"Heartbreaker? Don't you want to do something again?" Wang Arthur asked.

"Are you going to pretend to be mysterious again?" Wang Dadong looked at the strange look of the heartbroken man who remained silent for a long time.

Ding Xiaoyu and Rex felt that something was wrong.

Heartbreaker looks a little weird.

"Why didn't you speak? Because...he's not that heartbroken man, is he?" Li Qing said calmly.

behind the stall.

I see.

The heartbroken man smiled strangely.

Then, she slowly turned her eyes to him.

There was a strange smile in those eyes.

"What? He's not...a heartbreaker?"

a time.

The expressions of Wang Dadong, Wang Arthur, Rex and Ding Xiaoyu all changed slightly!

Just when they were about to stand up!

But found!

I can't move anymore!

Desperately want to struggle!

But unfortunately, there is something terrifying invisibly restraining them!

"Who the hell are you?" Wang Dadong looked at the fake Heartbreaker and said with gritted teeth.

"Let go of you?"

At this time, the heartbroken man spoke.

The thick energy formed an echo, making him look very strange.

He looks like a heartbroken man, but his voice is very strange.

"` "I don't bind you..."

"It's just that you are too weak."

Heartbreaker smiled!

I see.

Wisps of faint green light slowly radiated from his whole body, his eyes gradually turned cold, and he glanced at the five people lightly.

"You five really gave me a surprise."

"Wang Dadong's supernatural potential is strong, the sword in the stone in Wang Arthur's body. Ding Xiaoyu's rock-shattering right fist energy, Rex's talent, and..."

"Your martial arts have a strange origin."

The voice just fell!

So he exposed his identity!

Black Dragon!

Founder of the Tribunal of Armed Forces!

He is also the mastermind behind the events!

"Black Dragon..."

At this moment, Wang Dadong's face was full of anger!

"If you have the ability, let me go and fight alone."

He spoke.Let Heilong sneer.

"Hehe. One-on-one? You are not qualified..."

"However, I'm here to inform you."

"From today."

"The person who protected you (Li Zhao) no longer exists."

The one who shelters us?

for a while.

A trace of astonishment appeared in Wang Arthur, Ding Xiaoyu, and Rex's eyes!

They quickly thought about who is the person who has been protecting them in the black dragon's words?

"Could it be..."

"Knife crazy?"

Ding Xiaoyu narrowed his eyes slightly,


"Okay! As expected of Ding Xiaoyu, Yulong's son!"

For a moment, the black dragon laughed wildly!

"How is it possible?" Wang Arthur looked disbelieving: "The strength of the Knife Crazy organization will not be lower than your force ruling..."


"Then let Wang Dadong go home and visit his parents..."


"I came here for another purpose."

"Wang Arthur, your father, Tulong, is still being hunted down!"


"Including the sword maniacs and sword ghosts who have sheltered you, I believe that my military tribunal will be able to find them soon."

"You'd better be obedient and get caught...".

Chapter 120 Nine Black Dragon: I am destined to become a demon and ancestor!

As soon as Heilong said this.

I see.

It exploded directly in Wang Dadong's mind.

"What does this mean?"

He let himself go home and see?

look... what?


When he looked at Wang Dadong's panicked appearance, he felt a little joy in his heart.


"What? Don't you know...your father, and that Dao Gui Dao Crazy..."

"Is it your parents?"

"Could it be that you thought they could survive my pursuit?"


There was a sneer on the corner of Heilong's mouth.

"Wang Arthur, I think you should obediently fuse with the sword in the stone...then obediently submit to me, pay attention, it must be willing!"


"At that time, as long as you can obediently do what I say, I might be able to let them go!"

As he said that, he couldn't help becoming more and more crazy, and the radiance in those eyes was even brighter.

seems to have thought of...

He finally became a demon queen!What kind of unprecedented and unprecedented power is that, and what kind of supreme power is it?

"In the future, once I become the Demon King."

"I, will be the overlord of the entire arena." 257

"All of you must submit to me!"

"All of you must submit to the Tribunal of Armed Forces."


"You don't have much time left..."

"The Sword Demon in the Stone within your body...has reached its final stage..."

"Once the final stage is reached, I want you to surrender to me with your sword..."

I see.

The black dragon stared at Wang Arthur.

He also has a sword in the stone inside him!


He has tamed the sword in the stone.

But what surprised him was that the sword demon in Wang Arthur's body wanted to merge with Wang Arthur from beginning to end, which meant that the sword demon in Wang Arthur's body accepted Wang Arthur.

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