Fu Hua gave Leon the way to come in, and entering the police station is not just the gate.

Wu Jian turned on the computer placed in front of the counter, and the monitoring system was placed on the table. Wu Jian had to complain about the police in Raccoon City.

"Can you find anything?"

Jiu Xiao looked at Wu Jian and rummaged through the screen, except for the wandering zombies, he didn't seem to find anyone else.

"The police station has also fallen?"

Wujian was very curious about the fact that the windows were all closed. Obviously, this police station was converted into a refuge, but what happened if there were no living people.

At this time, the gate of the police station was opened again. Jiu Xiao remembered that the gate of the police station was one-way, and immediately yelled.

"Don't close the door!"

However, it was too late, Leon had just escaped from the zombies, the first thing he did was to close the gate, after closing the gate, he looked towards Jiu Xiao.


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Section 75 No.72 Police Station

Today is the first day of Leon's work in Raccoon City. Although I don't know why the letter of appointment came a whole week late, but Leon's childhood dream of justice is about to come true.

On the highway to Raccoon City, Leon found zombies at the gas station. He tried to contact the police, but to no avail.

The horrible zombies could not stop Leon from wanting to find out. After meeting Claire at the gas station, Leon drove his beloved little police car and came to Raccoon City.

Raccoon City is really simple and honest. After seeing the new police car, they stepped forward to welcome them one after another, but at the same time, they blocked Leon's car door.

Enthusiastic citizens scratched Lyon's car, but it doesn't matter. After all, the police are the public servants of the people. He doesn't mind such a little car paint, but he still has to go to the police station to report!

Leon and Claire were stuck in the car, and just as Leon was about to escape, a tanker truck came from behind.

Looking at the drowsy look of the tanker driver, Leon secretly thought that something was wrong, but he had no choice but to watch the tanker rush over.



Although the driver of the oil tanker was driving tired, he could still clearly recognize the situation ahead. Obviously, no car could hit the police car. The driver of the oil tanker turned the steering wheel at a critical moment and successfully caused the tanker to roll over.

——Subject one failed!

The overturned oil tank truck stuck to the ground with a sliding shovel for tens of meters, and successfully sent the enthusiastic citizens outside the police car to meet God. Of course, due to the transmission of force, the police car was also forced to squeeze forward and collided with the luxury car in front superior.

—It's over... Is my police career coming to an end?Hit a luxury car with a police car!

Throwing away unrealistic thoughts, Leon quickly climbed out of the police car, after all, he never wanted to experience the feeling of being surrounded by enthusiastic citizens.

The engine caught fire, the surrounding tanker trucks leaked oil, and any fool knew what was going to happen next.

According to the inertia of Hollywood plots, fleeing quickly and then flying to the ground is the most handsome shot, and Leon did it without hesitation.

The wind generated by the explosion caused Leon to fly a few meters longer, but it didn't matter, at least he wasn't injured. Even if he was injured, Leon was confident enough to steal other people's potted plants to heal himself.

After reporting to Claire that he was safe and agreeing on the next date, Leon bypassed the enthusiastic citizens and finally came to the police station.

Lyon enjoyed star-like treatment, so he would naturally choose to lock the gate of the police station. Who knew that the gate of the police station was actually a one-way passage, and he couldn't get out after entering. This was very embarrassing.

"Um... are you survivors here?"

Lyon saw that Fu Hua's group was dressed like a policeman at all. Seeing the shelter's attire, Lyon expressed his guess.

"No, I am the savior!"

Jiu Xiao jumped out, but got a shudder from Fu Hua.

"We are tourists and he is the bodyguard."

Fu Hua pointed to himself and Jiu Xiao, and then pointed to Wu Jian.

Leon had indeed seen bodyguards in black suits, but what the hell were tourists, Leon began to wonder if he had heard something wrong.

——Could it be the eldest lady of which family came out?

"You have seen the situation outside... I am going to find the way out now..."

Leon pointed to the zombies outside, and the pistol in his hand was running out of ammunition. Ever since he came to this ghost town, Leon began to think about how to leave.

"No! This is surveillance!"

Fu Hua pointed to the laptop on the counter, and a policeman appeared on the screen where there was no one, and he was using his sunset red spear to prevent a Wu Ke zombie from approaching.

"Marvin! I found it! Sure enough, the way out is here! Please help! I'm in the east corridor now!"

The policeman in the picture was very excited, Fu Hua didn't even know why the surveillance system still installed the recording, but it didn't matter, Leon was like saving him at the same time.

"You guys just stay here, I'll go support him, and then we'll get out of this damn place together!"

After speaking, Leon opened the shutter door of the east corridor, but unfortunately, the fuse of the shutter door was not enough, and only a small part could be opened, so Leon could only get in. Of course, Leon ignored the prohibition sign on the shutter door.

Leon went in, leaving behind three people in a daze, and Wu Jian didn't know what to do for a while.

"Ahem...are you new survivors?"

A seriously injured policeman came out from the depths of the hall. His complexion was not very good, and his right rib was covered with bandages.

"Yes, I didn't expect this kind of thing to happen. Just now, someone went to the east corridor to save the policeman."

Fu Hua saw that he didn't have much time, so he decided to lie so that the other party would not be worried before death.


officer marvin held out his hand

"I am Fu Hua, she is Jiu Xiao, and the bodyguard Wu Jian."

Fu Hua shook his hand back, while Ma Wen observed the three of them.

"I'm glad you're alive in this damned place. We're looking for a way out. If you don't want to be one of them, don't be bitten by those dog-raised things!"

Suddenly, the rolling door of the corridor on the east side rang, and Leon was desperately trying to get out.

"Quick! Go help him!"

Jiu Xiao knew that Leon was so flustered, there must be something chasing behind him, and after Wu Jian heard Jiu Xiao's shout, he hurried forward and pulled Leon out.

Of course, the zombie at Leon's feet would not be reconciled, it also tried to get out and kiss Leon's beautiful feet.

Wu Jian was straightforward, he directly stepped on the rolling door, and crushed the zombie's head. This is the only zombie in Raccoon City who enjoys the rolling door kill.

Leon did not rescue the colleague of the sunset red marksmanship, he only took out the relic of the other party - the notebook that walked out of the police station.

Once again, Leon was in danger. After seeing Officer Marvin, he immediately straightened up.

"New policeman, Leon, come and report!"

Lyon took out the letter of appointment and handed it to Marvin. Marvin remembered that he had indeed prepared a welcome party about Lyon last week, but unfortunately the epidemic broke out.

"Actually, you shouldn't have come, but I still want to say, welcome..."

Seeing Leon's aggressive look, Marvin remembered that he was the same way when he first entered the police station. Although he didn't really want to involve Leon, Leon was the only chance to bring out the news of the fall of Raccoon City—maybe Wujian also can?

Obviously Leon was a little scared. After all, this kind of living dead can only be seen in movies, and the fact that his colleague became two sections is still vivid in his memory. Leon needs a lot of courage to face this reality.

Of course, Marvin also saw Leon's panic, and Wu Jian gave Marvin the feeling that it was a precious sword waiting to be unsheathed.

But out of trust in his colleagues and ideas from his elders, Marvin decided to explain the situation to a few people first, and enlighten Leon by the way.

Raccoon City's outbreak has been raging for a week, and the police station is the last refuge.

Obviously, the chief is intact, but he is still missing, and there are still many places in the police station that have not been explored. Marvin knows that there must be a big conspiracy behind all this.

It's a pity that Marvin has no way to continue the investigation. Marvin can only pin his hopes on Leon and Wu Jian, and the director's dirty deal may be found out.

When Leon heard that the director might have a dirty deal with Umbrella, he didn't believe it at first. He was very anxious because Marvin's condition was really bad, giving people a feeling that he might die at any time.

"Oh ho ho! Now it's the turn of the savior to appear!"

Jiu Xiao skillfully played with the crowbar and stood up.

Deciphering, taking risks, and catching prisoners sounds quite interesting.

"Miss, this is not a child's play, maybe you will die at any time!"

Ma Wen yelled at Jiu Xiao, it was obvious that Jiu Xiao's behavior was very dishonest, so Ma Wen was not at ease at all.

"Don't worry! As the savior, I can use the great wisdom of the savior to search for such things with ease!"

Jiu Xiao shook Zimao, thinking about how to arrest the chief.

"Since you want to use great wisdom, then don't use a crowbar to pry the door, and decrypt it honestly!"

Fu Hua grabbed the other end of the crowbar, and Jiu Xiao's complacent expression froze.

Jiu Xiao's idea is to use a crowbar to pry open all the doors on the road, and then search for the director's office. The documents inside will definitely become decisive evidence.

"Enough! Those things don't die!"

Marvin has seen the horror of zombies before. No matter how he shoots them, the zombies will come back to life. If he doesn't stay in the safe zone, he will be bitten by the zombies sooner or later.

"Don't worry, Jiuxiao has received professional training, otherwise how would we have arrived here?"

Wu Jian didn't want Ma Wen to get too excited. It would be bad if Ma Wen turned into a zombie in advance.

"I'll investigate to the end. I'll leave Marvin's monitoring to you, and then Wujian, we'll split up to search the police station. In the end, it's the two of you..."

Leon was assigning tasks, and Leon's idea was to let the two take good care of Marvin. He didn't think the two were very good, but Fu Hua interrupted Leon.

"We'll help you search the police station, don't worry about our ability to protect ourselves."

Fu Hua took out his pistol, and so did Jiu Xiao. Seeing that Fu Hua and his party had pistols, Leon became even more curious about the identities of the three.

"Then take care!"

Leon didn't want to persuade the two of them anymore, after all, he had to rush to open the secret passage of the police station according to the records in his notes, while Wu Jian focused on Fu Hua.

"Do you want to follow us, or go it alone?"

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