Qiao Weiwei put the cake on the table, then poured hot milk into his cup and passed it to him.

Jiang Beimo reached out to receive her milk glass, and touched the back of her hand accidentally ...

Qiao Weiwei froze ... then withdrew her hand.

"I'm busy today. You can order takeaway at noon. Tell me what you want to eat at night. I'll buy some food!"

Since he went to the cafe that day and called her wife, so that everyone in the store knew the relationship between them, Yang Xiu did not go to work the next day.

Qiao Weiwei called him a few times, but he said that his family found another job for him, so he didn't come.

After hearing what he said, Qiao Weiwei could understand, so now the staff in the coffee shop is a little nervous, and she has no time to come back and cook lunch for him.

"The coffee shop is busy?" Jiang Yanmo couldn't help asking.

She seems to have been busy for the past two days. After returning to make dinner in the evening, she left again ...

He thought that she was hiding from him intentionally because of his impulse that night ...

However, after a few days, he was sure that she was really busy.

"Yeah ... Xiu Xiu resigned, and he didn't recruit anyone for a while. Now the shop is not staffed enough, and the cafe business is getting better, so I have to be busy." Qiao Weiwei nodded, took a bite of cake, and then Said.

Although it is very busy, but because this cafe is her business, I am also enjoying it!

After listening to her, Jiang Beimo was quite happy.

That guy resigned?

Hmm ... there is a very refreshing feeling in his heart. No wonder he did not see that annoying figure when he went to the cafe these days!

Think of it this way, Jiang Beimo's mood suddenly became happy!

"You haven't answered me yet. What would you like to eat tonight?" Qiao Weiwei asked again.

But it ’s strange to say that these days, because of her busy schedule, the quality of the food she cooks is not as good as before, and sometimes ... she even deliberately made the food more difficult than before.

But ... Jiang Beimo didn't seem to notice it at all.

This made Qiao Weiwei wonder. He was lingering with her now, not because she wanted to eat her meals or drink her tea and coffee ... Why was Jiang Yishao, who was so picky, always connected? This is not found.

"Braised fish." Jiang Beimo thought about it, and then spit out a dish name.

She used to make this dish when she was at the Jiang family. At that time, he didn't feel anything, but now he totally likes that dish!

As long as she makes it, he likes to eat it!

"Okay ..." Qiao Weiwei nodded.

Before long, Qiao Weiwei drank two sips of milk and lowered the glass.

Then she got up, took the coat on the back of the chair, put it on, and ready to go out with her bag on her back.

Jiang Beimo glanced at a glance at half of the breakfast left in front of her.

"Is it like that?" Can this be enough?

"It's too late, I have to go to the store quickly!" Qiao Weiwei nodded, then turned and went out.

When Jiang Beimo got up, she had already turned into the elevator.

He stood at the door, thinking about her busy time and no time to rest. He felt a little distressed at her ...

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