Black Technology Research Center

Chapter 159 Kyoto University's Response

Indeed, if someone else tells these mathematicians that at the age of Fang Yuan, it proves the problem of weak BSD conjecture.

They will definitely sneer, and not scolding that person will not relieve their deep disdain.

However, the current situation does not allow them to question.

This news came from the Annals of Mathematics. If this is still false, is there any news in the mathematics community that they can trust?

The Annals of Mathematics has one of the highest credibility in the field of mathematics, which is the foundation of a long and rigorous working attitude.

The name Fang Yuan just broke into the mathematics arena.

Although they don't know what this young man looks like, they have no doubt about the young man's talent.

No matter how he proved the weak BSD conjecture, this is a manifestation of his strength.

Without the corresponding knowledge, you just put the answer to the weak BSD conjecture in front of him, and he has no way to restore it.

With a math level of seven, Fang Yuan barely entered the hall of masters.

This is the level with the largest span.

At this level, you can see world-renowned mathematicians and unknown scholars.

But they all have one thing in common, that is, they devote themselves to the ocean of mathematics.

If this is not the case, it is impossible to achieve such an achievement.


The news that the weak BSD conjecture has been proven has spread in China.

"What? Professor Yang, say it again? What did that kid Fang Yuan do?" Professor Li shouted into the phone in the office of the dean of the computer department.

He can't be blamed for being gaffe, but the content on the phone makes him have to gaffe.

What's happening here?Fang Yuan's kid was about to graduate, so he did such a thing behind his back?

Weak BSD guess!Even if he doesn't know much about mathematics, he still knows this conjecture.

This is the stepping stone to the BSD conjecture of the seven major problems in mathematics.

This kid solved it without speaking?

Also published this paper in the Annals of Mathematics?

Why didn't he go to heaven!Is the big computer major bad?If you want money, you have money, and you have to force a grid, why do you always try math?

Still doing so well?

Isn't this giving Old Yang Tau an excuse to dig someone?Last time, how hard did I spend to dispel Lao Yang’s idea of ​​poaching?

Didn't you say hello to yourself for any paper you want to publish?Why did this brat leave this thing behind?

what!That brat seems to say hello to himself, isn't it this paper?

No, didn’t you say that there are two papers?Why is there only one left?

"You heard that right, your professional guy has proved the weak BSD conjecture, and related papers will be published in the next issue of the Annual Mathematics!"

That's right, the person who called Professor Li was the head of the mathematics department, Professor Yang, who was about to grab someone.

"That's not right! The last time the brat told me that there were two papers to be published, why is there only one left?" Professor Li was a little confused.

"Yes, there are two papers, one is a paper with weak BSD conjecture, and the other is a problem-solving tool. Xiao Li, you are well informed! Even that kid published two papers. Please know everything?" Professor Yang teased.

"Lao Yang, don't laugh at me! You know that stinky guy is always blocking me. The press conference was held before, which made our entire computer department feel uneasy.

Didn't you see it!The media that is coming to interview the kid have almost filled up our computer department building."Professor Li quickly showed Fang Yuan's achievements in computer science.

Fortunately, the kid Fang Yuan made the S language, a brand-new programming language, and he wanted to work on the operating system, a project that the country now attaches great importance.

Otherwise, if Old Man Yang came to ask someone, he didn't know how to refuse him.

"Okay! I'm not here to ask someone! Hurry up and put away your little thoughts!" Professor Yang said.

"Where are you talking? What advice do you have when you call?" Professor Li would not believe what was said from the old fox's mouth.

This old guy is really bad!I didn't suffer less from him.

"That's it! I heard that Fang Yuan is about to graduate? Do you know what he plans to do after graduation?" Professor Yang asked.

"This...I don't know! Should I stay in school to continue my studies?" Professor Li said uncertainly.

"Little Li! It's not that I said you. You are not optimistic about such an outstanding student? You don't even know what he plans to graduate. You are here, our mathematics department is not welcome!" Professor Yang hates iron. Said the steel.

Fang Yuan's achievements in computer and mathematics are no less inferior to them.

Just talk about the S language and weak BSD conjecture, these two results are enough to be comparable to the results they have achieved for most of their lives.

He is not the kind of pedantic person. Whether Fang Yuan chooses mathematics or continues to stay in the computer major in the future, it will not affect his appreciation of him.

This is the best young man in the country, and it is from their Kyoto University.

But now Professor Li, the kid, actually said to himself that he didn't know Fang Yuan's future plans?

Isn't this waiting for others to be strong?

Far away, let's talk about the old guys in Huaqing next door. They haven't stopped since they heard the news.

I want to go to Kyoto University to dig people.

This is not my own kind of petty mess, those old men can do anything.

If someone is not careful and really let those old things snatch people away, where else would I put my old face?

No, you can't let that kind of thing happen.

Since Xiao Li doesn't care about that little guy, let's take care of him for him!

Of course, if that little thing can be dug into the Department of Mathematics, that would be great.

Thinking of this, Professor Yang directly hung up the phone regardless of whether Professor Li had something to say.

Professor Li was taken aback by Old Yang Tau's sudden hanging up.

The matter is not over yet!What is Old Yang Tou doing?

Don't you want face?

Ok!In the eyes of this old man, there are not many people in Kyoto University who need to give face. Unfortunately, he is not one of the few people.


Professor Yang hung up the phone and suddenly thought of a very serious matter.

He doesn't seem to have Fang Yuan's contact information, how can I contact him?

This is a big deal!

At this time, the advantage of being the dean of the Department of Mathematics is reflected.

With a phone call, Professor Yang got Fang Yuan's contact information.

Not only that, but also which bedroom Fang Yuan lives in.

Okay, it's always a contact, I should go to their dormitory for my own old bone.

How long have you not been to the dormitory of an undergraduate student?

ten years?Or twenty years?

Anyway, time is not short anyway, just as a reminiscence of that time when I was young.

The limelight of Kyoto University during this period can be said to be in full swing.

Waves of reporters were blocked by them.

After all, Fang Yuan had already greeted Professor Li and would not accept any interviews as long as he was still in the school.

He didn't want to deal with the media in the last part of his college life.

The closer he got to graduation, the more Fang Yuan cherished the last time.

Whether it is these lovely roommates or these classmates who make him feel kind, even if it is the teachers like Professor Li, he is equally reluctant.

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