Big Life

Chapter 286

36 – I'll leave when I clap (6) 36 – I'll leave when I clap (6) Kuwoong!
The brilliant stone could not bend and grabbed the ledge and stood.
I read my father 's work and the impression of reconstruction was exactly like his view.
Ming-seok also felt that his father's writing was so deteriorating.
Under the stairs, reconstruction continued.
"The biggest problem is that the protagonist has too little grounds to support his motive for murder. Of course I think I could kill people for no reason. Because there are people of a different personality in the world. "
The majesty leaned against the corner of the railing and listened to it quietly. The one-sided remarks of the rebuilding continued whether the Taejin was listening quietly.
"But this is a novel. If there is no basis, it would be fun, but overall it is cumbersome and tedious. Even that information was wrong. I have brought some of the materials that I would like to share with you. Wait!
The remarks of rebuilding were without precedent.
Even though he did not see it, he seemed to know his appearance right now.
When you talk about writing, it is a reconstruction that you forget all the unnecessary elements. It is also irrelevant that your opponent is a retired big business president.
'This is good for your father …'
The point of reconstruction was still pouring like a speedboat.
The bright star leaned against the wall and bit his lip. My heart aches because my father as a writer sympathizes with the wounds I receive.
"And this is the material I made when I was covering a woman who used to be a karaoke assistant while I used to write in the past. This is data from a forensic scientist in the summer of 20 years. I would like you to refer to it. "
"Thank you very much ………. Ha author …."
The voice of Tae-jin who heard for the first time at the end of conversation was troubled at all.
The bright spot was stepping up the stairs again. It was fortunate to have avoided the seat again.

*** [The number of audiences in 'Hyundai Zizhon Rock', the movie starring Park Doo-jun in the original reconstruction of Ha, surpassed 120 million in China. It is an enormous amount of rewriting the famous Chinese film history. It has already been confirmed as the 1st place in Chinese movie history.
[So far, we have recorded 3,789 million yuan, and Hanhwa has about 640 billion won in income. Still, the people who are looking for an auditorium do not stop.
[The hot reaction is not different in Korea. It is a situation where the number of the audience of 15 million is exceeded, and the place of the second place in the last show has solidified. Nationwide, the number of screens does not decrease but rather increases.
[In the midst of the reconstruction of the original The Breath Dragon Rider is about to open soon. It will be released in more than 30 regional markets except North America. Chris Nolan, who got into the final job, showed great confidence in his work through his recent interview.]

Tadak! Tadak! Get a ride!
As the news continues to flow on wall TV.
Tae Jin's ten fingers tapping the keyboard were unstoppable. I turned on the TV deliberately. This is because some people seem to be too quiet and unable to concentrate.
'Yes, in this scene the protagonist reveals hate.'
Tae-jin was absorbed in writing without having the ability to sweat the sweat flowing in his forehead. The news about the constantly flowing reconstruction did not dissipate his concentration.
In fact, stories about what happened to the top 1 Chinese box office in China did not attract Tae Jin's attention.
It is not the commercial success that the retired former corporate president wants, but the true grand praise of writers, including the eldest son.
Toc Toc
I heard a knocking on the door behind me.
Tae – jin was writing the last sentence and could not hear it.
A moment later the door opened and his wife came in carefully.
"Honey, you should have lunch."
"Ah … yes, it's already time."
Soon after that, Taejun started to stretch. His wife came back and rubbed his shoulders.
He looks 15 years younger than Taejin. To this day, she had never had a child before.
"There is a lot of air in the library. I need some ventilation. "
My wife walked all over the curtain and opened the window. The bright sunlight of May shined as the darkened study lighted.
Taejun went down and laid himself in the back of the chair.
"How is your writing going?"
"I do not know."
Tae Jin replied briefly with a hard look.
No matter how much I write, I was not satisfied. The words that I heard from rebuilding, I felt that my writing was only getting worse. It was not easy to eat comfortably because I thought it was caused by impatience.
"As soon as you retire, you are stuck in the library, and I do not see you doing so much. It would be nice if you could go on a trip in good weather like these days. Or, even if it is majun, it will see in the tide.
Taejun slashed his head from side to side, cutting off his wife 's words.
"I go to you once or whenever you want."
“······.” "Why is that expression? How long have you lived together and still wish to have a relationship with such a bright spot? "
"It's not like that. It's just a little difficult …. "
"It is true that my son is difficult in the world."
Taejun stood up with his tongue as if he was a little annoyed.
It is time to take your first step to eat.
The announcer's voice flowed out on the TV, which suddenly changed.

[Breaking news. The "evil" of the reconstructed writer was honored with a prize in the British Man Booker International category.
“······?!” Tae – jin did not give a shout to look at the TV.
I was awarded to the booker prize after the Gyeonggi Prize. Breaking through the complicated cortex that was difficult to use in one line.

[At the official dinner and awards ceremony at the Victoria and Albert Museum, the editor in chief of the Open House, who has the right to publish 'Evil' in the US. The author of the reconstruction has already stated that he is worried about his pregnant wife and can not leave his house for a long time.

My wife took the remote control and turned off the TV.
When Tae Jin turned around with her angry face, she shuddered.
"I turned it off because I had to leave. Will you turn it on again? "
“······.” Honey
His wife, who felt a deep sense of sympathy, raised his eyes. The gaze of Taejin full of anger was not facing himself.
I would have been staring at the TV off the kill.
"Suddenly I think of old times."
"What do you mean?"
"I loved the men who were good at direct affairs. People who do not look around and do not flatter and boldly give their opinions for the company's development. I actually supported them, and I made good use of them today. "
Why do I suddenly get these words out?
The wife, who was somewhat disturbed, was listening to Tae Jin.
"But when I retired, my thoughts were a little different. I'm getting older. I like those people who know how to make modesty. Every moment of being honest, bold, and sometimes making my partner hurt … I am too tired to feel that tired feeling. "
Taejun closed his eyes tightly and dropped his head.
In front of me was a picture of reconstruction that completely dismantled the novel by sitting in front of him. The shameful memory that seemed to be thrown into the cold in the nakedness will not be forgotten until I enter the coffin.
"I only have one … I have not been allowed one honor in my entire life …"
The subsequent sigh was so small that it could not be heard in his wife's ear. In front of her, she did not say anything, so she lifted her head very slowly.
"Listen first."
"I have to sort things out."
"But, honey, I've had it right from this morning.
Suddenly, a spark jumped out of his eyes.
"I did not say I had to think about it!"
"Ah, I get it. I'm sorry, honey … "
My wife walked out like a runaway.
In the library alone, Tae Jin tame the rough breathing for a long time.
He then stepped into a treacherous corner in a frightening calm.
Gain Profit.
Inside the open safe, old notes were piled up. Most of them were his own unpublished work. In addition to the notebooks, photographs and letters, such as color bars, were a safe that secretly contained memories that were hard to get even for the family.
Tae Jin 's fingertips, which dig into the deepest part of the safe, trembled.
The time of conflict, which was only a few seconds, seemed to be frustrating. When the gear was touched on his fingertips, Taejin felt a choked breath.
'only once······.'
Geeko took it out of the safe.
It was a little finger size USB memory.
It was the first time since I came into this vault a long time ago. When the ribs of a friend transported to the emergency room were crushed by electric shock one by one. Taejun was able to get this.
The cell phone on the desk shook.
It was a phone call to be working at the company.
When he closed the safe door, Taejun turned his cell phone upside down. I can not talk to my eldest son now.

*** "Ah ……. ah … ah ………."
Rebuilding was impossible to say.
As I swallowed the whole tofu hot, I was stunned and no voice was heard. There were hot tears in both eyes.
"It's really … umm … it's really … it's not a dream, is it?"
She answered with a bright smile lying on the bed. The complexion that floated between the wet hair with the sweat and sweat was unbearable. It was really the greatest pain in my life. Now the pain is gone and the joy is full.
"I had a real hard time. Thank you very much … Thank you very much. "
"If you're happy, you should laugh. Why are you crying?"
"I am delighted · · · · · · I am so happy · · · · I am now · · · ·."
Tears fell to the cheek of the baby in his arms and fell to the grave.
The reconstruction was embarrassed and suddenly I stole my eyes and apologized.
"I'm sorry, silver. Surprised? "
The first time I called her daughter's name.
It is the name that Sukhee and his head made together for a few months ago.
No names were prepared for the case when a son was born. The reconstruction was just a desire for a daughter who resembled Sui.
"Dad was wrong. My dad is a little weird right now. My body keeps shaking and my tears come out. I have to laugh and it does not work. Let my daughter understand my father. "
Suhee was holding his hand and stealing the wet eyes.
When I see a husband who can not hold joy with his daughter, his tears come out.
Before the birth, I found the emergency room several times because of the pain. It was now a precious memory to laugh and replay.
"In my stomach, I bothered this mother. Why are you so cool when you come out? "
"Hahaha, I know. Oh, why is my daughter so pretty? How do you get such a perfect beauty? Suh, you look exactly like me. "
"Do you see me like you look at me now?"
"Uh, it looks crisp to me. It really looks. "
The phone rang and Jaein 's phone rang.
Rebuilding laid her daughter next to Sui and immediately picked up his cell phone.
"Uh, sister." – Congratulations, Ha rebuild! The day that you become a father comes! This sister is still incredible!
"I also felt something unrealistic when my sister became the mother of a child four weeks ago." – Again. I can not move because I am in a struggle. Now Mom and Dad are going for me. Are you okay?
"Uh, it's okay. I do not know what to call it, sister, is it? "- Why do you think you know what the joy of the main character is when you have a child in a novel or drama?
"It's really huge, sister. It is like … · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ··· I will soon be silver and silver. I know what you're talking about, sis? got it? Huh? Do not you understand? "- He's totally freaked out. Are we going to rebuild the daughter now?
August 3 17:17.
It was a day in the summer when the movie 'The Breath' was unveiled and a week later.
The reconstruction of the child in August was no longer desirable.

36 – Leave when clapping (6) End

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