For a while, the students in the ultimate class were a little confused.

"Perhaps, I have a way to help you find Rex!" As he said, the hand of Ares slowly appeared in Li Qing's hand.

He looked at the students in Ultimate Class [-] and Wang Dadong, and said with a smile on his face.

When he saw the hand of Ares, Wang Dadong's eyes lit up, why didn't he think of this way?

"Li Qing, you still have a quick brain! You figured out a solution so quickly¨". "

The students in Class [-] Ultimate looked at Li Qing with adoring light in his eyes.

"Okay, time is running out, hurry up, or Rex will really meet his enemies, and we won't be able to help if we're not around."

Hearing Li Qing's words, Wang Dadong and the others changed their expressions, they didn't dare to delay, and hurriedly followed Li Qing!

The night is gradually approaching, and the dark light curtain shines on the earth.

A figure walked hurriedly in the alley.

There was a trace of solemnity on the face of this embarrassed figure.

"Oh, it's really unlucky."

"I went through the discharge procedures just to stop wasting money in the hospital!" Rex looked at the serious injuries on his body with a wry smile, feeling quite helpless in his heart.

After he went through the discharge procedures, he was going home to recover from his injuries. He didn't expect to meet his previous enemy on the KO list on the road.

The enemy was extremely jealous when they met, and directly attacked Rex.

Rex, who was seriously injured, could only dodge in embarrassment, and fled into the alley in a hurry.

Seeing that the sky was getting dark, Rex slowly relaxed in his heart.

"Rex, ko.2 on the KO list, you are really easy for us to find!"

Just when Rex was relaxing, a body voice came over, causing his face to change slightly.

He looked towards the exit of the alley, and there were several young men with fierce faces standing there. When they looked at Rex, their faces showed a ferocious expression.

"Rex, you know what?"

"We've been thinking about taking revenge on you all the time!"

"Because of you, we plummeted from the top [-] on the KO list, and we didn't even have a ranking."

"Fame, status, power, beauty, these things that we could have easily, because of your relationship, are gone!"

As they said that, they directly exploded with a combat power index of around 3000.

Looking at Rex who was seriously injured, a trace of sickness appeared on the faces of several people.

The figure is slowly approaching Rex, and before killing Rex, they want Rex to suffer all the pain they suffered before and die!

Rex stood there with a calm face, even a trace of regret appeared on his face!He looked very disdainful when he looked at several young people with sick faces.

The competition for the KO list is undoubtedly cruel, and the few people in front of them who have not been able to get out of the failure of the KO list are trash.

Trash is not eligible to compete for the KO list.

"` "Boom!" Rex's combat power index immediately exploded. Because of his serious injuries, his combat power index can reach 4000, which is already the limit.


Even if he, Rex, died in battle, he didn't want to die at the hands of these trash who didn't even dare to compete for the KO list!

"You still dare to look at me?!"

"Go~ beat him to death!"

I saw that person's eyes were extremely ferocious!There was already a killing intent on his face!


As he said that, he smashed the wine bottle in his hand, just when he wanted to do it!

Suddenly, there was a slight sound of footsteps.

A young man with a handsome face and a delicate face in casual clothes walked over slowly.

"Stop, let him go, get out!"

A calm and cold voice came.


That fierce young man looked at Li Qing like an idiot!

"Let go of him? Impossible! It's a chance I finally got! Which onion are you? Are you messing with me?"

at this time.

The person beside him pulled his clothes, looked at Li Qing with a look of horror on his face, and said in a trembling voice: "Go... let's go! ko.1!"

"What purpose?"

As soon as these words came out, the four of them looked at Li Qing with horror on their faces.

In an instant, his legs trembled with fright, and he fled in a hurry.

Seeing the backs of the four people leaving, Rex looked at Li Qing with a chuckle and said, "Aren't you always lazy? What's going on?"

Hearing this, Li Qing smiled lightly: "You are the military adviser of the ultimate squad, and no one can lose you if you lose it, right?"


"I didn't even make a move, they were all scared away!".

Chapter 69 The Black Dragon Appears, Fighting Overwhelmingly

"Rex, are you okay?"

At this moment, Wang Dadong and the others also rushed over, seeing Rex's distressed appearance, even Wang Dadong and the others were very distressed.

"Rex, you... what's going on?"

It's good that Wang Dadong is more upright.

But even he was afraid that he would hurt Rex by saying the wrong thing!

When the students in Class [-] Ultimate saw Rex's injuries getting worse and worse, they suddenly felt angry!

Seeing this, a warm current surged in Rex's heart.

I saw Rex with a calm face, as if he was not the one who had just experienced a life-and-death crisis: "A few enemies on the KO list, before becoming KO.2, I challenged all the people on the KO list!"

"It seems that after being challenged by me, he fell out of the KO list and lost his ranking. When he met me today, he came here to seek revenge."

Rex looked at Li Qing, with a hint of sincerity on his face: "If Li Qing hadn't arrived in time, I wouldn't be able to meet you."

Hearing this, Li Qing stood on the spot and shook his head slightly, his eyes calm: "No, when I came, they were all scared away by the name of ko.1."

As he said that, a wry smile appeared on Li Qing's face: "Why? Do they know I'm ko.217?"

A puzzled look appeared on Li Qing's face.

"I know about this!" At this moment, Jin Baosan's voice came slowly and attracted everyone's attention.

I saw a trace of complacency in Jin Baosan's eyes: "Could it be, Li Qing, and Brother Dadong, have you forgotten the ko.10 Ming Hongda and ko.11 Dalijun on the KO list?"

After Jin Baosan's reminder, Li Qing, Wang Dadong, Wang Arthur, and Ding Xiaoyu all responded.

Yesterday, the gate of Guava College was blocked by ko.10 Ming Hongda and ko.11 Dalijun led by a group of students of mixed grades, preventing others from entering and leaving. They even said arrogantly that they wanted to challenge the ultimate one Wang Dadong, Wang Arthur, Ding Xiaoyu, the third in the class KO list...

In just one round, Ming Hongda and Dalijun were beaten to the ground by Wang Dadong and Wang Arthur.

Then, just as they were leaving, Li Qing's mysterious ko.1 identity was also recognized by some caring people...

After a day of fermentation, who knows that there is a mysterious ko.1 in the ultimate class of Guava High School?

"Haha, Li Qing, now you are really famous!"

"So far, who in the world doesn't know the king?"

After hearing the words, Rex, who was seriously injured, teased Li Qing with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

However, at this moment, Li Qing suddenly frowned slightly.

He turned around and saw that not far from the end of the alley behind Rex, a figure in a black robe suddenly appeared there!

Wisps of faint green light flickered all over the visitor, the black robe seemed to melt into the darkness, and a pair of dark green eyes stared at Li Qing and Rex and the others!

All of a sudden, a powerful aura swept towards Li Qing and the others!

The piercing chill made the Ultimate Class [-] and the others shiver in this breath!

The person who came from the end of the alley took a slight step!

next second.

His figure instantly appeared not far from Li Qing and the others as if he was crossing the void.

"This...isn't this a heartbroken man? How powerful is he?"

Wang Dadong came over with a look of shock on his face!

"No...he's not a black dragon!"

Li Qing shook his head at Wang Dadong and said, "He is the heartbreaker's younger brother, Black Dragon!"

"At the same time... he is also in charge of the Military Tribunal!"

"Heartbreaker and him are twin brothers!"

Li Qing slowly explained to (ahci) Wang Dadong and the others.

"Hahaha!" Black Dragon looked at Li Qing and laughed: "Mysterious ko.1 Li Qing and ko.2 Rex!"

As if he hadn't heard those words just now, his eyes looked at the two very excitedly, as if seeing two peerless beauties.

"Tsk tsk, there's really nowhere to find it, it's so easy to get here!"

"This time, I can have a few super powerful martial corpses again!"

His voice was full of magnetism and very hoarse.

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