Originally, Kevin thought that Fu Hua would be more serious, but he didn't expect Rin to be the first to be unable to hold on, followed by Jiu Xiao, and finally Fu Hua was almost fine.

"That's right! That's why I still remember it~"

Fu Hua continued to nod in agreement, Kevin felt that the conversation with Fu Hua was not on the same channel at all, and Jiu Xiao knew Fu Hua's previous life, so he snickered.

"Then let's summarize the situation of this battle!"

Mei also entered the conference room and turned on the projection

"This area of ​​Australia, which has been plagued by disasters, has been recovered by us. Thanks to this battle, while eliminating the potential threat of Houkai beast, we have also obtained an important mine resource."

"And this time, a quasi-herser who might become a herrscher was hunted down, which tells us that even an area without people is likely to give birth to a herrscher, so the work of the fire moth will increase again..."

"The next work is mainly around the plan to mass-produce fusion fighters. Our God Killing Squad mainly guards the stronghold, well... that's it, except for Fu Hua, everyone else can leave."

Mei left Fu Hua behind, and the two were in the conference room, Mei's eyes kept sweeping Fu Hua's body, making Fu Hua's hairs all over.

"what happened?"

Fu Hua spoke first, after all, he couldn't just keep staring at Mei like this.

"The moon wheel I designed with you can no longer keep up with the current bust..."

Mei spoke, and her hands were still gesticulating in front of Fu Hua's chest


"The old armor is not suitable for you who activate Yu Duchen, so I plan to make a new one, so activate Yu Duchen?"

Mei explained why she came here, and then put her eyes on Fu Hua's Yu Duchen.


Fu Hua activated Yu Duchen, his hair changed from blue to red and white, and the color of his eyes also changed to red.

"Hmm~ Not bad, not bad, as expected of the God's Key I made, it's working fine~"

"Followed by kicks and punches followed by maximum control of the flames in the hands"

Mei cooperated with her own artificial intelligence to update Fu Hua's data, and then suddenly remembered the game

"I'll make a Chiyuan suit for you, Immortal Chiyuan?"

Thinking of the three red kite stigmata on Fu Hua's back, together with the armor and the fire kite, maybe he can graduate?

"don't want……"

Fu Hua, who was not used to revealing clothes, just wanted to refuse, but Mei didn't give Fu Hua a chance to leave the conference room quickly, leaving Fu Hua to stay there.

"How about it?"

"There is no problem, preliminary judgment and will not be an enemy of human beings"

Mei's artificial intelligence continuously analyzes Fu Hua's actions, speech habits, micro-expressions, and personality combinations, and draws a conclusion:

Although Fu Hua's usual behavior is more masculine, but it is easy to trust others, and he will not make malicious guesses about others, which is relatively naive.

Judging from the relationship with Jiuxiao, it seems that the relationship with Jiuxiao is unusual, and the relationship has been confirmed with each other.

He is very active in the crusade against the Houkai Beast, and he will never be relentless in the face of the enemy, but other people will choose to compromise if Fu Hua is a little stronger.

Mei always feels against Fu Hua's behavior, but artificial intelligence can't analyze anything, mei is not proficient in psychology, and EQ and IQ are not linked, so I can't see Fu Hua's Ni Duan.

"Forget it...Employee is not suspicious, she has given us so much information, and she is still afraid of going to Honkai?"

Mei got rid of her doubts about Fu Hua. Out of apology for doubting Fu Hua, she had to make armor for Fu Hua and repaired the moon wheel for her. The God's Key Void Wanzang also began to join in the production. Imitation of all things is indeed very good, and it can also provide enough knowledge to fight against Honkai for the next era.

Fu Hua escaped the crisis of secret exposure inexplicably, and also received luxury treatment customized by Mei's exclusive equipment. However, Fu Hua was sitting on the edge of the Australian stronghold's wall blowing at this time.

"What are you doing?"

Jiu Xiao also saw Fu Hua dangling on the wall, and felt that Fu Hua seemed to have something on his mind.

"Seeing the decline of human beings with my own eyes is a bit uncomfortable... and the setting of the collapse is stronger than civilization... """

The ruins outside the wall have long been overgrown with weeds and shrubs, bridges collapsed, and Houkai beasts roamed about.

"This is also a relatively novel experience, right?"

"If you watch it in a game or a movie, it really feels good..."

Fu Hua felt that this kind of feeling of being pushed to the edge of the cliff bit by bit was not pleasant at all. Presumably Mei didn't like this feeling either. No matter how hard she struggled, she would still be defeated by Honkai in the end.

"This is human beings! Even if there is only a one-in-a-million chance, you will try to fight for it. Born in the dark and looking forward to the light, this is also the meaning of a moth chasing fire."

Jiuxiao doesn't know what to do, the only goal is to survive, and leave a proof of existence in this world, just like in the game, the legacy left can still be used to fight against Houkai.

"Born in the dark, do you want the light in your heart..."

Fu Hua took out the latest research report and continued to read it, recording all the achievements of this civilization in his mind, and also to make it easier in other worlds.

There is only one update today!

But it doesn't matter, after the exam

One more monster will evolve into double more monster

can even super-evolve

become more strange

Just cover the coffin


Chapter 35 No.35 The Stalker of the Sky (Fog)

In the end, the mass-produced Fusion Warrior plan failed, which was also expected by Fu Hua, but the mass-produced God's Key can be used.

Mei found the serum from Fu Hua's blood that could activate the Tenth God's Key, which also has the credit of Yu Duchen.

Although the power of the Tenth God's Key in the hands of different people is different, it is still a great weapon against Honkai. At least some people have successfully regained part of the lost ground with the Tenth God's Key.

Honkai is still happening, and Honkai beasts are also evolving while humans are progressing, but this is not the main method of Honkai.

Honkai can cause negative emotions in humans, and it can promote the formation of a dark side for people who do not have much Honkai resistance, which also leads to the inability of human beings to unite and fight against Honkai.

America, as the region with the least Honkai loss, has a relatively larger population and looks more prosperous.

However, behind the prosperity, the darkness is also increasing. For example, the emerging religions in two American cities give people a feeling that something is brewing.

Mei also noticed some problems. After all, a two-person investigation team was sent to completely disappear, and no clues were found at all.

"So send the two of us to investigate and take a vacation by the way?"

Fu Hua looked at the bustling city map, which marked the places where the two Valkyries disappeared.

"I originally planned to add Rin, but Rin said that since he is on vacation, being with brother is the most important thing."

"Is that so... That brother-in-law is hopeless..."

Fu Hua rolled his eyes and looked at the sky speechlessly, but Jiu Xiao said it didn't matter, as long as he followed Fu Hua anyway.

"Well, let's treat it as a public tour, find those two B-rank Valkyries, find out who is behind the scenes if possible, and investigate that emerging religion by the way."

The task is just that, there is neither Honkai Beast nor Herrscher, there is no need to use large weapons, and the armor is easy to attract attention, so the fusion warrior is the most suitable for this kind of latent task.

"Then my glove and Jiuxiao's God's Key?"

"Both are inconspicuous, so just take them with you. Be careful not to be tricked into drinking something strange, and then go out with two and come back with four."

Mei is aware of the existence of gangsters in the city, but she has no way to solve it, because black and white collusion is difficult to deal with, and there may be too many things involved, and the No.11 Herrscher predicted by Fu Hua may also to appear.

This time, the higher-ups asked Mei to send members of the God Killing Team to investigate. Presumably this religion has touched the interests of some people, right?

The two changed their uniforms, and hid everything related to Chaser Moth. Jiu Xiao put on the regular clothes bought in Shenzhou for Fu Hua, which looked pretty good.

Although the civilian aircraft was a little more expensive, it was reimbursed by the organization, so it didn't feel bad. Moreover, Fu Hua's own salary was quite a lot, and he was always in a fighting state, so there was nowhere to spend the money.

"Although you looked a bit embarrassed when I changed your clothes, but looking at your current attire, Fu Hua, you look really handsome!"

Jiu Xiao praised Fu Hua behind Fu Hua, and when Fu Hua thought about changing clothes before, the blush on his face that was about to subside showed signs of appearing again.

Because it is in the Americas where there are relatively few Honkai outbreaks, the urban construction here must be more perfect. The trams that can reach the entire city and the tracks that shuttle between tall buildings all make Fu Hua feel strange.

The city surrounded by tall walls is divided into several areas, residential area, college area, living area, industrial area and administrative area, everything is in order, giving people a feeling of utopia.

For Fu Hua, who is used to seeing ruins, the high-rise buildings are quite shocking, and people come and go so that Fu Hua can't feel that the collapse is happening outside.

"How? Have you forgotten how to integrate into normal life after fighting too much?"

Jiu Xiao thought it was funny when he saw that Fu Hua was like a villager entering the city.

"Too beautiful will make people forget the dangers outside..."

Fu Hua, who is used to fighting with Honkai beasts and dead soldiers, felt the hidden dangers hidden under the beauty, and began to worry that this is where the next Honkai outbreak will erupt.

"Don't talk about frustration, let's go to the living area to play!"

By the way, go to the lodging place prepared by Flamemoth in the living area, put your luggage at the base, and then go to the living area for a stroll.


After saying that, Fu Hua followed Jiu Xiao's footsteps and went to the tram stop to wait for the tram.

The tram runs every 10 minutes, and Fu Hua and Jiu Xiao got on the tram very quickly. Looking at the scenery outside the window, it was different from the wasteland, which made Fu Hua feel relaxed.

"We have arrived at station A in the living area, passengers arriving at the station, please get off in time"

"I finally have a feeling of being in a different world..."

Fu Hua, who got out of the car, stretched and looked around at the shops. Different from the roadside stalls, even the food carts gave off a sci-fi feel.

Because of the outbreak of the collapse, every city has become a closed society by itself, and there are no tourists, so places like hotels have disappeared.

Arriving at the scheduled location, this is a bar called Butterfly. Because it is daytime, the business hours have not yet arrived, but Fu Hua will not be at a loss.

There was a knock on the door, three long ones, two short ones, then two long ones, and then he put his palm on the circle pattern on the door. This was the code Mei gave to Fu Hua. Although it was very low, it worked. And putting your hand on the circle pattern is also scanning your fingerprints to confirm your identity.

"Oh! It's amazing!"

Facing the scene like a spy movie, Jiu Xiao was about to suffer from the Second Second Disease, so Fu Hua ignored Jiu Xiao with glowing eyes.

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