Black Technology Research Center

Chapter 186: That's right, I am your fan brother

It is said that there are four great joys in life, long droughts meet nectars, encounters in a foreign country, wedding nights in the bridal chamber, and time for the title of the gold list.

Fang Yuan has already experienced the excitement that he felt when he was inscribed on the gold list, and he is about to experience the feeling of meeting his old friend in another country.

Fang Yuan might not have experienced the long drought and the rain, which means that his life is only one candle night in the bridal chamber to completion.

I just don’t know how long it will take to reach completion.

According to the current posture, there are still many hardships that one needs to go through in order to achieve a satisfactory life!

Fang Yuan adapted to this unfamiliar environment in a short time.

Only at this time would he miss the time at home especially.

Fang Yuan has adapted to life here in a short time.

Among other things, MIT students are really enthusiastic.

Fang Yuan felt embarrassed.

Especially the couple who lives next door to him, John and Alice.

That's right, it's just a couple living together, or in the foreign student apartment.

This is called the International Student Apartment and is actually a faculty apartment, and there are even local students living here.

Couples living together are recognized by school regulations, which is also a point of enlightenment for Westerners!

Some of Fang Yuan, who recognizes the bed, just came here without accidental insomnia.

Anyway, I couldn't sleep, so I hid in the system space and continued my study plan.

There are so many books in the system library that Fang Yuan is dazzled, but this does not hinder Fang Yuan's speed in acquiring knowledge.

No matter what kind of book it is, Fang Yuan always comes.

Of course, at a young age, Fang Yuan used the system library to do some bad things. Now Fang Yuan has changed his mind and started a new life.

I never deliberately searched for those special books. Of course, if I accidentally came across it, wouldn't it be a waste of fate not to read it?

It's just that the chance of being "careless" is higher, and I don't know why.

Tonight, I also shared a video with my parents.

Lao Fang was really floating, and even grabbed Fang's words in the video, which made Fang Yuan couldn't help but mourn for him for three seconds.

I don't know what kind of torture Fang Dad will experience after hanging up the video.

Okay, it's still morning over there, right?Father Fang won't have a good life this day.

But looking at his appearance, the authenticity of the technical information he gave him should have been confirmed.

With that said, the researchers raised by Dad Fang are really not for nothing.

You can confirm the authenticity of the information you give them so quickly.

Without words for a night, Fang Yuan didn't know when he would fall asleep.

The long-haul flight, coupled with the jet lag, made him extremely tired.

No, Fang Yuan opened his eyes at around 10 am the next morning.

The time agreed with Professor Edward was 11 o'clock at noon. Because of my new arrival, this meeting was nothing more than getting acquainted with each other, and it didn't take too long.

As expected by Fang Yuan, this meeting was to get acquainted with Professor Edward, and there was no particularly nutritious dialogue.

I can't say that, at least I know what I should do during the next period of time.

There should be no less one section of the course. On the contrary, in order to be able to complete the study ahead of time, I have to take more courses than others.

The credit system allowed Fang Yuan to see the possibility of getting a doctorate in two years.

And this matter is not very difficult for Fang Yuan now.

You can even use your free time to lurch in the mathematics major of MIT to accomplish your purpose this time-to break through the bottleneck of mathematics and become a real "supernova" in the field of mathematics.

Now I can only get a weak BSD conjecture in mathematics, and I can count the weak BSD problem-solving tool, that is, Fang's theorem, into it.

From afar, the other party seemed to be thinner. In his expectation, in the past two years, he had to prove all the BSD conjectures.

This is a big project for others, but from Fang Yuan's point of view, this is all right, because he has seen the door of BSD conjecture.

The only thing now is to go to the door and open the door.

After all, it is one of the seven major problems of the millennium, and it has no place in the mathematics world.

As long as he proves this conjecture before this Philippine award review, Fang Yuan believes that he is the youngest Philippine award winner.

Not to mention that there is no one to come, at least it can be said that it is unprecedented, and it can be written in the history of mathematics.

It can even become the leader of domestic mathematics and the creator of history.

It can be a reassurance for these domestic scientific research workers.


After walking out of Professor Edward's office, Fang Yuan picked up his mobile phone, found the number of Senior Brother Sun, and called him.

I don't know what the other party is doing, and didn't answer Fang Yuan's call.

He didn't know yet. Yesterday, in order to pick Fang Yuan back, Senior Brother Sun spent so long outside, and for the sake of pretending to compare, which look he kept.

After returning to the dormitory, he was so tired that he has been sleeping and has not gotten up.

Not even going to the laboratory, this is his favorite place.

It didn't take long before Senior Brother Sun called.

It is necessary for eating, and Fang Yuan should be blackmailed.

In any case, Fang Yuan is a local tyrant.

See what he did?

The Kyushu company that was tinkering in the country has become world-renowned.

Especially in their academic circle, what is the Kyushu system, what is the S language, this little junior let the world see the power of China.

This is why he would rather wait at the airport for a day before waiting for this little junior.

Fang Yuan's actions made them, students who are far away in a foreign country, proud.

This is not an exaggeration. If someone said that China could independently develop an operating system, they would be laughed off by the above-mentioned group of M students.

But now?

A twenty-year-old student did this in one year.

And it’s not a simple cased product.

In terms of core technology, Kyushu System can be said to have adopted self-developed technologies.

This is not finally a chance to see this legendary little brother!

Not to mention that he was still a little nervous at this time.

It was like seeing Professor Li for the first time.

The two met in the cafe inside the school.

This is the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, not the whole American tradition of funny.

The cafe is the most suitable for talking about things.

"Here! Brother Fang, I'm here!" Senior Brother Sun waved at Fang Yuan regardless of other people's gazes.

Unlike Fang Yuan who didn't know him, he was "very familiar" with this little junior.

Whether it was the two history-making press conferences in Kyushu, or the materials that Professor Li sent to himself.

I recognized this little junior at a glance.

Is not this nonsensical?

How many Chinese can there be in the entire Massachusetts Institute of Technology?

If you can't recognize this, Senior Brother Sun is afraid it's not a blind face, right?

"Hello, Brother, I'm glad to meet you!" Fang Yuan stretched out his hand to Senior Brother Sun after sitting down opposite to Senior Brother Sun.

"Hello, Junior Brother, I'm so excited to see you! I used to hear how good you are, but now I finally see the real person!" Senior Brother Sun held Fang Yuan's hand with his fat hand , The smile on his face couldn't be concealed.

Just like a little fan, let’s not talk about Fang Yuan’s current domestic fame.

As far as Sun brother knows, this little brother is the idol of all computer majors abroad.

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