Time goes by.

金 After the Venus manned landing plan was announced, the preliminary preparations for the plan officially entered the countdown phase.

The next day,

Zhaicheng Space Center, lounge on the top floor.

Zhang Zhangzhai leaned on the seat and looked at the content on the holographic screen.

This is a somewhat rough design and manufacturing plan for a special commercial spacecraft, including detailed design drawings of the entire commercial spacecraft.

A quick look, Zhang Zhai retracted his gaze, smiled slightly,

"Let ’s do this, directly split the design and manufacturing drawings to the terminator of the 羲 and technology production manufacturing area, and at the same time notify General Engineer Chen to produce a batch of core parts of commercial-grade spacecraft."

"Okay, father."

AI's voice sounded instantly.

He nodded and Zhang Zhai stood up and walked quickly towards the lounge.

Uh ...

Five kilometers from the Zhaicheng Space Center, the location of the ground-moon transmission device ground device.

From time to time, anti-gravity transport vehicles carrying earth and moon materials enter and exit the blue light curtain. With the in-depth development of the lunar resources, the area where the earth-moon transmission device is located is getting more and more prosperous.

外 Outside the alert area,

At this moment, there are still a large number of tourists gathered, and every visitor to Zhaicheng can't help but come here to see this great creation of human science and technology, the real human interstellar cargo port.

"Did you see this? This is the earth-moon transmission device. With its existence, we can realize the unobstructed exchange of materials with the moon and achieve zero distance between earth and moon."

Several teachers took twenty or thirty students to visit the earth-moon transmission device.

A group of students looked at the behemoth device close at hand, fell into a deep shock, and carved a deep reflection in their minds.

"Mr. Qian, listen to my dad, there is a city on the moon, can I go and see?" A student asked timidly in his eyes.

On hearing the sound, several teachers smiled, one of them squatted down and touched her head.

当然 "Of course you can, but wait for you to grow up. When you grow up, there will be more than one city on the moon. By then, you can go to any city you want."

"Oh." The little girl nodded heavily, then opened her eyes and continued to look at the light curtain emitting blue light.

"... Mr. Qian, what is it?" The little girl widened her eyes and looked at the device that emerged from the dim blue light curtain.

"I know, I know ..." Before the teacher answered, a little boy beside him rushed to answer,

"It's an anti-gravity spacecraft, Teacher Qian, I'm right."

"Yes, it's an anti-gravity spaceship."

Uh ...

As the tourists immersed themselves in the shock of the transmission device, an anti-gravity spacecraft poured into the faint blue light curtain of the transmission system.

After the gush came out, Pang's anti-gravity spacecraft did not stop at all, and drove towards the Zhaicheng Space Center at a very rapid rate.

"This should be Fuxi," a young man whispered, drawing a girl next to him,

"How do you see this, there are basically several anti-gravity spacecraft in Zhaicheng Space."

"You didn't pay attention to the announcement of Zhaicheng Aerospace. According to the information disclosed by Zhaicheng Aerospace, Fuxi will participate in the Venus manned landing program as a convoy spacecraft. At this time, the spacecraft will return from Yuegongcheng, except Fuxi Which one will it be?

He added that although the overall shapes of the several spaceships of Zhaicheng Aerospace are basically the same, there are still many details that are different ... "The young man turned his head and replied.

The girl heard the sound of interest, and went to the young man to discuss it with him.

At the same time, a group of reporters who were standing outside the alert area were extremely keen to capture the pictures of the returning ground of Fuxi.

Uh ...

Zhaicheng Space Center, the launch area in front of the rocket building.

Fuhui's Fuyu stopped steadily on the steel frame. Thousands of Terminators were inside and outside of it. Fufu made a series of transformations in accordance with the requirements of the landing plan.

Outside the puppet launching area, Zhang Zhai watched Fuxi stop slightly, stayed for a moment, then turned around and stepped into the rocket building again.

Uh ...

Time is passing fast.

With the efforts of a group of researchers and manufacturing personnel, the preliminary preparations for the Venus manned landing program have also been completed quickly and orderly.

The clouds gathered and scattered, the sun rose and set, and three days passed quietly.

As time approaches, the time when Venus's manned landing approaches, outside Zhaicheng Aerospace, on the Internet, it will become more lively in reality.

There is no pause, the public opinion is heated until the construction of Qiming City is completed and transferred to the upcoming Venus manned landing plan.

Countless people watch related news and discuss related topics.

Wherever the crowd gathered, we could hear the discussion of Venus' manned landing.

A group of media reporters who had previously performed live broadcasts of Qiming City did not leave Zhai City. They were doing preliminary reports in the main city area of ​​Zhai City while waiting for the implementation of the Venus manned landing plan.

It was evening, and there were only two days left before the implementation of the Venus landing program.

发射 Launch area in front of Zhaicheng Space Center.

"Oh! Bang ..."

Zhang Zhai and General Manager Chen standing outside the launch area clearly heard the roar in their ears.

This is the sound of the wall being smashed on the side of the manufacturing area, and also the clarion call when the Zhaicheng Space Center starts a new plan.

The three of them heard the sound and looked at each other, a smile on their faces.

"咚咚咚 ..."

With the dense and neat pace of the Terminator, the parts of the new spacecraft were brought together.

整体 The overall assembly of the new spacecraft began.

At this moment, not only are there new spaceships being assembled in the launch area, but the Fuxi, which has completed the transformation, also steadily stops in the launch area.

I glanced at the Fuyu and the new spacecraft, Zhang Zhai retracted his gaze, whispered with Professor Hu and General Manager Chen, while waiting for the new spacecraft to complete its assembly.

"... The core components of the special commercial class spacecraft have also been completed and have been handed over to 羲 and the manufacturing area."

"The construction of an updated anti-gravity spacecraft has also begun while the components of this spacecraft have been completed ..." Mr. Chen Gong and Zhang Zhai exchanged various issues.

Time gradually passed in the exchanges between Zhang Zhai and General Manager Chen.

at last.

The evening sunset and sunset completely disappear, and the lighting system in the launch area lights up.

The Terminator, who is currently undergoing the overall assembly mission, suddenly left the launch area and resumed standby. A complete spacecraft appeared in the launch area.

He Wensheng, Zhang Zhai, Professor Hu and others suspended the communication and turned to look at the launch area.

Under the light of the beacon light, two colossal spaceships stood in the launch area and reflected each other.

"It's hard, Mr. Chen ..."

Uh ...

Time passed, with the construction of the new spacecraft completed. UU reading books www. uukanshu.com

The preliminary preparations for Venus' manned landing plan have been basically completed.

Sunrise and sunset, another day passes again.

仅 There is only one day left before Venus's manned landing.

Uh ...

That night,

Zhaicheng Space Center.

Zhang Zhai was reminded by A1 and returned to the lounge to start rest.

After a brief wash, Zhang Zhaiban leaned against the bedside.

"A1, what happened to the release of the special commercial class spaceship?" Zhang Zhai took a cup of warm water and asked with a drink.

"The launch of the special commercial spaceship scheduled to be held at 14:30 this afternoon has been held as planned, and now the conference has ended, pre-sale snap-in has been completed and all special commercial spaceships have been snapped up. The two ships were purchased by the government. Do you need to bring up the scene of the conference? "

Xu Wenyan said, Zhang Zhai put down the water glass and replied, "No need."

He said, Zhang Zhai lay down and motioned to A1 to turn off the holographic screen.

The night fell, and the lounge quieted down, and Zhang Zhai slept.

最后 The last night before Venus's manned landing followed.

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