"There are very few high-level power walkers in Iron Time and Space, and there are even fewer top power walkers with more than [-] points."

"The ones who are making trouble now are all low-level practitioners with magical powers. Just like this, it has made us more and more difficult."

340 "The closer you get to the extremely cloudy day, the more powerful the demonic energy and darkness will be. Those mid-to-high-level demonization practitioners will calm down and wait for the extremely cloudy day to erupt completely."

"We, Iron Time and Space, will face a huge crisis!"

"In any case, thank you for your help."

Zhi Wu looked at Li Qing seriously.

"You're welcome, leader." Li Qing shook his head slowly and said with a smile.


Zhi Wu nodded, looked at Xia Tian and said: "Xia Tian, ​​you have maintained the magnetic field energy for so long, and then, leave it to me."

"You need to be on standby at all times in Xia's house. If I can't hold on anymore, I will ask you for help at any time."

Zhi Wu said to Xia Tian, ​​Xia Tian has been supporting and protecting the magnetic field these days, which gave Zhi Wu a little time to breathe.


Xia Tian signaled that he knew.

Then he turned around and left with Li Qing.

Li Qing didn't remind Zhiwu to pay attention to the Yehenala family!

The current Yehenala family has not acted yet, and the most important crisis before them is the chaos in the supernatural world of Iron Time and Space.

This time.

The supernatural world was once again like the dark age, the order collapsed, and the demonized supernatural practitioners continued to attack.

A showdown between good and evil.

officially launched.

Chapter 250: The Hope of the Supernatural Realm, Dongchengwei Qing makes a move!

Iron time.

supernatural world.

During this period of time, with the arrival of the extremely cloudy day, the intermediary demonized power walker continued to make moves!

It was originally attacked by some low-level, middle-level, and several high-level demonized power walkers. Iron Time and Space's Tieke Imperial Guards and ordinary combatants were able to resist and captured a lot of demonized people. Ability walker.


As high-level power walkers continue to join the duel between good and evil.

The imperial guards and ordinary fighters of the Tiekh vertical alliance felt the pressure in an instant!

With the arrival of the extremely cloudy day, the days are getting closer, and the pressure is gradually increasing!

As time gets closer and closer to the extremely cloudy day!

Already suppressed the imperial guards by nearly a thousand points!

this time.

It was the second day of turmoil in the supernatural world!

The arrival of the extremely cloudy day.

There are four more days.

When the pressure on the Tieke Hezong Alliance was high, Baidao's supernatural walker family had already made a move. Not only the combat supernatural walkers and imperial guards of the Tieke Hezong Alliance, but also some Baidao supernatural walkers began to join the battle. Deal with those demonized starwalkers who are killing their compatriots outside!

Among them are many ancient families.

Huyanjueluo family.

Moxibustion and Moxibustion family.

The Xialan Xingde family.

All kinds of veteran family power walkers from the Bai Dao power world have joined the battle.

The Tieke Imperial Guard guards against the demonized supernatural walkers, and slowly patrols the territory of the white Taoist supernatural walkers, catching those demonized supernatural walkers who are about to attack the supernatural walkers!

And with the members of the Baidao power walker family joining the duel between good and evil.

The situation has eased slightly!

But this situation.

on the third day.

Some high-level demonized power walkers have begun to join the duel between good and evil.


All the white-path power walkers felt a huge pressure.

In an instant, the situation became more and more dangerous!

Many low-level, middle-level, and high-level white path practitioners were hit hard!

Those demonized power walkers are even more arrogant and domineering!After absorbing the power of the white path power walker, his strength has improved further, and his shots have become more and more crazy.

All of a sudden, a huge battle broke out in the supernatural world!


To completely wipe out the white path supernatural power walker!

This time and space will be directly controlled by the demonized power walker.


at the same time.

In a dark alley.

The surroundings are isolated by the established magnetic field!

in the alley.

Several Bai Dao power walkers were forced to the end of the alley!

And ahead!

It's three or four demonized supernatural walkers!

"Hahaha"! "

"Be obedient and become my subordinate's remnant soul..."

I saw the leading demonized power walker laughing constantly!

He was originally a high-level demonized ability walker!

It's just him who just broke through [-] points!

With the blessing of the extremely cloudy day!In a short period of time, he directly absorbed the powers of more than a dozen white power walkers!

His ability index is unprecedentedly powerful!After possessing an extremely powerful power index, her heart is extremely inflated, arrogant and arrogant!Behavior is even more arrogant!

The ability index soared to fifteen thousand points.

The white path power walker who was forced to the corner in front of him was a mid-to-high-level white road power walker, but now he has been severely injured, and he has lost the ability to resist. He can only watch in horror as the demonized power walker approaches slowly. Own.



These are a few female white-path supernatural power walkers, they are collateral branches of the Hanklama family!

They looked at the demonized power walker who was gradually approaching, their expressions were full of coldness.

"Even if it's a collateral branch of the Hanklama family."

"But we are still fighters!"

"Do you want to absorb our ability index, come on!"

I saw the woman standing in front said with a cold expression.

"Cough cough cough..."

She coughed up blood.

Obviously, the injuries in her body made her ability index only fluctuate around a thousand points!


"Very well, let's deal with you first!"

The corner of the demonized power walker grimaced, his eyes were extremely cold.


I saw that he was about to step forward!

Those supernatural walkers from Hankramah's collateral line clenched their fists lightly. They were severely injured, but they would not surrender to the enemy, let alone fall down.


You can only die standing up!


Is it coming?

The white Taoist of Hankramah in front of her eyes slowly closed her eyes, waiting for death to come. The injuries in her body had made her will become more and more blurred.


The moment they were about to close their eyes.


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