This was Dong Zhuo's conspiracy. Lao Zhao was attacked by surprise and must have fallen into their hands.No matter what, Fengming Temple is a must.Li Qing said with cold eyes.

This may be Dong Zhuo's conspiracy.But something happened to Zhao Yun.

This trip is a must.

If you don't go, Zhao Yun will encounter accidents.

This Dong Zhuo...

He just used Zhao Yun as a bait to get everyone to go to Fengming Temple, catch them one by one, and defeat them all.


Zhao Yun can still be rescued, and everyone can retreat unscathed.

If you don't go...

Zhao Yun will surely die.

Followed by.

Li Qing asked Cao Cao to investigate the origin of Fengming Temple.


Cao Cao found out.

This Fengming Temple is the place where Hedong University specially detains uncooperative students!

The geographical location is also very hidden. Although it is very close to Hedong University, if you don't check carefully, you don't even know that there is such a place.

It is his horror legend that can make Fengming Temple a little bit popular.


I heard that once people entered, they never showed up.

In the third watch of Fengming, the hero's nine souls are broken.

Once you enter Fengming Temple, you will lose your soul and gradually become an empty shell.

And the qi inside will gradually invade the body.

at that time,

Zhao Yun is afraid that he will become a walking dead!

Die slowly in Fengming Temple!

After learning about the horror of Fengming Temple, everyone was very anxious.

Old Zhao is still inside, what should we do?Ma Chao was anxious (good Zhao) and hugged his arms tightly.

Hmph, I never expected that Dong Zhuo would set up such a place with such a vicious heart.Zhang Fei spurned Dong Zhuo.

Then if we want to rescue Lao Zhao, it may be very difficult.Guan Yu looked at Fengming Temple in front of him, and a chill gradually rose in his heart.

Just standing outside this Fengming Temple, you can feel something is very wrong.

It gives people a very uncomfortable feeling.

This is not difficult.Li Qing smiled lightly: As long as you use the turtle's breath technique, it will be fine.

Chapter 350: Conspiracy Falls, Five Tiger Generals Battle Hedong High School!

As soon as the words fell, everyone understood.

Then let's go in quickly.If he went in late, Lao Zhao might lose his life.Zhang Fei looked anxious, and there was a look of worry in his eyes.

Hearing this, everyone nodded, and then used the turtle's breath technique to directly enter Fengming Temple.

After entering inside,

At a glance, they saw that everything was empty, and the atmosphere was extremely gloomy!It seemed a little quiet.

All around seemed to be the power of illusion.

It was only after entering Fengming Temple that everyone heard Zhao Yun's cry for help.

Everyone looked at each other, followed the cries for help and walked straight forward, and they saw Zhao Yun!

But Zhao Yun collapsed on the ground with a painful look on his face, as if he was fighting against the illusion.

When he heard movement, he immediately raised his head vigilantly.

But when he saw that it was Li Qing and others, Zhao Yun didn't look happy, on the contrary, his face changed drastically.

Go, go, this is a trap...

Zhao Yun put all his strength into shouting.

Old Zhao, don't worry, we are here to save you, so don't worry.Zhang Fei hurried over.

When Zhao Yun saw it, he dragged his body hastily and kept backing away: run, this is a trap, hurry up and go.

There is an ambush from Hedong University, and there is also an extremely skilled master! can't beat him, hurry up and leave me alone.There was a hint of urgency on Zhao Yun's face, and his voice was full of anger and roar.


He obviously underestimated the determination of the five tiger generals.

At this moment, Guan Yu came over and extended his hand to Zhao Yun.

He gently patted the dust on Zhao Yun's body.Hold his body tightly with both hands: We are brothers.


How can I leave you?

Guan Yu looked at Zhao Yun with a very firm tone.

That is, what the second brother said is right, we are brothers, how can there be any reason why brothers should not be rescued when they are in danger?Zhang Fei said honestly.

Yes, brothers are in trouble, we will certainly not sit idly by.Huang Zhong said.

No matter how many traps lie ahead, it will be difficult to stop. We brothers will surely be able to defeat the terrifying enemy with our concerted efforts.Ma Chao said directly.

Thanks guys.Zhao Yun was very moved.

So, as the brain of the team, how can there be no existence of me?Li Qing smiled flatly.

Hahaha, Lao Li, you and our (ahci) five tiger generals are brothers, we will definitely be able to break through, and there are big brothers and presidents to support us outside.Guan Yu laughed loudly.

Zhao Yun nodded.

The five tiger generals instantly formed a half circle, while Li Qing stood in front.

At this moment, they faintly felt a murderous aura!

Troops dressed in the uniforms of Hedong High School came out from all directions!

It seems...

Although this Fengming Temple is a bit dilapidated and gloomy, the interior space is extremely enlarged, and it is a good place to hide.

In an instant, thousands of people from Hedong University came out from the darkness.

As the sun shone in, the weapons in these people's hands reflected a piercing coldness.

They held all kinds of sharp weapons in their hands and rushed towards Li Qing and the five tiger generals.

It's like having endless power!There is endless killing intent in the eyes of these people!Pairs of eyes fixed on the Five Tiger Generals and Li Qing!

That posture...

It was as if he wanted to kill Li Qing and the five tiger generals directly.

In this Fengming Temple.

We must take them down in one fell swoop!


What a big appetite!

Are you afraid of dying?

The five tiger generals suddenly shouted in unison!

They all showed their weapons.

They have waited a long time for this day.

Chapter 360 Inexhaustible enemies, life and death crisis!

After the troops from Hedong High School came out, the five tiger generals stared angrily at these people rushing out of the darkness.

They all surrounded Li Qing and directly fought against the troops of Hedong High School!

Guan Yu directly showed the Qinglong Yanyue Saber.

I saw the Qinglong Yanyue Knife dancing in his hand very lightly.

Suddenly, a cold light flashed!

Dozens of people were captured in an instant!

And Zhang Fei,

He gave a loud bang.

Constantly waving the Zhangba-Snake Spear in his hand!




Dozens of moves in succession, directly hitting dozens of enemies!

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