Black Technology Live Room

Chapter 608: The first batch of Qiming immigrants

Qiming City, Qiming Branch General Meeting Room.

At this moment, a group of left-behind researchers have gathered in the conference room.

All eyes were focused on the front holographic screen.

"Click ..."

The door of the meeting room was pushed open, and Zhang Zhai quickly stepped into the meeting room.

After giving a few gestures to a group of researchers, Zhang Zhai walked to the forefront of the conference room and looked at the front holographic screen.

On the holographic screen, the image captured by the Taibai external camera is presented. In the picture, Taibai and Fuxi carrying the two thousand first batch of immigrants from Qiming City have approached Venus infinitely, and the surface of Venus has occupied the entire picture.

Looking down slightly, Zhang Zhai glanced at the real-time changing data under the holographic screen.

Data show that the two spacecraft have approached Venus' orbit.

"The spacecraft reached Venus' orbit, began to orbit Gold, and continued to slow down."

"The spacecraft continues to slow down ..."

The sound of instructions and feedback came from the temporary command room of Yueyong Miyagi. Through quantum communication equipment, it sounded synchronously in the comprehensive conference room.

Suddenly, the two ships carrying Qiming City's first set of immigrants changed their attitudes and course, and began to continue to sail around gold.


On the front side of the general conference room, Zhang Zhai's gaze paused slightly on the holographic screen, then he retracted his gaze.

"Let's go, we will welcome the arrival of the first batch of Qiming immigrants." Zhang Zhai said with a smile.

After speaking, he turned around and walked out again.

After that, ten researchers followed Zhang Zhai and walked towards the conference room.


Moon Palace, Moon Palace Division.

The atmosphere in the temporary command room responsible for the first batch of ground missions for the Qiming Resettlement Plan became more tense as it approached the landing time of the spacecraft.

The crowd on the ground was highly focused and focused on their duties.

Academician Gan, who is in charge of Qiming's immigration program, is also staring at the ever-changing data on the holographic screen.

"Taibai has decelerated to a safe threshold, Fuxi ..."

"Order the Taibai and Fuxi immediately to start the landing procedure and start the landing."

"The Taibai has confirmed the landing site and started landing, Fuxi ..."

"Command Qimingcheng Intelligent Control System to take over the control of the landing spacecraft."

"The anti-gravity system is normal, the relative altitude ..."

With intensive feedback and instructions, the two spacecraft carrying the first batch of Qiming City immigrants began to gradually reduce their altitude and landed towards Qiming City.


Qiming City, outside Star Harbor.

Zhang Zhai and a group of researchers stood.

Zhang Zhai scanned the holographic screen within his eyes, and the screen showed the picture taken by the external camera equipment of Qiming City.

In the picture, the two spacecraft that have been continuously lowered in height and gradually landed have been captured by external cameras in Qiming City.

As the height of the spacecraft continued to decrease, the Taibai and Fuxi expanded rapidly in the picture.

at last,

The altitude value and the speed value are reset to zero at the same time. The two spacecraft pass through the outer door of the berth precisely, land in the berth, and disappear in the picture captured by the external camera equipment.

With a slight smile, Zhang Zhai retracted his gaze from the holographic screen and looked at the exit of the interplanetary port on the front side, waiting quietly.

Interstellar harbor, berth indoor.

The hatches of the two spacecrafts opened, and the first batch of Qiming City immigrants began to orderly.

And under the guidance of Qiming City intelligent control system, walked towards the interstellar port.


After a while.

Outside the interstellar port.

The first immigrants who stepped out of the interstellar port appeared within the sight of Zhang Zhai and a group of researchers.

Looking at the first group of immigrants who arrived more than twenty days later, Zhang Zhai's face appeared without a smile.

The first group of immigrants who stepped out of the interstellar port immediately noticed the figures of Zhang Zhai and others, and quickly gathered towards Zhang Zhai.

"boss Zhang……"

Zhang Zhai nodded and shook hands with the person in charge of the immigration.


The first batch of 2,000 immigrants gradually poured out of the interstellar port, gathered in an orderly manner in front of Zhang Zhai, and everyone remained quiet, their eyes focused on Zhang Zhai.

After a while,

Zhang Zhai looked at the first two thousand immigrants from Qiming City in front of her, looked around, and a smile appeared on her face.

"Welcome to Qiming City. This Venus city will prosper because of you!"


Time passes slowly.

Under the auspices of the heads of the various regions, the 2,000 immigrants who arrived in Venus quickly got in place and began performing their duties.

The entire Qiming branch began to operate in an orderly manner, and various research work began in an orderly manner. In a short time, it was on the right track.


After a few hours,

Zhang Zhai and ten researchers once again gathered outside the interstellar port.

According to the plan, Zhang Zhai and five researchers returning to the ground will take the Taibai to the ground after the first batch of immigrants from Qiming City.

Outside the interstellar port,

Zhang Zhai shook Professor Lu's hand,

"Professor Lu, Qiming City has worked hard for you."

"Relax, President Zhang, I have some experience with alien cities."

On hearing that, Zhang Zhai didn't say much, and patted Professor Lu's shoulder.

After saying a few farewell words to the crowd, he didn't stop too much, turned around and walked towards the Star Harbor.

Outside the interstellar port, Professor Lu and a group of researchers watched Zhang Zhai and others disappear into sight, and then recovered their eyes and turned away.


Interstellar Harbor, No. 1 berth indoor.

Zhang Zhai and five returning researchers stepped inside Taibai, and the doors on the four sides of Taibai were closed.

Skip past the secondary cabin and sit down again in various places in the main cabin.


The protective strap popped out and tied Zhang Zhai to the fixed seat.

"... Taibai and Fuxi began to accelerate!"

"The energy system is activated, the anti-gravity system is activated, and the spacecraft is off the ground."

"... the spacecraft continues to accelerate, real-time speed ..."

Feedback from the ground command room continued to sound.

The Taibai and Fuxi carrying Zhang Zhai and others got rid of the gravity of Venus, as they did when they came out of the interstellar port, and began to take off.

Inside the main cabin, Zhang Zhai scanned the surface of Venus, which was shrinking and far away in the holographic picture on the front side.

First the interstellar port, then Qiming City, the basin where Qiming City is located, and Venus.

The spacecraft protruded from Venus' atmosphere and out of its orbit.

Venus begins to shrink quickly in the picture.


Time passes slowly, after a few hours of acceleration.

The Taibai and Fuxi began to sail smoothly at the limit speed ~ ~ and began a long return voyage.



On the back side of the ground command room, many media reporters gathered to conduct a live broadcast of the return journey of Venus' manned landing plan.

"... After staying in Qiming City for more than twenty days, Zhai Shen officially set foot on the spacecraft returning to the ground today ..."

"Just now, the Taibai carrying Zhaishen completed acceleration and began extreme voyages. According to the information disclosed by Zhaicheng Aerospace Officials, Zhaishen will reach the ground after eleven days. Let us witness together the successful success of Venus' manned landing plan. , To welcome Di Shen's return! "

With the impassioned reports of the media, a crowd of viewers who are following the Venus manned landing plan are also excited.

A large number of audiences are also gathered in the online live broadcast rooms of various media.

News about Zhang Zhai's return to the ground began to flood the Internet, with countless people discussing related topics with excitement.

at last,

With the efforts of Zhaicheng Aerospace's ground crew, countless people's expectations, the ten days passed quietly.

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