Black Technology Live Room

Chapter 624: Boiling and preliminary preparation

Just the moment I saw the title, countless people went in excitedly.

Instantly, the body of the announcement appeared in front of everyone.

"... We once set foot on the moon, explored the moon, and built the first moon city of humanity, Moon Palace.

We have realized the development of lunar resources, the exploration of the lunar environment, and the interstellar migration of the moon.

曾经 But once was just the beginning, and the future will become the past.

As Zheng Zhang said, Lunar City has never been an isolated city.

The pace of exploring the planet at the Zhaicheng Space Center will not stop at building an isolated city! "

... In order to further explore the moon, promote exchanges between the Earth and the moon, speed up the pace of interstellar colonization, and achieve the goal of 'feeding humanity with the entire solar system' ...

The Zhaicheng Space Center will officially launch the Taiyin City Construction Plan ten days later to realize the further colonization of the moon and promote the pace of humankind's march to the stars.

At that time, the Taiyin City and the Moon Palace City will be linked together, and human interstellar cities will no longer be isolated.

Explore the starry sky, colonize the universe, Zhaicheng Aerospace will always move forward! "

正文 The body of the announcement made countless people excited and excited.

At the end of the announcement, there was a holographic video.

Anyone who saw it immediately opened it.

的 In front of a person who browses the video with a holographic device, a holographic image covering the entire space instantly appears.

The video picture is exactly what Zhang Zhai showed to the people in charge when he showed the 'ecological cycle'.

The beasts are standing on the ground, the fishes are jumping on the water, the birds are soaring under the dome, and the insects are hiding deep in the dirt and rotten leaves.

物 Everything breeds and reproduces, and the cycle of natural ecology reincarnates.

There is a clear distinction between nature and the city, but they are integrated.

Uh ...

Countless people are immersed in it, shocked by it, and heated by it.

After the first group of people saw the announcement, the news that Zhaicheng Space Center would build Taiyin City quickly spread outward.

Numerous news quickly flooded the Internet with media reporters waiting in real time on Dicheng's official website and Xihe's official website.

"... the beginning of a new era, the birth of the interstellar city group!"

"The second lunar city is about to have a distinctive city of Taiyin."

"With the second moon city of nature, the construction plan of Taiyin City is about to be implemented!"

"The first step in the new era of interstellar migration and interstellar sailing, the first step for the lunar city circle to stand on the moon!"

Uh ...

With the rapid flow of news from any corner of the network, and the spread of a large number of sources.

In a very short time, the topic of the Taiyin City construction plan spread to the whole world.

Thousands of people poured into the official website of Zhehe and the official website of Zhaicheng Aerospace.

The whole world is boiling at this moment.

Uh ...

Nuohe's official website forum, numerous posts have explosively increased and refreshed.

Numerous people flooded into the Hehe official website forum, venting their emotions excitedly.

As in the rest of the Internet, the discussion topics between 羲 and the forum were instantly dominated by the Taiyin City construction plan.

"... I feel the torrent of the times. Is this to build an interstellar city group?"

…… "Excited, have you noticed that at the end of the announcement, the Taiyin City displayed in the holographic image is completely different from the rest of the interstellar cities!"

"Ahhhh ... I feel like I'm at a great historic moment at this moment, and I can't stop my blood from boiling!"

"... Zhai Shen didn't reveal last time. Maybe the immigration qualifications will be opened to the public after the construction of the next interstellar city is completed? It will not be Taiyin City!"

"I feel like I have hope in my life to emigrate to the universe!"

"I don't expect extraterrestrial immigration, but after the construction of Taiyin City, will there be more travel qualifications to the moon, and Taiyin City and Moon Palace City will be connected to each other, I will come to a Taiyin Moon Palace for two days!"

Countless people discussed and exchanged with excitement.

极 After a short time after the announcement, the entire network began to boil.

Uh ...

However, the hustle and bustle of the outside world did not affect the quietness and order of Zhaicheng Aerospace.

Zhaicheng Space Center, lounge on the top floor.

After asking A1 to issue an announcement, Zhang Zhai got up from the desk under the window and lay down on the lounge bed again.

翟 Even though the Zhaicheng Space Center shrouded in darkness, although many of the laboratories are still brightly lit, they are finally quieter.

Zhang Zhangzhai also fell asleep as the night fell.

Uh ...

Time is passing fast.

过 Like a white horse, like an arrow off the string,

后 After the announcement was issued, the construction plan of Taiyin City also officially entered the countdown phase.

Uh ...

The next day, early morning.

"Wow ... wow."

After a brief wash and breakfast, Zhang Zhai stepped into the comprehensive biological laboratory again.

Sweeping the eye laboratory, Zhang Zhai replaced the laboratory protective clothing and walked straight to the side bench.

On the workbench, at this moment, a special container is stored for the plant and animal tissue cells and gene samples created by Zhang Zhai.

"A1, use these gene samples to cultivate some organisms." Zhang Zhai pulled out a sheet of paper from the narration, "This is the number of each organism."

"After the embryos are cultivated, they are catalyzed with a diluted nutrient solution to control the growth time of the organisms to the limit of the culture tank in about ten days."

"Okay, father." A1 answered instantly.

At the same time, dozens of Terminators poured into the laboratory under the command of a1, and began to perform operations.

Zhang Zhai took his eyes back, after handing over the organisms of the existing gene samples and cell tissue samples to a1 for batch manufacturing,

Zhang Zhai also started operating experimental equipment, based on some animal and plant genes, using the 'Gene Optimization' program to tailor new species that meet the standard data for the standard model of the ecological cycle.

time flies.

Zhang Zhai was busy in the laboratory again.

Although the previous "Eco-simulation" experiment has been completed, the ecological cycle system required by Taiyin City also needs to be prepared for construction.

Unlike the previous simulation, which was simplified to a single simulated ecology, it will be a complete ecological cycle system constructed on the Taiyin City.

In consideration of the stability of the ecological cycle and fault tolerance, a complete ecosystem will be sophisticated and complex, and species diversity will be an inevitable requirement.

This will mean that Zhang Zhai needs to do preliminary preparations and there will be no fewer new species to be created.

In the laboratory.

Zhang Zhangzhai focuses on the creation of new species that meet the standard data, and constantly uses ‘gene optimization’ to transform or even edit the target gene.

Dozens of Terminators under the order of A1 also continued to build on Zhang Zhai's previous research results, using the existing cell tissues to produce organisms in batches.

From early morning to noon and from noon to evening.

Biological embryos manufactured in batches are continuously placed in culture chambers, and the number of culture chambers that cultivate organisms is increasing.

Zhang Zhai is also in continuous research ~ ~ has once again contributed more than twenty new species to the ecosystem to be constructed.

at last,

When the night was getting dark outside the laboratory, Zhang Zhai stopped experimenting with 'gene optimization' to create new species.

Once again put the newly created embryo of a new species into the incubator, Zhang Zhai glanced over the densely packed laboratory where the incubator was placed

"A1, order the Terminator to move the training chamber to the observation laboratory." Zhang Zhai looked back, changed his protective clothing, and walked towards the outside of the laboratory.

"Okay, father." A1 answered instantly.

"Wow ... wow."

The laboratory door opened and Zhang Zhai stepped out of the laboratory.

Uh ...

In the Lab, a group of Terminators are still manufacturing creatures in batches in accordance with Zhang Zhai's instructions and separate manufacturing steps.

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