Big Life

Chapter 273

34 – Where can I go (6) 34 – Where can I go (6) 'What is it ?!'
Jae-hoon almost screamed.
It was like a giant stone on top of the head.
The whole face fell like a mackerel in the mouth after the blood fell off successively.
'Had rebuilt · · · · was Aiden Smith · · · · · · · ?!'
The whole audience was suddenly cluttered.
Especially, the reaction of the reporters who were waiting in the left and right side of the audience and the rear was strong. It was the moment to push the camera up to the stage even if it was right now. Many security personnel narrowed the gap.
Reconstruction of the pagoda was added to confirm to all.
"Aiden Smith is my name."
Jae-hoon was almost on the verge of breaking his mind. It was like a man who had a calf in his back. The two eyes, which were wriggling, did not know that they would be left on the single-phase.
It was not just Jae Hoon.
Anywhere in the hall, the waves of astonishment were overflowing. It has been long since I have lost the calmness of the four-seated senator sitting right beside me.
"Baby, do not you think that the rebuilder is joking now?"
"I do not think so. Where are you going to make such a joke at this place unless you turn around? Oh, this is a real big round ……… "
The voice of the confused people rose.
It was not until the fan meeting was over.
I sent out an announcement to calm down through the speakers, but it was useless. Even the seeds did not work.
click! click!
The prohibition of taking pictures until the end of the fan meeting became meaningless.
Excited people pounded their cell phones around and photographed the reconstruction.
Instead of taking pictures, some of them went to the "City of the Illuminated" café and wrote down this situation.

– Jerry M.: I came to the fan meeting before. But I'm the Aidan Smith.
┗ Blunt: Yes. ?????????????? !!!!!!!!!!
┗ 꺜 TOGGLE: If you are going to be fishing JERRY M? ┗ Jerry M.: It really is not fishing. Now the fan meeting place is not the fussy two. Here is the perfect turbulent confusion.
┗ S. Yalta:;;;; No. 3 to look at the parameters that the Cafe activity submitted by this sort of thing as a prank or joke you not;;;; ┗ Kina Kina: blah blah blah blah blah you guys is this real IM blah blah blah blah blah blah blah I'm really now fan meeting and reconstruction = Aiden Smith yok blah blah blah blah blah blah blah people blah blah blah amazing party slammed the South fell blah blah ┗ No. 3: gosh, you have a key or a key. Where are you sitting ……… I am very loud because of the reporters on the back.

The actual fan meeting site followed by the online cafe became a mess.
There are two or three new articles per second in real time. The fact that the reconstruction was Aiden Smith came out of the cafe into all kinds of SNS of the wide internet world.

“Everybody! Aidan Smith, who won the Gokkur Prize, realized that he was rebuilding ?!
– I've got news. The reporter wrote the article wrong ;;;;; This is a big event that I could not even imagine .;;;;;; – Where did the news come from? No rumors without facts. Is this a rumor?
– What's up with you? I have a link to MBS breaking link.
– ㅋㅋㅋ ㅋㅋㅋ ㅋㅋㅋ It's amazing, but it's funny. Where did all of the chunks of evil that I have spoken to you even if you beat me to the reconstruction? Come out and say something!
– You guys, but did not uoo jae hoon attend? I watched the morning news. Woo Jae Hoon did not know?

The wavelength caused by a horse was enormous.
It was only less than five minutes after the facts were revealed.
But already on the Internet 'breaking news! It was revealed that the writer of the award of the Gokur prize, Aiden Smith Hahn, was on the podium.
'It's a big day …'
It was embarrassing to rebuild the line on the single phase. I did not think that such a violent reaction would come out.
The inside of the crowded hall did not show any signs of calming down. The announcement was repeated and the security personnel moved to keep the order, but it was no use.
The reconstruction caught the microphone again.
"Everyone, wait …"
The voices of the reconstruction that flowed through the microphone were buried among the crowds of people.
Rebuilding made a vibe, then raised the sound and said it again.
“Everybody! I would appreciate hearing my story for a moment! "
“······!” “······!” Like a lie, her son-in-law became quiet as if he had put cold water on it.
People who did not care about the wishes of many security officers asked their mouths like they had promised. The busy gaze to get around was also gradually gathered to reconstruction.
"I wanted to challenge my own limitations."
It was a reconstruction that opened the speech in a cool tone.
Both eyes were sweeping through the air in the memory of the past days of "evil".
"I did not want to rely on the treasures I have accumulated so far in the name of" I hoped there would not be any readers who would be exposed to my work, either positive or negative. As an Asian writer, I wanted to read a lot of people around the world without prejudice. So I used pseudonyms. "
Even the slip of the end which was maintained was stopped.
The words of the rebuilding, which contained the sincerity, caused a calm ripple in the hearts of readers gathered in the audience. Reconstruction in the middle of nowhere has stepped forward and narrowed the gap with the readers.
"It was originally planned to be revealed soon after the results of the Gokkur Award. Before that, I was also a person, and there was not a part that was psychologically burdensome. But right before the awards ceremony, my wife was sick, and I could not go to France. These various contexts are entangled and this place of today is created. Sorry for the incredible readers. And I really appreciate it. "
The rebuilt horse finished his back at 90 degrees toward the audience.
For all the readers who have supported me to live by writing to this day.
match match match
Somebody jumped up and applauded.
Another person in front of him succeeded him, and he took over Bhatong in succession from the audience.
That's right!
That's right!
Not long after the ears were full of applause like a thunderbolt covered the whole hall. Reconstruction did not stretch for a long time, as rewarding their encouragement.
'Turn off …!
The only one who is shaking to make tea in the middle of it.
Jae-hoon, sitting in the front row of the audience, was drowning in deep distress.
Should we keep ourselves as non-casual as ever.
Or should we leave now and leave. Which would be less embarrassing.
In fact, the answer has already been decided.
On the left, there is a god of happiness, on the right is a circle of film.
It was not a place to stand alone. It was regrettable that I had come to the front position in an energetic manner following the gain.

After a while. The reconstruction on the single phase spreads its waist.
Suddenly he smiled as if surprised and looked down at the front of the audience and opened his mouth.
"Thank you, too, Gwon Seong-keun for gleaming seat."
As the face of the hard-earned solidified, only half of the mouth was opened.
He was not prepared to be the target of reconstruction at all. I could not even think of a dream that Aven Smith's fan meeting in the first place would be in this form of reconstruction.
The reconstruction was still laughing gently.
Gradually squeezed out a smile and at the same time rang the club.
I was able to see the attention of the people around me who was concentrating on myself. Moon Defense As a member of parliament, it was time to say something.
"Me, I am …!
The voices of the victorious voice were strangely deflected.
It sounded like the wind was blowing from a helium balloon. I was surprised at myself by the end of several times I was barely able to speak.
"I am · · · · · · Ha reconstructor · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · From the beginning, this will be like this … I was believing …!
"Thank you very much."
After a quick turnaround, he was able to keep his smile with a smile.
However, no matter how hard I tried, neither of the two clowns who were trembling were stopped. It was not usually a tough moment for him as he went through a rough journey as a four-seater lawmaker.
"Thanks also to Director Uh Jae Hoon next to him."
The reconstruction shifted his gaze.
In the end, Jehoon shook his body like a man who was a cockroach in his clothes.
"I know that you have praised malice through various media. I think it is because of the cheering of Woo-geun that maliciousness could be read by more readers. "
Jae-hoon could not stand still and laid down his eyes on his shoes.
I had no idea that the words of reconstruction toward myself were mockery.
It was not "evil" that the book which was compared with many while criticizing the reconstruction numerous times.
'I am · · · · I am playing again with the reconstruction · · · ·!
It has hurt as though Mingchi had inserted a baseball.
Like a cold weather, I stumbled across this temple.
Could be.
It was no use even if the molar was tight.
Jae-hoon could not lift his head. I had no idea about the hair that had been empty.
Throughout the reconstruction and questioning period between the readers he had to sit idly.
"Aide, it only happens."
"Oh, yes … Senator."
After the question and answer session, the gain came to a standstill.
As he was giving strength by the tension, the two legs heavily clutched, but he pushed the pain and took a step.
"Brother, let's go out."
Jae – hoon stood up with his elbow on his back.
It was a great opportunity to get out of this place now that the signing was broken. The unstressed leg did not listen, so he had to hit his thighs several times with his fist.

*** "It's Kwon Seong-il!"
Several tens of reporters were waiting in front of the outdoor parking lot of the head office of the company. They came up to the aide with the help of the aide, and came up with a microphone.
"Did the Senator know from now that he was Aiden Smith?"
"Hae-jae is the first Korean to win the Gokkur Prize. As a member of the Moon Defense Department, just say a word! "
The professor laughed as if it was difficult, and he passed over the reporters.
By the time the car was about to expire, a young reporter popped out and blocked his front. Then, unlike other reporters, I have been speaking plainly.
"Senator! In the policy debate, you have praised malice and pointed to the light literary character of a reconstructive writer. How do you feel now that you realized that the reconstruction was a malicious writer? "
“······!” Two feet of gain were attached to the spot.
His face with a broken smile was crushed like a scrapped car to be pressed into a press.
"What are you talking about?"
A young journalist who died in Ilghale stepped back.
The assistant opened the door to the car, and the driver suddenly got on the car. The car that was carrying the victory by the start was terribly out of the parking lot.
"I have a head and head …!"
A young journalist squashed at the stomach of sexism.
Just then, this time from the distant shots, Jae Hoon was captured in sight.
Jae-hoon, who was walking on the road, was looking at the reporters who were full of parking lots.
However, the young journalist's foot was not missed. Suddenly, he followed up behind Jae-hoon and put out a microphone.
"Woo Jae Hoon, are you going out now? I will only ask for your remarks. "
"There is no word to say."
"How are you feeling now? You are very angry because you are a writer of reconstructed Ha? "
Jayun turned to angry face to stop.
He glanced up at the young reporter and looked up and screamed.
"Where are you from? Something like this is rude! "
"That's right."
"Here's your business card."
The young journalist pulled out his business card out of hand.
Jae – hoon tore the business card that was received at that place and threw it against the heart of the reporter.
"Uh, yeah, right now! I know my program like that! I even made me a very clown on the radio! I know I can tell you guys like you guys! "
"I make you a clown. I just told the truth as it is. "
"What is it ?!"
"It's true that I blamed evil for blaming rebellion. Woo, I do not know what you're talking about.
The reporter laughed and turned his head to the side and muttered as if to listen.
"Do you know that you are still the greatest man, even if you are in trouble?"
"This child …! You did it! "
Only the whites were left in the eyes of the upset Jae-hoon.
Soon he punched the reporter's face with his fist.
100,000,000 Oh, the director is a man! "
The reporter got out on the floor with a scream.
The people round the circumference constantly flash the flash.

34 – Where can I go (6) End

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