After getting the answer, Fu Hua suddenly felt dull.

With one kick, he kicked the head of the person in the pillar into the cave, away from the place where the sun shines.

When the crisis of death was lifted, the guard in the pillar immediately breathed a sigh of relief, but because he only had one head, he could only breathe a sigh of relief from his expression, he couldn't even exhale his breath, and even speaking was already barely possible.

"Then let me see the mystery of your body!"

Fu Hua stepped on the head of the man in the pillar.

Originally, the guard in the pillar thought he had found an opportunity to digest Fu Hua's feet, but he found that Fu Hua's feet were like stones and could not be digested at all.


The boss of the guard in the pillar stared at him. If he still had a heart now, he would definitely reach 200 beats per minute because of his nervousness.

Fu Hua's feet gradually exerted force, and the guard in the pillar felt his head deformed like plasticine.

"It seems that your physical deformation has a limit..."

Fu Hua felt the strength under her feet, and she knew that the head of the guard in the pillar had reached a critical value, the kind that would be torn apart at any moment.


Because of the strong oppression, it was difficult for the guard of the man in the pillar to speak, and before he begged for mercy, Fu Hua stepped on the head of the man in the pillar with all his strength.

"You don't need to thank me for opening your mind."

to be continued

Section 223 No.224 Justice Execution

"2304, no, it's 2303 people in the pillar. In order to prevent the world from being destroyed and to protect the peace of mankind, we can only ask these people in the pillar to go to hell."

Fu Hua casually kicked the mud-like head out of the dark cave, and this unnamed guard in the pillar disappeared under the sunlight without any residue left.

"Hua, the pieces of meat have been collected!"

Jiu Xiao took the box made by the imaginary arm and handed it to Fu Hua.

It can be seen that without the leadership of the head of the man in the pillar, these pieces of meat have become some kind of pieces of meat that swallowed and evolved unconsciously, just like when the queen of the Zerg became Leviathan.

Even the granulation of a vampire is the same after losing the connection with the main body, such as a certain dementia that is implanted with dio granulation and becomes immortal after dio dies.

"Very well, let's start implementing justice today!"

The Xuanyuan Sword in his hand - General Mo Xie began to change, the two short swords fused into an ax with the Assassin's Creed logo.

It can be seen that the ax in Fu Hua's hand is the same as that of the man.

The ax was filled with sunlight, although he didn't know the principle of the human body in the pillar, but this did not prevent Fu Hua from carrying out an extermination strike on them.

In the dark cave, occasionally some fire can be seen.

Perhaps because of the times, Fu Hua discovered that even though they had enough supplies, their clothes were still in good condition.

As if to show off his plump muscles, these JOJO-style creatures made Fu Hua feel restless.

Wouldn't it be beautiful if he was still a man with such muscles?

Fu Hua held the Holy Light axe, raised the knife and dropped it.

Without making a sound, he instantly split a person in the pillar into two halves.

The cut surface is like magma, and because it is exposed to the sun, the cut surface loses its ability to recover.

"There are 2302 more..."

Jiu Xiao suddenly appeared behind Fu Hua, and said:

"No, there are 2301 more"


The cleaning was carried out very smoothly, because these people in the pillars were at the top of the food chain, and most of them had a wonderful sense of superiority, which led to Fu Hua and Jiu Xiao being able to sneak and assassinate perfectly.

Because different people in the pillar have different degrees of development of their bodies, so their fighting methods are also different.

For example, a guy who heated his blood to a thousand degrees to fight, I really don't know how he can keep his body's blood in a liquid state while maintaining this temperature.

There is also a doubi that Jiu Xiao met, who especially likes to twist his wrist quickly, the rotating wrist forms a storm, and then uses the storm to cause damage to the enemy. (God Shalan)

After Jiu Xiao upset this funny man, he couldn't help complaining to Fu Hua: "Obviously, the wrist has the power to bring up a storm. You don't use your wrist to attack people, but you have to use the wind to attack people. Ancient people are so funny." ?

"Forget about the bodies of the people in the pillars. We have collected enough. What I want to know is, what is the situation with this stone ghost face?"

In a building, Fu Hua discovered a wall covered with stone ghost faces. You know, this is a collapsed world, and such things shouldn't appear at all!

Jiu Xiao silently broke off a stone ghost mask, then held it up high.

"I'm not a human anymore! Fu Hua!"

Although wearing a stone ghost mask, there is no blood stimulation, at most it is just a decoration.

"There are Honkai energy fluctuations on it..."

Fu Hua discovered that this mask was most likely a Honkai creature, or a Honkai creation. Anyway, it was definitely not an ornament.

Moreover, these stone ghost masks are not inlaid with gems. Fu Hua can tell that these masks are probably for human use.

Transform human beings into collapsed creatures (vampires), then let the vampires go out to eat, and then capture and absorb them by themselves.

It's like humans stocking goats and then capturing them for processing.

Humans process food just to better absorb nutrients, while the people in the pillars process humans to absorb more energy, especially the Honkai energy.

Silently put the stone ghost face into the space in the Valkyrie's armor, Fu Hua set his sights on other places.

A wooden door opened a gap, and one eye happened to meet Fu Hua's.

Fu Hua raised the ax and looked at the eye behind the door.

"Unexpectedly, the animals also started to bite their owners back—"

It was the voice of a gloomy man. In a peaceful society, a person with such a voice must be very popular with girls.

However, when this kind of voice sounded at this time, Fu Hua only knew that there was a possibility of revealing the stealth.

"I'm just curious, why the group of idiots who were so noisy before are so quiet today. It can be seen that you have some unknown method to completely kill them without leaving any traces."

The crack in the door gradually widened, and a man with long purple hair stepped out of it.

Still wearing very little clothes, not only wearing less, but also very coquettish, even Fu Hua can vaguely see the characters [ゴゴゴゴ] floating in the air.

Fu Hua silently took out his ax and looked at the man in the pillar.

"Before you die, let me declare my name. My name is Katz. I am the smartest person in the pillar in the entire group. I also invented this stone ghost mask. I discovered that there is a special energy in the world. , can guide the evolution of our body, as long as this energy is enough... And I just feel that there seems to be a lot of that energy in your body..."

Katz still didn't come out from behind the door, because he discovered a rule, that is, the more energy he found, the stronger the individual.

Although there is no accurate measurement method, Katz can be sure that the energy in the body of the two people in front of them is more than that of anyone in the entire group.

"You are a bit long-winded, I already knew what you said..."

Katz was shocked when he heard Fu Hua's words.

"What! You have found the way to become an ultimate creature!"

"Ultimate creature or something, it's a bit ugly. People with a lot of collapse in their bodies are not just ultimate creatures, they may also be Herrscher..."

"Is that kind of energy called Honkai Energy? And Herrscher..."

Katz was deeply attracted by what Fu Hua said.

Katz: I still want to... I still want to know more...more knowledge, leading me to evolve into an ultimate creature, bathed in the sun!


"I tell you so much, do you know why?"

Katz's pupils shrank, and when he heard Fu Hua's words, he had a bad premonition in his heart.

"The more things I tell you, the more sense of crisis it will give me. Because you are the smartest person in this group, so I tell you so much in order to keep me determined to kill."

"Do you want me to kill me because you know too much... Then let's see if you have the ability!!"

After finishing speaking, two bone blades popped out from Katz's arms, and there were tiny sawtooths that kept moving on the bone blades.

"Heh, you are not the last person in the pillar who dares to fight me head-on..."

Before Fu Hua could finish speaking, Kaz ran away immediately.

"Damn! You are Katz, not JOJO, why do you also know how to run away from Qiao's family!"

Chapter 224No.225 Katz in the Sky Doesn't Talk~

"Hmph, do you think I'm a fool? I know I can't deal with you, so why would I choose to go head-to-head!"

Katz ran quickly in the dark cave with his long legs.

You know, this is the place where Katz lives all year round. It is impossible for foreign humans to be more familiar with this place than himself.

Walking into Vaum's house, Kaz carefully felt the abnormality of the outside environment, and did not hear any movement, but it could not be ruled out that the two people did not lose him.

Suppressing breathing, heartbeat, and even the movements of his whole body, disguising himself as a stone, Katz used all the concealment methods he could think of.

Waum was not at home, which made Kaz speculate that he, too, might have perished at the hands of the two women.

He quietly wiped out most of the clansmen. Although Katz didn't have deep feelings for them, he couldn't help feeling a little bit of fear.

In order to become the ultimate creature, Katz can do it even if he cannibalize his own kind. However, the plan of cannibalizing by his own kind was broken by these two outsiders.

Katz silently took out a stone ghost noodle from his arms. This stone ghost noodle is different from the stone ghost noodle used to process livestock before, and there is an inlaid hole on it.

This is Katz's hope, he made it from the fragments of the family pillar with the highest energy.

You must know that the first person in the pillar was born from a stone pillar. This is the information that the oldest person in the pillar told Katz.

Then, Katz found the pillar with that energy.

There are two human-shaped pits on it. It can be seen that the two people came out from the inside of the pillar, which is why the ancestors of the people in the pillar said that the origin of the people in the pillar was a stone pillar.

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