Bizarre Detainment Facility: You're Containing a Human Like Me?

Chapter 147 You are really inhumane like this

The director's thinking had unknowingly caught up with the doctor's. ♡

Is it possible to directly change a person's personality through memory erasure?

This method is theoretically possible, but it's just...

The director didn't finish his words.

The doctor wiped the blood from his palms on his white coat.

It's just that the likelihood of success is low.

If this level of memory erasure fails, people will die directly.

As he spoke, he looked into the director's eyes.

But that's not a drawback, is it?

The director was stunned for a moment, then nodded.

Indeed, the controllability is greatly improved.

He thought of Dante.

The victim who looked exactly like the devil.

If such beings could be mass-produced, it would play a big role in facing the coming crisis.

He took a deep breath and then looked at the doctor.

So, have you conducted corresponding experiments on these two assumptions?

The doctor shook his head.

Both of these assumptions are based on the fact that Lu Xiao's blood will cause mutations.

Originally, I thought the mutation was uncontrollable.

But this time during their trip to the dark prison, Dante brought me very important information.

The changes are controllable!

These last four words set off huge waves in the director's mind.

Can the mutation be controlled?

There was a glint in the doctor's eyes.

Yes, controllable.

And this is an answer verified by the Mirror of All-Seeing.

After hearing the doctor's words, the director's breathing became rapid.

If it is controllable, then the idea of ​​creating a god through sequence is completely achievable.

What are the controllable conditions?

The doctor recalled holding his chin.

According to Dante's description, there are two consequences of the mutation.

One is a pollution mutation, and the other is a pure mutation.

Dante belongs to the pure kind, while Adam belongs to the polluted mutation.

The director recalled the video of Adam's mutation.

Comparing the two, Dante looks a lot cuter like that.

The doctor continued.

Through the answer of the Mirror of Omniscient, the difference between the two mutations is.

“Integrity of the body and infection with an incurable disease.”

Having said this, he looked at the director.

For example, you are physically incomplete.

If you are injected with Lu Xiao's blood, you may be able to change at the genetic level.

Hearing this, the director fell into memories.

I injected my dad with his blood.

He has woken up, but his body has undergone contaminating mutations. Of course, the extent of the mutations is within an acceptable range.

The old man is very happy now.

His condition should be what you would call physically intact, and he does not suffer from incurable diseases.

As he spoke, he suddenly felt the urge to inject Lu Xiao's blood.

The doctor seemed to see it, and he shook his head.

Your situation is not suitable for this experiment at the moment.

The director was stunned for a moment, and then said with some regret.

Then I'll find a way to plant some terminally ill pathogen in my body.

The doctor waved his hand.

No need to bother.

As he spoke, he clapped his hands.

The assistant behind him immediately came up, holding a tray in his hand.

Inside the tray was a test tube containing a white liquid.

The doctor picked up the test tube.

This is the blood of the little girl you just rescued. It can also be said to be the pathogen.

Would you like to try it?


The director took the test tube and frowned slowly.

You mean, I first inject the blood containing the pathogen into my body, and then inject Lu Xiao's blood?

The doctor nodded.

It's really crazy.

The director felt his scalp was numb.

He looked at the Doctor.

Why don't you try it on yourself?

The doctor nodded again, the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

I've already had the injection.

Director: ???

He didn't expect the doctor to be so fast.

Otherwise the warden would say the doctor is a lunatic.

The director's expression suddenly froze.

But, your body is intact?

The doctor said nonchalantly.

It doesn't matter. I'll just remove some organs later.

Now it's just a matter of waiting for the pathogen to take effect.

So you want to try it together?

The director immediately shook his head.

I'm not as crazy as you. I'd better observe your situation before talking.

With that said, he put the test tube back on the tray.

Then, he looked into the doctor's eyes and said seriously.

I think you should change your code name.

What do you think of the code name Water Monkey?

The doctor thought for a moment, then asked softly.

Does this code name mean something?

The director nodded.

Water monkeys like to pull people into the water.

The doctor thought about it carefully before speaking.

This can be considered.

After speaking, he added another sentence.

But are you really not going to try it with me?

The director was stunned for a moment, then shook his head.

Actually, you can experiment on the consumables first. There is no need to do such a risky experiment on yourself.

The doctor shook his head slightly.

If you want to experiment on consumables, you need to give them a Class A memory wipe first to eliminate their personality.

Then it takes a long time to implant the ideological stamp to ensure their loyalty.

Obviously, I don't have that much time right now.

I need results as soon as possible.

The doctor's plan is simple. He wants to make experimental progress as quickly as possible.

Only then can mass production be carried out.

This may be able to catch up with the crisis caused by the failure of the 'door'.

It was crazy to do this, but as he said, there was not enough time.

After hearing the doctor's words, the director hesitated again.

Admittedly, the doctor was worried about what he was worried about.

He had a battle between heaven and man in his mind, and then took a deep breath.

Wait for me for a few minutes.

After saying that, he hugged the black cat and left.

The director walked to the corner, called his father, and briefly described the doctor's plan.

On the other end of the phone, the director's father just replied lightly.

“Just let it go.”

The director called his assistant again and then returned to the doctor.

Okay, I've already explained it to my father.

If the experiment fails, it just so happens that the two of us have a companion when we go down.

Hearing this, the doctor shook his head, with a rare smile on his face.

Actually, we can't go down there where you're talking about.

The worst outcome is that both of our genes collapse and we die in the experiment.

Or directly mutate into a monster like Adam.

In this case, maybe we can keep company in the dark prison.

The director bared his teeth.

You know, it's really inhumane of you to do this.

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