Big Life

Chapter 259

32 – Do not touch (1) 32 – Do not touch (1) "Oh, you arrived so fast than we thought. I was about to explain the matter now. Hahaha
The cultural assistant scratched his back and laughed. The two eyes rolling around turned to embarrassment.
The eyes of reconstruction went over to the assistant next to the deputy.
The Assistant Secretary did not even look at the reconstruction. The cramps did not stop at the two eyes as far as possible. It was my own sense of guilt over the unfortunate circumstances of reconstruction.
'What the hell is going on?'
The reconstruction looked at Minhong again before standing at the threshold.
Rinmin Hong was a bit of a fuss.
I could not even think of rebuilding here.
Right then.
The person with the answer rose to the back of the reconstruction back to the dungeon.
"I'm sorry I'm late, suddenly I'm pushed back."
“······?” Rebuilding opened my eyes before I could look back.
There is something that instinctively reluctant to body.
I only met by chance at my sister 's wedding, but the feeling was vivid.
"What are you standing up like this without going in?"
Four-line lawmakers were talking with a voiced voice.
Reconstruction quickly identified the situation at hand.
It will have become a word on the chessboard produced by gainfulness.
Lynn Minhong, who is ridiculous, is a faint-hearted figure who can not even look up.
'Indeed, the world is wide.'
Reconstruction almost burst into laughter in front of everyone.
It was a situation that I could not even imagine until I opened the door. Unbeknownst to me, I was involved in the plan of sex gain. The tip of the toe of the toe rises from the floor. The ship that was light in market began to heat up slowly.
"Come on, come on in."
The cabin, which senses the cool atmosphere, came out with a sweaty face.
"As you all know, Mr. Kwon is a member of the Defense Ministry and is a hard worker for the development of the Korean content industry. I can not listen to your teacher 's advice. So, I can not give you a call because I have a schedule till yesterday. "The vice minister, I turned it over.
"Did not you tell Ha beforehand?"
Four No, that 's not what he was saying.
His mouth, which had been added to the sinful mind for reconstruction, became even more pervasive. It was a feeling of wanting to rumble even if it sounded if it was bad.
The fortune went into the room after the reconstruction and was a speech.
"Ha and writer Lin Minghong can skip greetings, right? I have a kite with Lynn Minhong. It's not China's best content company. So I called. I do not know if you are good at Maoyen. "
It was as if I had been familiar with it from the past.
Rinmin Hong loses his words to his appearance that seems to show off his networking friendship. It is only the second time today that Lynn Minhong met with gainfulness. In addition, he knew that he and Mao Yan never even had a one-sided.
Anyway, Rinmin Hong was a discreet man.
Today, it was not the tincent strategy manager who did not have the capacity. He first spoke words and counseled the reconstruction politely.
"Mr. Ha, sit here."
Rebuilding and Rinmin Hong's eyes met at a distance.
After thinking for a moment, rebuilding glanced a little. It is the intention of sexual gain. There is obviously a guess, but there is Lin Minhong and Assistant Secretary. He crossed the threshold to find out the exact facts.
On the left side of the large table, reconstruction and Lin Minhong, and on the right side, the rest of the staff got seated.
The person who opened the conversation was a success.
"I'm sorry I could not attend when the Lieutenant General Liu Bao, the General Manager of Shenzhen Municipality, visited Korea. It was a meaningful place for cultural exchanges and development between Korea and China. I was not supposed to have a snowy nose at that time. "
No one will hit me.
The awkward silence swung at me with all my heart and sighs. Without a doubt, he continued to say my words.
"I love my writer. I am really proud of it. Where in the Republic of Korea was such a writer? Is not that right, Deputy? "
"Yes Yes. I think so too. Like Ha-jae-gun, where is the person who is grateful to the people of the world? "
The Deputy replied desperately to meet the criticism of reconstruction. However, the rebuilding on the opposite side was nothing but expression.
He added that he was groping with his hand to the table.
"You have to nurture these talented people like you, huh, huh? Really, I'm not crazy. There is no country, there is a president, and there is a senator like me? "
Suddenly, both eyes of the victorious gaze looked at reconstruction.
"Ha, the writer, from now on I only believe. I will try both ways to raise your name further and let more readers know you. Of course I should. Is this all for the country? Is not it? "
“······!” The reconstruction felt even nauseous and rang the club.
The inside was boiling like a blast furnace. The esophagus rises and fevers heat up as the wood burns. If at least the reader was a reader of one of his novels, I would not have been angry enough to realize his snobbishness and low-minded intentions.
"I would like to have a glass of water, and I'll have a neck."
The deputy took the cup and said carefully.
The reconstruction took the cup but did not share the toast and poured it into my mouth. It was an empty stomach, and a cup of sake came up intensely in a cup.
"It looks like you're doing well, hah?"
The castle also drank a drink and asked rebuilding.
It was not a question that asked for an answer. It was a so-called skirmish of so-called fighting. I needed to let the reconstruction know that I am a much older man in this society today.
"Yes, dear. Our Minister of Culture. Have you ever conceived a good idea for a writer? "
As the gain comes to the vice minister.
Rebuilding suddenly reached out and grabbed the flask. He grabbed his hand gesture carefully to fill up his drink with alcohol.
'This is the first time I have seen this …'
Rinmin Hong was blocked from breath. I sensed the anger that was pouring out in a smooth expression of reconstruction. An ominous hunch has come into play. Today, I can not guarantee what will happen.
Right then.
My eyes were twisted and my fingers flashed as if the gain had come back late.
"Yes, Deputy Minister. How about using it as cultural contents? "
"Cultural content?"
"See other municipalities. There are a lot of cases where a famous writer is used as a local contents by building a memorial or a literary museum. Of course, it will be difficult to say in Seoul, but this time, I'm not a wild-hearted writer. Is not it? "
Indeed Hahaha, it's possible if you have a reputation. So I thought that I wanted to do business in the East Sea with Mr. Dong Hae and Mr. Dong Hae. "
The deputy was very happy. The assistant at the side only wanted to cry because I knew what the reconstruction was like.
He did not stop mumble with his head alone, as if he had admired his wit.
"There might be a way to utilize it as a creative residency. I wish that I would like to learn from the writer, I'll be laid in a strange place. Anyway, I should meet with the mayor of Seoul sometime and look for a good way. Oh, ha. Do not worry if it's a budget. "
The reconstruction drank another drink instead of the answer. This was already the third on the empty stomach. Rinmin Hong was not even close to drying.
"I'll go to the bathroom."
For the first time, the reconstruction that opened up in this position stood up.
It was not a story to focus on. The parties are quiet, but we are not inclined to play with each other.

Rebuilding in the bathroom sighed greatly.
The face in the mirror was red as if it were a fire. I could not blame only three drinks on an empty stomach. I had to wash my face with cold water and it seemed that the color of my body was coming back.
'I'm not strange, are you?'
I looked into myself in the mirror and asked for reconstruction.
The faces of the people they wanted to see were coming up one by one, one on top of the mirror.
After his family, his friends, Jung Jin and Dojun, and Taewon, Myeongseok, Sommy and so on… The last thing that came to mind was the beautiful face of Sang – hee, who was about to marry.
Gain Profit.
Behind the back door opened the victim came into the bathroom.
The eyes of victory reached the wet face of the reconstruction shining into the mirror.
"Do you like me so much, Ha? He said he drank quickly. "
Grace pulled the pants zipper in front of the urinal.
The reconstruction pulled out a paper towel and wiped my face silently. I wish I had kept my mouth shut at this time. However, the solidity of the gain did not let the reconstruction go.
"Ha writer, you. It would be better if there was a little more fuss. "
When I wiped my face, the reconstruction hand stopped.
After the completion of the toilet, the victory shook the lower body and turned around as if teaching.
"Nowadays, the age is the age when I have to appeal myself for my career. Of course you have already been successful. Cancer, yes. But if you deeply insist that the relationship with a person is important, it is much more than now … "At that moment.
The reconstruction picked up the hand that had washed the face and cut off the words of sex.
When a fist holding a paper towel was trembling as if to roll, I concluded how to deal with it.
"Can you please shut up his mouth?"
“······?!” Gaines doubted his two ears.
Both eyes were enough to see who else was in the bathroom. However, it was only the person who aimed at reconstruction inside the small restroom to look at everywhere.
"Now, you are right now!"
Suddenly the breath was tough to get tired of the horse was panting.
"Ji, now … Do not tell me, did I say … ?!"
As a member of the Fourth Parliament, even when there is a mess in the National Assembly, I have never heard such words. Now, do you get to hear a word of mouth about a thirty-year-old bitter bird?
"Then I'll go first."
"Come on, stand there!"
The victory shouted with a spit.
Both eyes were turned upside down and both nostrils were fully opened. Like a weed, the fluffy nose was like a living creature.
"Ha writer! You have no up and down! I got a lot of fame, wherever I want to be cheeky · · · · "" Do not say a word! "
Rebuilding turned into an angry face.
Surprised by the momentum, he stepped back as if to stop.
"I wanted to ask you before, are you a father? I am also the person who should take home now before marriage. If you meet in society, do not say it. "
"This is …! Lee, Ii …! "
There was a lot of bloody stamina in the neck of the victory.
I could not hear my voice. The fingers of rebuilding were busy shaking like a scholar. It was shock enough to be dark.
"As long as it comes to my mind, I will definitely tell you. No matter what you plan to do, I will not be involved. "
"No, what …!"
"Do you want to increase your approval rating by using me? Or is your budget coveting? Or is it both? "
"Uh, where are you going to fuck me?"
The victory shouted.
There was no word to say, it was a natural phenomenon that the voice was raised. Even the words of reconstruction can be said to have stabbed the sword.
The reconstruction of the image has been added.
"Either way, it does not matter to me. I am a writer who writes hard to write only what I want to write. If there is something I really need to do for my national interests, then I will move in accordance with my beliefs. "
We should move with responsibility as much as we are not alone any more.
For those who truly care for me, I will dwell thoroughly.
So I did not regret reconstruction.
"Uh, uh …!
Strength was loosened from the two bridges of sexlessness that did not spill.
The reconstruction was slowly turning. Just in time, the door opened and Rinmin Hong appeared.
Rinmin Hong was in a hurry and looked at the reconstruction and achievement alternately. He was able to feel the fact that something had happened already when he saw his victory like a man who had been caught.
"Mr. Ha, what are you doing?"
Rinmin Hong asked reconstruction, not gain. Even the action of Rinmin Hong was pouring more gasoline to the victory which was burned.
"It's not a bad thing."
The reconstruction spoke to Ling Minhong with a slight smile on his head.
"I asked the senator if it was hot, so I said yes. The senator is also much better. "
The reconstruction after the horse had left the toilet first.
Rinmin Hong gave a glimpse to Seong-gook for a moment, but he disappeared after reconstruction.
Her eyes closed her eyes and leaned against the wall of the bathroom. I wanted to believe it was a dream.
After a while. "uh? Kwon, why are you doing this? "
The vice – minister, who was in the bathroom, opened his eyes. But he did not even have the energy to answer.
"Ha Hae-joon, you're up. I'll go after him for a while with my deputy. You're waiting on your seat, Senator. "
After the end of the talk, I rushed out of my lap.
The rest of the solitude fell down like a sand castle in front of the waves, with the back to the wall. I thought it was a simple formula, but I could not figure out where the calculations were going wrong.

32 – Do not touch (1) End

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