Big Life

Chapter 269

34 – Where can I go (2) 34 – Where can I go? (2) Teri Ring.
'· · · · · Editors'?
The smartphone entered through the laptop video call program. I used to come and go as often as I needed to do business conversations.
The reconstruction took the Bluetooth headset out of the bag and walked to the ear.
"Your editor, I put that headset on. You can speak with your voice. "- Oh, yes. I want to show you the back of the triple cover of Evil and the new band once. Which of the three do you like?
"Hmm, is everything good for me? Please decide what you think is best for your editor. "- Ha ha ha, I see. So I decided to do the design, and in fact, the teacher has a bit of a surprise.
"It's a surprise that I feel nervous before I hear it."
"Original film ………? It's not a strange name. "- You know movies. Since the mid-nineties, I have produced quite a few movies that have been pretty big, but I've been a little weak in recent years. Still, there are a lot of talented people and a good production company.
"No, I'm still searching."
The reconstruction that I searched on the Internet retrieved the original film and replied.
It was a production company that made quite a masterpiece by looking at the search results. Most of the films are reconstructed and many of my favorite works have been shown.
"There are a lot of famous works. Now I see. But why is it so suddenly? "- asked for information about wanting to know about the author of evil. I wonder what Aidan Smith is like.
Reconstruction raised two eyes instead of the answer.
I was riding on the radio and the words of the bright stone continued.
– Because of copyright. The bad news is that the reaction is good in Korea, so some investors talked about it.
"Do you mean to invest money if you make a movie of malice?" – Yes. The background is the United States, but the main character is an adopted Korean, and he told me that he thought that he had enough elements to eat in the Korean market. And I think that it was also positively affected by the fact that Mr.
"Sure you are."
The reconstruction was laughed and received.
It is right to be glad once. It is a work that first published abroad in concealing the identity of a Korean. First of all, I was very proud of the fact that Korea is the place where I have been invited to the filming proposal.
– And one more important thing to do.
"Tell me." – At the end of the conversation, there's a story about director Uh Jae Hoon.
“······?” In the face of reconstruction, laughter became blurred. At this point, I felt that the name of Jae Hoon was mentioned too much, but it did not feel like that.
"Suddenly, why did you tell us about Uh, Jae Hoon?" – Uh Jae Hoon says he admires the malice. It is between the representative and the junior. SNS or what I said on the broadcast was not a bad sound.
The reconstruction sighed silently.
Whether it was true or not, I could not come to the heart of the joy of jaejoong. However, he was careful because he had a hunch.
"Your editor, I just thought suddenly, but it seems that Director Uh, Jae-Hoon came out." – Your teacher has already noticed. Yes, that is right.
I heard the smile of the bright stone pierce my ear.
Rebuilding was also ridiculous and I had no choice but to answer with laughter.
– Although I did not express it directly, he told me a lot of good words about director Woo Jae Hoon. Studs it is as passionate in making a movie Director to rare unto · · · · · · Didn't seem to be in a commercial movie Wu directed, cannot ignore the preferred annual output unto · · · · · · He knew more than anyone else in seniority is a very expensive reason to rant on what's running.
"It's fun. So what did the editor say? "- Our team also said there was no information about the artist. So once I contacted the American publisher and told them that I would try to discuss with the writer.
Gomapseumnida I do not think there's any room for Aiden Smith to accept it, according to your editor. "
Again, laughter laughed as reconstruction and brilliance made promises.
Right after that.
Rebuilding has never been able to feel the conversation, and suddenly realizing the existence behind it, I turned my head. An elderly man in an improved Hanbok stood standing on his back.
Of course, the two puppets of reconstruction that recognized him were enlarged to the full.
"Hey, editor. I'm sorry, but suddenly I have a problem. I'll call you back. "- Yes, sir. I'll see you again later.
The bright spot was exited from the video call program.
Rebuilding did not remove the headset from the ear and woke up and welcomed the elderly person.
"Good morning, old man."
"I do not wake up. It's a busy look. "
"It is not. Did you go for a walk? "
"It's a walk. Can I excuse you for a moment? "
The old man pointed to the opposite seat and asked.
The reconstruction promptly nods and beckons with respect.
"I'll get you a cup of tea."
"I'm done with the car, so let's talk about the novel."
"A novel? Ah…
"What happened? Did you finish it as it is? "
Reconstruction stopped and I sat down.
After turning off the "The Breath" manuscript and bringing up the "evil" manuscript, he turned the notebook screen back to the elderly.
"There is a changed part. Do you want to read only the ending part once, because it is not long? "
"Shh …"
The old man pushed his face to the laptop screen with his shoulders rolled up.
The scene was just before the protagonist of "evil" was thrown into the river.
"I read it. Next page
"Yes, old man."
Reconstruction pressed the page down key to move the document to the next page.
The old man 's eyes moved back and forth along the manuscript. I did not know that I would be able to get the same size.
The rebuilding on the other side was somewhat tense and I collected both hands.
'Evil' has already been published and is popular. Nevertheless, I was very excited to hear what kind of evaluation this elderly person would hear.
Right then.
The cafe president appeared over the partition and crossed the line partition.
"Sir, I am sorry, but I am very busy."
"No, the boss. What's going on? "
"I have an ambitious pancake cake as a new product this time. I would like to hear your appreciation once more that it will fit your teacher's mouth. "
"Alas, yes. Cakes. "
I looked around the old man as the reconstruction answered as if he was talking. I still had no idea to read the manuscript.
"Grandma, would you like a sweet cake?"
"I hate being sweet. I want you to eat a lot. "
The elderly responded with a little gentle tone without losing sight of the manuscript. The embarrassed reconstruction looked at the boss and bitterly sought pleasure.
The president was laughing as he understood.
"So, boss, I'll ask for a plate."
Clear right. Please be patient for ten minutes, sir. "
The boss went back through the partition to the counter.
After a while. I read the manuscript and the old man lifted his head. He held his eyes down for a while and looked up at the novel as if he were enjoying the novel.
"It was good."
It was the first word that came out of the old man's mouth.
The face of the reconstruction was instantly gratifying with joy.
"Are you really all right? In fact, when I met you, I heard and corrected what you were saying. I think this is much better than dying. "
"I've been listening to the obscenity of an old man who does not have much to worry about."
"What do you say that? The people around me also gathered their mouths together and told me that the changed ending was much more enjoyable. Hopeful and longevity remains longer. "
The reconstruction was so deeply bowed that the nose reached the table.
"Thank you very much, old man. My novel made me much better because of the word of the lord. "
"No work, let's go."
The reconstruction lifted his head again.
Looking up at the empty air, the old man spoke in an indecent tone.
"There was a really talented person like you. It was my pupil, but I could not bring it right. "
“······.” The reconstruction tilted the upper body forward and raised both ears. The elderly person has never mentioned anything about his or her personal identity. What are you trying to tell?
"I met you and talked about this and that, and I thought it was great. So it 's old to be thankful. I'm going. "
That said, the old man raised himself from his seat.
The reconstruction arose following the mood of falling out.
"Are you going already?"
"I'll see you again. Do not look away, you are sick. "
The old man put a nail in his eyes, and turned.
The reconstruction was over the partition and the old man disappeared. Anyway, I did not have income. As I guessed, the old man was a literary man.
"You've been waiting a long time, sir."
Reconstruction awoke from the thought of the elderly and lifted up his head.
The boss laughed and laid a plate of cakes on the table.
"This is the first time, but it looks a bit funny, but I'm tasty."
"It looks beautiful, though. I'll try it once. "
Reconstruction put a cake on one side with a fork. The smile was sweet with sweet and sweet taste.
"It's very delicious."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes, I am not a person who specializes in cooking reviews. It is not just sweet, but the texture is smooth and delicious. I'll sell it well. "
Holding the tray in his chest, the president smiled. He turned around and said to the reconstructor that he thought he was late.
"Hey, sir, I think this is a mess. I'm sorry, but I have a whole bunny cake, would you like to have one?"
Four Oh, it's okay if it's because of it. "
The reconstruction was answered by subtracting the Bluetooth headset that was worn on the ear. The boss scratched his back and nodded.
"I think I do not like things that I saw."
Sure. I do not know when I'll see you again. "
"Oh, you did. Clear right. Then enjoy it. "
The boss was back and the surroundings were quiet again.
Rebuilding slowly chews on a plate of cakes that the old man left behind. Then again, I fell into the "The Breath" project.
He was praised by the elderly and his fingers were rising from his fingers.

*** 'Evil' has been selected as the nominee for the second prize of the Gokur.
A new line was added naturally to the back of the "evil" which entered the fourth printing. It was not necessary to say that there was another one.
The final nomination will be announced on October 25. The awards ceremony will take place on November 2, next month, at a restaurant called Druan in Paris, France.
This restaurant, which allows ordinary citizens to go out for a meal, is a traditional place to present the Gokur prize.
"The prize money is only 15,000 Korean won."
Sue muttered as she watched the TV showing the classic movie. The reconstruction that lay down on her knees and laid bare was laughed and laughed.
Yeah, right. At least one winner must give me a plate of famous omelets in Paris. No, I could have a plate of omelets for 15,000 won. Anyway, it is a symbolic meaning. "
"Yes, it is just a symbol. I learned from my college days, but since my husband is a candidate, I feel like I'm starting to feel fresh. "
Sui bends over and kicks the cheek of the reconstruction to make a sound.
The reconstruction also turned around and raised Sui's shirt hem and pushed his lips on the skin of the skin. Suhee was unable to tolerate the tickling, pushing the reconstruction and giggling.
The cell phone was ringing and the message was blown from the bright spot.
It was the address link of the Internet portal cafe. Rebuilding has clicked on the link with a headache.

[City of those who have been wicked] "No, what is this …?"
The rebuilding instantaneously cooled the spine. On the black background, like blood, the sword-and-red phrase was an ominous impression even at a glance.
"What is it?"
"Oh, myung-seok, I came in to send you a cafe link. What kind of cafe is this?
The reconstruction mumbled and scrolled down. He saw a long list of cafe bulletin boards and he immediately went to his mouth. What surprised him was the same.
"Oh, rebuilding. Is not this a group of evil readers? "
"Uh, yeah …."
"There are already 20,000 members? Oh my god, give me your cell phone. Sign up and take a look at myself. No, it is not. I need to sign up for my phone ID instead of your ID. "
Soo – hee busted out the reconstruction and got up.
When she left for her cell phone, the reconstruction called Myeongseok.
– Yes, Mr. Ha. Have you already looked around?
"No, I have not looked around properly yet. I have all these cafes. I did not know it at all. "- I'm sorry I knew it today. It was also thanks to one of the readers who called the company. If you look around the café, you will know that everyone is at least a fun Korean.
It was more energetic than usual in the voice of the bright spot.
– The number of members increased rapidly after news that they passed the second prize of the Gokur Awards. The reaction of the readers is awesome. Aiden Smith is a completely unfamiliar writer who has never known even his previous work.
"Yeah, hahaha …" – so I wanted to give you one cautious proposition while knowing your character.
"Suggestion?" – Yes, I wonder if you could say a word for the evil cafe readers. Not as a reconstruction writer, but as Aiden Smith. It depends on the content, but it will be quite an issue and more people will read malice.
Myeongseok added without waiting for the answer of reconstruction.
– Of course, you do not have to be overburdened by Mr. Ha. First of all, take a good look at the cafe tonight. There are many interesting articles.
Clear right. I'll try it once and call you back tomorrow. "- Oh, sir. I'm afraid tomorrow I might not be able to get a call because of the policy debate, so I'll get back to you in the evening.
"Right, the policy debate was tomorrow. Do you know that Yoon Tae Sung and Lee Eun Ha will also attend? "- Yes, I contacted you. It is appearance of director couple. The relationship between the two is likely to bear fruit sooner or later. Hahaha
I had to go back and watch the reconstruction, with Shuhei, in the 'city of the bad guys' cafe.
Rebuilding decided, feeling the affection of readers with genuine feelings.
Even in the name of Aiden Smith, I would have to answer to them.
So I started to knock out the keyboard.
Tadashi! Tadak!
"What are you writing, rebuilding?"
"I am translating Aiden Smith's letter to his readers."
I did not know the reconstruction until the moment I completed a little more than ten lines and took a period.
The fact that the letter will be bigger and bigger in one letter written with a heart of gratitude.

34 – Where can I go (2) End

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