel well today. "

SOMI was already moving far across the hall. She was closely following her backward step by step.
"Where are you going?"
"Oh, this artist. I want to go to the convenience store on the first floor and have a cup of coffee … "
"You've had a lot, but you should go with me."
"Hehe, thank you."
The elevator took two people to the ground floor at once.
The cattle entering the convenience store brought out two hot cans of coffee.
Sommy stood up in the cold winter wind as if trying to cool off the heat of his body, which had been driven to the boil.
"Take it, I bought it because it was cold."
"I'll have a good drink."
"I think you have a hard time."
"No … nothing really happened."
He smiled and laughed and nodded.
SOMMY, who prefers jeans, was glimpsing the reason why she wore a skirt on a cold day like today.
The two looked at the night without words and drank coffee.
It was time to put a damascene can in the recycling bin.
Sommy 's heel end staggered on the stairs. Her body, leaning on the center, leaned over quickly.
Are you okay?”
Naturally, one of his arms caught Sommy 's waist and asked. The faces of both of them were close enough to feel each other's breathing.
"Oh, I'm sorry. Good
"I'm fine."
"I like you, Mr. Chung. So I'm not feeling well when I look depressed. "
“······!” Sommy's two puppies began to expand slowly.
In the sight of her running away from the sake of the skill, Hanwoo was unwinding her hand with a bitter smile.
The cold winter wind blew between the two people.

24 – Dragon Rider Rani (7) End

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