Black Technology Live Room

Chapter 637: In the city of Taiyin, by the river

"Terminator feedback, the closed passage from Taiyin City to Yue Gongcheng has been completed."

The feedback fell, and a soft cheer sounded again in the temporary command room.

"Begin air replacement in the channel." Zhang Zhai stared at the closed channel in the holographic picture.

Instantly, inside the closed channel, through the various devices and equipment on the channel wall, gas replacement in the entire channel started.

Oxygen and various types of gases are released in accordance with the standard ratio, and the air pressure and gas content in the closed channel are gradually approaching the planned indicators.

"The air in the channel has been replaced, the air pressure is stable, and the air content data is normal."

The feedback sounded, and the air in the passage returned to calm.

"Open the access hatches of Taiyin City and Yuegongcheng."

The command sounded, and the Yueyongcheng and Taiyincheng intelligent control systems began to execute.

Outside the palace of the moon, on the outer wall of the closed passage, the multi-layered hatches are gradually unfolded to the sides or up and down.

The closed passage was then opened to Yuegongcheng.

At the same time, the doors of the closed passageway of the Taiyin city face performed the same operation.

"Taiyin City and Yuegongcheng access hatches have been opened, and Taiyincheng and Yuegongcheng are officially connected."

In the temporary command room, the feedback sound dropped.

The soft cheers sounded quickly and then calmed down.

Zhang Zhai looked at the holographic screen and extended from Yueyongcheng to Taiyincheng, stunned in the closed channel of the moon's surface, smiled slightly,

Turning his head, Zhang Zhai looked at Academician Gan and Chief Engineer, etc., and asked with a smile.

"Let's go and see?"

After hearing that, Academician Gan and others couldn't help but smile.

"of course."


No longer staying in the temporary command room, Zhang Zhai glanced at the picture in the holographic screen and walked straight towards the command room.

Academician Gan, Chief Engineer Yu and others also followed Zhang Zhai from the temporary command room.

Stepping out of the temporary command room and leaving the rocket building of the Moon Palace branch,

Zhang Zhai and Academician Gan and others rode anti-gravity cars and galloped towards the entrance of Yuegang Palace.


A short time later, under the fast driving speed of anti-gravity cars, Zhang Zhai and Academician Gan approached the entrance of the aisle on the outer wall of Yuegongcheng.

The entrance of the whole passage looks extremely wide enough to accommodate a number of anti-gravity transport vehicles going side by side in the passage.

Without any pause, several anti-gravity cars carrying Zhang Zhai and others drove quickly into the aisle.

The interior of the entire channel is bright as daylight under the function of the top lighting system.

The scene in the passage was clearly visible to everyone.

The interior of the channel is metallic silver-white overall, with a strong sense of technology.

There are no turns or corners in the entire passage, leading straight to another interstellar city.

Through the front windshield of the anti-gravity car, the exit at the other end of the passage can be clearly seen.

Looking at the exit, which is constantly expanding rapidly in the distance, is like going through a tunnel.

Inside anti-gravity cars,

Zhang Zhai glanced back after scanning the sight in the eye passage.

At the extremely fast speed of anti-gravity cars, distances of tens of kilometers can pass directly in a very short time.


Instantly, anti-gravity cars carrying Zhang Zhai and others poured into the passageway, and the scene inside the Taiyin City instantly came into view.

Although the passage itself is very open, the moment when it really enters Taiyin City, it still makes people feel suddenly open and cheerful.

On the side of the passage, the entrance and exit of the passage in Taiyin City is located between the rainforest and the city, beside the winding river, near the side of the city.

After exiting the aisle and entering Taiyin City, at the signal of Zhang Zhai, the anti-gravity car slowly reduced its speed and height.

Eventually anchored by the winding river.

"Booming ..."

After getting off the anti-gravity car, the sound of the turbulent river sounded in my ear,

Not far away, the continuous gushing water from the self-transmission system constantly beat the river.

Zhang Zhai stopped by the river, near the city side.

Academician Gan and others followed closely and stepped on the anti-gravity car, standing beside Zhang Zhai.

Zhang Zhai's gaze stared at the wide, winding river, watching the turbulent water in it.

After a shower, the river at this moment is much higher than before, but still less than half the depth of the channel.

This deep and wide river channel not only has the function of nourishing the land and forming an ecological cycle, but also has the function of isolating the city from the rainforest and preventing the beasts in the jungle from entering the city.

Withdrawing his gaze from the winding river, Zhang Zhai's gaze turned to the rain forest area on the other side.

Only at this moment can you truly feel the vastness and vitality of the entire rainforest.

Looking at the dense, leafy rain forest, watching the clump of plants in it, and watching the depths of the shade of the tree, Zhang Zhai took a breath,

Perhaps it is a psychological effect. The air in Taiyin City is much cleaner than that in Yueyue Palace.

Thinking, Zhang Zhai couldn't help shaking his head and laughing.

Looking back, Zhang Di raised his head slightly and looked over the dome of Taiyin City.

Due to the needs of ecological cycle construction, the dome of Taiyin City is much higher than that of other interstellar cities.

Looking at the dome, the clouds and mist gradually began to accumulate.

A slight smile appeared on Zhang Zhai's face.

Although such white clouds can also be seen on the domes of other interstellar cities, even more beautiful and unpredictable than Taiyin City, but after all, it is just a simulation of holographic images, which is essentially different from the clouds and fog on Taiyin City at this moment.

Looking back, Zhang Zhai moved his steps and began to walk along this wide river.

Beside him, Academician Gan and Chief Engineer Yu followed closely.

Pedestrians, while watching the scene on both sides of the river, strolled in a hurry.

Feeling the trace of water vapour lingering in the river, several people felt the rare comfort and calmness.

"Academician Gan, Chief Engineer Yu," Zhang Zhai was walking, talking with Academician Gan and others,

"The construction of Taiyin City has been successful, and the ecological cycle has also been initially formed. It is also time to put the follow-up plan on the agenda and be ready." Zhang Zhai also did not turn around, moving slowly and steadily.

"I have mentioned before that after the construction of Taiyin City is completed, we will start to open immigration qualifications."

"Mr. Zhang, rest assured, Professor Hu and I will coordinate and transfer with Hehe Technology in this regard." Academician Gan said.

Zhang Zhai nodded, stepped forward, and continued, "At the same time, it can be considered as the last part of the ecological cycle to make up the ecological cycle system completely."

"The last link?" Academician Gan asked subconsciously, and the moment he spoke, he responded.

"Human, how can a complete ecological cycle system not consider human influence." Zhang Zhai paused again and said with a smile.

"After the completion of the immigration in Taiyin City, the ecological cycle system in Taiyin City will be fully formed."

With the pace of Zhang Zhai, Academician Gan and others also set foot again.

After hearing that, Academician Gan and others nodded one after another.

Standing by the river ~ ~ Zhang Zhai looked back at the side of the rain forest.

Coincidentally, facing Zhang Zhai's gaze, a young unicorn dog emerged from the jungle.

Maybe it's Zhang Zhai and others watching this river. The little unicorn barked a few times towards Zhang Zhai and others.

"Wang ... Wang Wang!"

With a few screams of milk, he flew across the river to the ears of Zhang Zhai and others.

On hearing, Zhang Zhai and others couldn't help but smile.

But have n’t waited for everyone ’s smile to disappear,

A 蛟 python suddenly emerged from the jungle, opened its almost torn mouth, and swallowed the unicorn dog in his stomach ...

Looking at the re-disappeared 蛟 python, everyone's smiles were slightly frozen.

After a while,

Zhang Zhai retracted his gaze and continued to move along the river.

"The natural choice of the race, the survival of the fittest, if we stop, we will no longer continue to move forward, so will humans sooner or later.

Upon hearing this, Academician Gan and others nodded, followed Zhang Zhai and continued to move forward.

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