Black Technology Live Room

Chapter 432: Live for the ideal.

The Zhaicheng Space Center is remotely controlled in the Moon Lab. The atmosphere is tense and busy but methodical. Hundreds of researchers and dozens of scientific research teams perform their own research projects.

In the corner of the laboratory, dozens of researchers who belong to the same team surrounded Zhang Zhai and Gan Xiaohua.

Dozens of researchers had sad faces on their pale faces, all of them frowning.

The person in charge of the team opened his eyes with dark circles, reached out and pulled his own hair, and said in a low voice, "Zhang, the research on the planting of lunar plants is in trouble."

"We have planned a block area for planting lunar plants in the Moon Palace Base Area 03 to prepare for future lunar automated farms. However, recent experiments have shown that plant death has caused the progress of the experiment to stagnate ..."

Zhang Zhai Wenyan nodded slightly, looked at these somewhat frustrated researchers, and said with a smile: "Let me see the experimental data ..."

The team leader nodded, and then operated on the holographic screen next to him, "General Manager Zhang, the experimental data has been transmitted to your mailbox."

Zhang Zhai nodded, then opened the email.

On the holographic screen, more than one hundred pages of experimental data are displayed.

Zhang Zhai reached out and slide down page by page, quickly browsing the dense experimental data and experimental records on the holographic screen.

Instantly, the atmosphere calmed down, dozens of researchers held their breaths and looked at Zhang Zhai nervously.

Zhang Zhai turned pages very quickly, sliding down without stopping.

In just three minutes, Zhang Zhai turned over one hundred pages of experimental records and data, and at the same time engraved all the data in his head.

Zhang Zhai stared at the holographic screen, squinting his eyes, the brain began to move quickly, and the experimental data were reproduced one by one in Zhang Zhai's mind ...

"Is there a paper experiment?" Zhang Zhai asked, turning his head.

"There are some manuscripts," the team leader nodded.

"Let me see ..."


"Slap ..."

Data manuscripts up to 10CM thick were placed in front of Zhang Zhai.

Zhang Zhai looked at the thick stack of draft paper and divided it into four copies, wiped them separately, and connected them in a row on the workbench.

"Wow ... wow ..."

Take a glance from left to right, and pull out five sheets from this set of papers.

"Since the eleventh experiment, you made a mistake, and your direction went astray, and you completely walked into the dead end." Zhang Zhai held a neutral pen in his hand and circled five identical data on five manuscript sheets .

Zhang Zhai looked up, these people in front of them were holding back and had not responded.

"Although I admit that I look handsome, you don't have to stare at me so straightly." Zhang Zhai joked.

Dozens of researchers heard that the sadness and tension on their faces disappeared, revealing a knowing smile.

Zhang Zhai smiled when he saw this and handed the five-page draft to the team leader.

"Wow ... wow ..." Several researchers put the side of the person in charge, staring closely at the contents of the five-page manuscript by Zhang Zhai, studying it carefully.

Dozens of researchers returned to silence instantly, and Zhang Zhai was not in a hurry, waiting quietly.


For a long time, when the minute hand bounced five times in a row, the researchers in front of Zhang Zhai raised their heads with confusion.

"General Manager Zhang ..." The team leader frowned at his hair in distress. "I don't seem to be aware of the problem ..."

"You are all caught in a misunderstanding." Zhang Zhai watched these people shake their heads, then reached down and wrote a line of data quickly with a neutral pen next to the circled data. "Look now ..."

The eyes of a group of researchers gathered on that row of data and studied it intently.

After five minutes.

"Divine ... I seem to understand!"

Accompanied by a surprise voice, everyone watching this row of data has revealed a look of sudden realization.

"It's actually like this, we didn't expect that we should be gangsters." The head of the team said excitedly, "Thank you Mr. Zhang ... Thank you Mr. Zhang."


A few minutes later, Zhang Zhai watched these people leave with an excited expression and smiled heartily.

"Mr. Zhang, your knowledge is too broad." Academician Gan Xiaohua said with emotion.

Zhang Zhai heard the sound and turned to say something.

Suddenly ... a voice sounded behind Zhang Zhai.

"Di Shen, can I ask you some questions about the research of life support system?"

"You said……"

On the side of Zhang Zhai, Academician Gan Xiaohua laughed.


The Zhaicheng Space Center seemed very calm, but at this time the outside world was like the sea swept by the violent wind, and the stormy waves kept tumbling.

With the return of a batch of resources from the moon, with the increasing frequency of the return of resources, the impact of its impact has become wider and wider.

The top floor of the Zhehe Building in Zhaicheng, Zhehe Science and Technology Park.

"Beep ... beep ..."

"Hello, this is Hua Menglian."

"Hello, Mr. Hua, this is Rongxin Electronic Technology Group ... Is your company ..."

"Sorry, Yehe Technology has no plans to sell raw materials for the time being. At this stage, Lunar resources are still only used by Yehe Technology." After answering very skillfully, Hua Menglian cut off the call directly.

"Mr. Zhang, you are free ..." After Hua Menglian ended the call, she shook her head helplessly, and then continued to deal with the affairs at hand.



"Hello, this is Hua Menglian."

"Hello, Mr. Hua, I am Huaguo First Heavy Industry Group ... Is your company planning to sell some rare metals mined in the month? If possible, we would like to make your company a long-term purchase target."

"One heavy?"

"Yes, we are the first heavy industry group of Huaguo."

"Yes, we can sell." This time Hua Menglian did not refuse, because this is a state-owned enterprise.


After a while, Hua Menglian looked at the purchase list, shook her head with a smile, and whispered, "Mr. Zhang, you are right."

At this moment, what Zhang Di said before seemed to linger in her ear:

"... Without losing interest, selling to the country is the best option. The moon resources are too huge and the impact is also great. Let the above worry about it."


羲 and science and technology official website forum.

Because of the bombardment of related news in the past two days, the cricket and forum were extremely active.

Millions and even tens of millions of people are here to discuss and argue with each other every moment.

"Lunar resources ... Think about the lunar base a year ago, but now we are already using the lunar resources, which is amazing."

"It feels like living in the future ..."

"Speaking, when will we be able to make products with raw materials from the moon?"

"I've heard that the latest anti-gravity cars produced by Xunhe Technology are basically made of lunar materials ~ ~ Would you like to buy one?"

"Although I already have an anti-gravity car, it is not impossible to buy another one to feel the breath of the moon."

"Sink, tyrant."


At this moment, the whole world seems to be discussing moon resources, and countless related news appears anywhere on the Internet.

At the same time, all news fever was put aside.

On the Internet, a piece of news called "China's Tenth Five-Year Plan began to be implemented, and intelligence began to replace humans" was quickly and completely covered up as soon as it appeared.

In the capital of China, the personnel department of the First Heavy Industry Group, several lines are lined up.

The team moved forward slowly, everyone in front of and behind the team whispered, and everyone's mood was very complicated.

Forefront of the team ...

"Xiao Chen, are you thinking?" The director of the personnel department smiled to the youth in front of him,

"In the future, will I take retirement salary or participate in the transformation relearning program? I personally recommend that you participate in transformation and relearning."

"Think it!" Said the youth Chen with a flushed face, and said excitedly, "I participated in the transformation and re-learning program."

"Good choice, after all, you are still young." The director of personnel nodded, then asked with a smile, "I think others are a bit depressed, how can you be happy?"

"That's because they haven't figured it out. They might have been happier than me." The young man with the surname Chen replied with a smile,

"The high welfare policy allows me to live without work and never have to give up my ideals in order to survive.

Anyway, I'm hungry again. I do whatever I want, and I pursue whatever I want.

Not happy enough to be able to ignore the material foundation, live for the ideal, and live for survival? "

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