The director also learned about Lu Xiao's violent driving skills after listening to the driver's vivid description.

He immediately decided to fly the plane himself.

As the best victim according to the doctor, he has long been familiar with the driving skills of this type of vehicle.

Of course, I also have rich experience in taking off and landing under various harsh conditions.

As the plane took off, Lu Xiao walked out of the cab feeling a little lonely.

In the cabin, the doctor was explaining something to the black cat.

The prison doctor on the side listened with great interest and from time to time put forward some opinions of his own.

The chainsaw man nodded frequently, not sure if he really understood.

The chef was busy at a catering table, and all kinds of strange ingredients appeared on the chopping board.

Dante stood aside looking bored.

Seeing Lu Xiao come out, he hurriedly called him over.

What's up, buddy, you look like you have something on your mind.

Speak out what's on your mind, don't hold it in, it will hurt you.

Dante spoke sincerely, and Lu Xiao sighed softly.

I want to fly a plane.

Hearing this, Dante's expression froze instantly.

After a while, he said awkwardly.

Dude, I think you'd better hold it in, it'll be better for everyone.

Lu Xiao immediately rolled his eyes at him and said angrily.

Mr. Devil, it turns out that your thoughtfulness is all fake.

After he finished complaining, Lu Xiao looked at the chopping board in front of him.

The ingredients on the chopping board looked familiar to him.

The next second he remembered that this was the souvenir they brought back from the dark prison last time.


Except for the plane where Lu Xiao and the others were on.

The personnel sent by C03 had already set off one step ahead of them.

At this time, a transport plane was on board.

Hua Tou swung his hands again and again and said to Liu Guang beside him.

You just let that Liu Wen go?

The corners of Liu Guang's mouth raised slightly.

Let her go? How is this possible?

Because of her, Nini hasn't woken up yet.

I want her to experience the harm she inflicted on Nini.

Hearing this, Huantou began to fall into memories.

After Liu Guang went through the investigation, he took Liu Guang to complete the task assigned by the doctor.

With complete procedures and the rank of brigadier general.

Slippery easily mobilized a large number of police officers to cooperate with his actions.

Rich people who were originally suffering from terminal illnesses but were miraculously cured were arrested for various reasons.

After some severe interrogation, they all truthfully confessed how they had cured their terminal illness through Nini.

In the meantime, there are some added bonuses.

There are several rich people who have always been in contact with the weird, and their weird abilities have allowed them to make a lot of money.

These people were confiscated by Slippery and used to fill the gap in consumables.

The rest were sentenced to various punishments for different reasons.

As for Liu Wen.

She had long lost her domineering look when she was arrested.

She was originally a jeweled lady, but when she was arrested, her hair was messy, as if she had been severely frightened.

The moment the police put handcuffs on her, she even had relief in her eyes.

After investigation, Liu Guang found out.

At that time, Zhang Chaoya and Liu Mingsheng reached a deal.

Liu Mingsheng plans to use Nini to complete a deal with a rich man.

But in the end Zhang Chaoya died and Nini disappeared.

Because of Nini's disappearance, Liu Mingsheng's deal with the rich man also went south.


This made Liu Mingsheng take many detours and cost a lot of money.

Since Zhang Chaoya was dead, Liu Mingsheng could only vent his anger on Liu Wen.

Although Liu Wen is very scheming, she has no way to deal with a behemoth like Liu Mingsheng.

Targeted by various means, Liu Wen lost everything she originally owned.

Liu Wen originally thought that this would be the end.

Who knew that Liu Mingsheng still refused to let her go.

This made Liu Wen once want to take her own life.

But how could she do it because she was extremely selfish, so she could only live a life of hiding in Tibet.

Seeing Liu Wen like this, Hua Tou was a little sad at first.

Evil people will be punished by evil people, and this sentence came true in her case.

Ms. Liu Wen, the crimes you have committed are enough to keep you in prison for a lifetime.

Hua Tou still remembers what those involved in the interrogation said at the time.

However, upon hearing these words, Liu Wen's eyes lit up.

In her mind, that wasn't necessarily a bad thing.

After Liu Wen confessed her crime, Liu Guang personally gave her a glass of milk.

Thinking of this, Huantou understood instantly.

Did you put something in that glass of milk?

He waved his arms with a look of astonishment on his face.

Liu Guang nodded.

That's right, I added Nini's blood to that glass of milk.

Not just her, but all the people who had Nini's disease transferred, I gave them a drink.

Hua Tou smacked his lips and sighed.

Go back and give our devil instructor a suggestion and ask him to tattoo your portrait on his back.

The Holy Mother is common, but a living King of Hell like you is rare.

Liu Guang shook his arms and asked softly.

What would you do if it were you?

Hua Tou thought about it carefully.

I'll probably send them to meet my grandma.

Hua Tou only spent some time with Nini in a dream.

But in that short period of time, he already regarded Nini as his sister.

He didn't think there was any big problem with Liu Guang's approach.

Those who were about to die in the first place can now live on Nini for a while longer.

The two looked at each other and smiled.

Behind the two of them lay a dirty doll.

And this whole plane is just to transport this doll.


On the South Pacific.

Nick Ryder is performing the last rites.

Apart from him, a total of twenty old men in strange clothes formed a circle.

In front of each of them was a drum made of human skin.

In the middle of them is the door of flesh and blood.

‘Dong-dong-dong! ’

The sound of drums kept coming.

With each strike, a gray-robed believer dies.

Their bodies burst into flames out of thin air.

The sound of drums, accompanied by shrill shouts, fell on Nick Ryder's ears.

A beautiful symphony.

His expression was a little intoxicated.

In twenty hours, you will return to the earth.

All creatures in this world will crawl at your feet.

You will take back your authority.

“I will see greatness again.”

Your most loyal servant, Nick Ryder, looks forward to your awakening.

At the same time, weird murmurs continued to come from the flesh-and-blood door.

When the believers heard this murmuring voice, the expressions on their faces became even more fanatical.

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