Since the manipulators behind the scenes are guiding things to develop in a direction that is beneficial to them.

Shadow simply stopped delving into it.

One is to prevent himself from going crazy, and the other is that the existence behind it is too terrifying.

As for who the controller is, Shadow has already made a rough guess.

Eighty percent of the time, it is the fellow Taoist Zhang Chu mentioned.

Shadow took a deep breath, then smiled to Lu Lu and said:

I'm fine, let's go back as soon as possible.

There are still so many things waiting for us.

According to his expectations, he should now be helping Lu Xiao and He Shang go through the ceremony to become gods.

But then Lu Xiao went crazy, and the development of things was out of his control from then on.

This also illustrates one thing from the side. The manipulator behind the scenes does not want them to become gods now.

So he took action to steer things away from the trajectory he had set.

But now Shadow doesn't dare to think deeply about it.

After calming down, Shadow looked at Bai So, who was sleeping soundly.

Bai's madness was temporarily resolved.

But it does not rule out that the ‘Creator’ has other back-up plans.

After all, as a god, the wisdom is beyond the reach of any mortal.

Now Shadow even suspects that Nick Ryder's death was arranged by himself.

This world is too crazy.

Especially those of them who have experienced the previous era.

Madness has already been engraved in the deepest part of our genes.

And Nick Ryder can live from the last era to the present and come to the new world to create saints.

Obviously, we cannot look at Him with normal human thinking.

But the only thing that is certain is that Nick Ryder is indeed dead.

This is a fact certified by the Mirror of All Knowledge.

He no longer even has a soul.

After getting all the complicated thoughts out of his mind, Shadow began to have a headache again.

This feeling of things being out of his control made him feel fear deep in his heart.

At this moment, he suddenly understood the psychology of gamblers.

Why gamblers love to go against fate.

'Destiny' is his characteristic, but he doesn't seem to believe in fate.

Now Shadow understands that the gambler may have discovered something.

So he always makes choices that go against his destiny.

But Shadow thought about something deeper.

This is not another choice planned by fate.

The gambler's choice may still be fate.

But who knows whether gamblers have thought of this.

Shadow Heart sighed inwardly: No one is normal.

The world has been distorted, and what they have done as gods.

They are all conforming to this twisted world.

Shadow suddenly had an idea in his mind.

When all of them, the god-goers from the old era, disappear, the world will become normal.

After all, in the eyes of ordinary people, there is nothing strange about this world.

What's strange is that they are just people from the old times.

At this time, even Shadow, who was always cautious, did not notice that there was something wrong with his thoughts.

At this moment, a circle of ripples suddenly appeared on the surface of the Mirror of Omniscience.

Immediately afterwards, the human face appeared again.

He looked at the shadow and said:

A great being asked me to warn you to stop all your thoughts.

You've gone crazy!

As the words fell, the Mirror of Omniscience turned into a pendant and fell from mid-air.

Lu Xiao hurriedly stretched out his hand to catch it.

He looked at the pendant in his hand, and then put it on his neck like a ghost.

After doing all this, he looked at the shadow with worried eyes and said:

Mr. Shadow, it says you've gone crazy.

New 𝗑.𝖼𝗈𝗆

How is this going?

The shadow had been frozen in place for a long time.

The words of the Mirror of Omniscience set off huge waves in his heart.

He didn't hear what Lu Xiao said.

Am I already crazy?

How can this be?

In addition to shock, Shadow only had fear in his heart.

At this moment, Lu Xiao reached out and pushed Shadow and said:

Mr. Shadow?

It was this moment that interrupted Shadow's thoughts.

He looked at Lu Xiao with a puzzled expression.

Lu Xiao repeated what he just said.

The mirror says you're crazy, what's going on?

Hearing this, a wry smile appeared on Shadow's face.

After a while, he seemed to understand something and said in a relaxed tone:

If you're crazy, be crazy.

What he has to consider now is not whether he is crazy, but the series of consequences that will arise after the prison is broken.

Moreover, there was another thing before him.

It's time for me to become a god!

Shadow's eyes became determined again.

He figured it out, now that someone was guiding the direction of things.

Then he might as well just comply with that person's wishes.

After thinking about all this, Shadow felt relaxed.

It was as if the pressure on his shoulders was suddenly lifted.

At first, he asked the Mirror of Omniscience about Lu Xiao.

And the answer of the Mirror of Omniscient is, don't worry about him anymore.

Shadow now had a clear understanding of this sentence.

Come on, we need to go back as soon as possible!

He pointed at the cloud of flesh and blood floating in the air.


C03 Shelter.

The driver looked at the stack of design drawings in front of him that was as tall as a person, and his mind went blank.

Beside him, the director held his chin and said in a deep voice:

This is a new thing designed by the best mechanical experts in the country.

And we have verified it using the computing power of the 'system'.

The design is reasonable and it works.

Hearing this, the driver picked up the first drawing above.

The drawings were densely packed with characters and lines that he couldn't understand.

At this time, the director suddenly said:

You took it backwards.

Hearing this, the driver looked enlightened.

No wonder I said I couldn't understand.

After speaking, he turned over the drawing in his hand.

Then his eyes lit up.

Okay, I still don’t understand.

The director groaned and said:

We have considered your ability to understand, and this has been simplified to the extreme within a controllable range.

All the original design drawings can fill your room.

Hearing the director's words, the driver's eyes twitched.

Okay, thank you for your understanding!

He almost said this through gritted teeth.

At this time, Hughes came over.

He looked at the pile of drawings on the ground, and then at the driver.

He instantly understood the driver's troubles.

But there is no way around it.

He pulled the director aside and said to him:

How is the doctor's treatment going?

Speaking of this, the director's expression became a little strange.

I don't know how to explain it.

According to Xiao Hei, the doctor was a bit...

Hmm...a bit outrageous.

Seeing the director hesitating, Xiu En suddenly became anxious.

What did he do in the dream?

The director took a deep breath and then said softly:

That guy created a new world in his dream!

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