If the rot reaches this stage, there is absolutely no possibility of reversal.

He will become a piece of rotten meat with no thoughts and only instincts.

Fei Dart groaned and said, Mr. Prison Doctor, you seem to know a lot about this curse?

The beak on the prison doctor's face opened and closed, and he said with a slightly solemn tone:

Because I once witnessed the outbreak of this curse on another creature.

At this time, Shadow and Bai So also walked towards here.

Bai So carries the Mirror of Omniscience on his shoulders.

Shadow said solemnly: The Mirror of Omniscience gave us the answer before.

As long as we can help Lu Xiao regain his humanity, we can suppress the curse.

But he has a total memory loss.

In other words, we need to establish his humanity and beliefs in his new experiences.

The prison doctor nodded.

This method is the answer given by the Mirror of All Knowledge, and it should be the best method.

As he spoke, his tone paused, and after a long time, he said hesitantly:

Actually, there is another way.

After hearing the prison doctor's words, everyone's eyes fell on him.

The prison doctor took a deep breath and said, Let Lu immediately become a god.

After hearing the prison doctor's answer, Shadow immediately refused.


In his current state, even if he can solve the curse problem after becoming a god, there will still be huge hidden dangers.

Because his humanity doesn't exist at this point.

Even if we help him complete the ceremony to become a god, there is a high probability that he will fall into complete madness in the last step of becoming a god!

Prison doctor, you should know this very well!

The prison doctor spread his hands and said, It's better to be crazy than to become rotten meat.

I only care about whether Lu's life can be saved. The rest is not my business.

I don't want to care either.

So what if I'm crazy.

The prison doctor's voice became louder and shriller.

Even if he is crazy, he is still Lu Xiao!

But if he turns into a rotten piece of meat with no thoughts and only instincts, then he will no longer be Lu Xiao!

The prison doctor's stance is completely different from Shadow's.

Shadow looks at this matter from the perspective of the overall situation.

The prison doctor looked at the matter purely subjectively.

But the same thing is that both of them want to help Lu Xiao.

At this time, Fei Dart sighed and said:

If there is no other way, then let him become a god.

Let him stay with me until the 'door' fails.

I will take care of him.

As for what happened after the 'door' failed, Shui Dart didn't say anything.

Because by that time, humans may no longer exist.

By then, it won't matter whether Lu Xiao is crazy or not.

This is a compromise method that Fei Dart came up with.

Even with the answers provided by the Mirror of All Knowledge.

But that doesn't mean they can definitely do it.

A complicated expression flashed across Shadow's face, and then he fell silent.

So Bai put down the Mirror of Omniscience.

He was ready to ask the Mirror of Omniscience again.

At this moment, Fei Dart suddenly said:

Everyone, I leave it to you to take Lu Xiao to the depths.

He pointed down.

It was a large dike.

I need to stay here.

If you encounter any accidents in the depths, let this fish bring you back.

After saying that, he jumped down.

The fish-shaped creature continued to fly towards the ocean.


At this time, Lu Xiao was squatting on the ground, holding his head in his hands.

His expression looked very painful.

The prison doctor let out a long sigh and said, Let's go find the owner of that mask first.

Even though he didn't want to go to the depths, he had to go there at this time.

Shadow sat cross-legged on the fish's back.

He said solemnly: If you can't solve his curse even after reaching the depths, then I will follow your instructions.

Make him a god!

Hearing this, the prison doctor was stunned for a moment, then sighed.

But he hasn't started the ceremony to become a god yet.

And, judging from his current situation, it is almost impossible to start the ceremony of becoming a god.

Shadow shook his head slightly and said, No! He has already started the ceremony of becoming a god.

And, he told me the content of the ceremony,

The prison doctor was stunned again, and even Bai So, who was beside him, was also stunned.

Bai So thought deeply and said, Have you made any arrangements?

Shadow nodded slightly.

During his previous trip to Northern Europe, Lu Xiao informed him of his ritual to become a god.

Kill a true god alone and eat him whole.

At this point, he had two choices.

The first is to regard himself as Lu Xiao’s killing target.

He only needs to break the bet at the last moment, and then burst out with the power of a true god.

Then let Lu Xiao kill and eat him.

This method is the least risky and the simplest.

The other option is to follow his original plan.

Lure the Pope to the dark prison and let Lu Xiao kill him with his own hands.

If it was Lu Xiao who was in his normal state before, even if there were risks, the problem should not be big.

But in Lu Xiao's current state, he wanted to kill the Pope alone.

That's unlikely.

After all, the Pope is not going to take it easy.

Moreover, Lu Xiao's godhood ceremony clearly stated that he needed to kill a god alone.

In other words, no one else can interfere with the ceremony.

Obviously Shadow has made a decision in his heart.

He thought for a moment, then cut the skin of his wrist with his fingertips.

Blood flowed down his wrist to the palm of his hand.

The blood strangely formed a magic circle-like pattern.

When the magic circle was formed, the blood condensed strangely.

They formed a human face in Shadow's palm.

Hey Hey hey!

Who's looking for me?

The human face made of blood made a somewhat impatient sound.

Shadow took a deep breath and then whispered:

It's me, War!

Human Face: Why are you using this method to find me?

You must have stayed in the Saints for a long time and been assimilated, right?

Shadow obviously had no intention of joking with him at this time.

He said in a serious tone: Gambler, I need you to do me a favor.

After hearing the shadow's words, the human face was silent for a moment.

Then his tone became heavier: Just tell me.

Shadow took a deep breath and then continued:

If I die, I hope you can help China.

the other side.

The gambler's expression became serious as he sat on the sofa.

He didn't answer in a hurry, but looked at the deck of playing cards on the table in front of him.

He casually took out one and glanced at it, then said softly: No, the bet between you and me is still in effect.

You can't die.

As he spoke, he seemed to have thought of something, and then said in surprise: You don't want to break the bet, do you?

At the same time, the pope sitting opposite him slowly frowned.

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