Everyone can't deny that Fang Yuan's own efforts, to a certain extent, during the previous period, he worked harder every day than most people.

Under the premise of possessing the energy potion, he can do more things than those people think. This is one of the biggest factors that he can open all the way and achieve the current results.

The two potions in the system mall have played a big role in Fang Yuan’s growth. Even now, the same is true. The effects of the energy potion and memory potion cannot be denied at any time. .

It's just that other people don't know this. If they know it, the demand for these two potions has now reached a very high standard.

However, the castrated version of energy potion developed by Fang Yuan is now a huge cash cow, and in the health care industry, the profit is higher than some small pills.

Even so, Fang Yuan is not very concerned about this. This is the product of his boring time. It is a pity that he can't eat it. If he can achieve the effect of the energy potion provided by the system, he may pay attention to it. After such a long period of time, apart from reducing the cost a lot, there hasn't been any significant improvement in effectiveness.

Fortunately, he didn't expend much energy in this area, otherwise, the medical industry will have another storm. Even so, the impact on some health products will be significant.

After all, taking it for a long time can improve your own physical fitness. Even if you can't stay young forever, it can also delay aging. With the best evidence of Fang Yuan, who would doubt this effect?

As for why the effect on them is not as good as expected?That's a personal physique, or in other words, Fang Yuan has a better version.

Isn't that right? Some people tried every means to inquire about this news from Fang Yuan, but no one got a satisfactory answer. The more so, the more they felt that Fang Yuan must have a better version.

Unfortunately, there has been no way to get this better version. If they can, they really want the so-called better version.

Wealth is worthless compared to life. Even if it can make them have a healthier body, this is enough. After all, the money they spend on their bodies every year is more than the money other people earn in their entire lives. A lot more.

But even so, their bodies are getting worse every day, if it weren't for the "castration version" of the energy potion born, their bodies would get worse and worse over time.

What good living habits and proper exercise can make you have a better body, uh!This is indeed true, but this better body is horizontally contrasted.

This is the case for people of the same age group. If the vertical comparison is not like this, you compare a sixty-year-old rich man with a twenty-year-old guy.

Even if the rich man is well maintained, his physical fitness is not as good as the other person. If there is a choice, these rich men would rather be the twenty-year-old boy with nothing.

That means you have unlimited possibilities. Unlike them, you can see your head at a glance. Fang Yuan doesn't know what these people are in, but it's not difficult to imagine.

Everyone has resistance to aging, not only girls are sensitive to their own aging, but also boys. Boys who have passed the age of 25 pay special attention to their bodies.

What is the favorite thing for young people nowadays?Soaking wolfberry in the thermos cup is very important for health preservation, from the lifestyle to the daily practice.

Whether this is a good phenomenon or a bad phenomenon, who can explain it, but knows that with the continuous progress of human civilization, the life expectancy also improves.

However, the improvement of life expectancy has led to a strange phenomenon. In the past, when humans were in their teens, they had to consider the next generation. After all, the sound was only forty to fifty years.

now what?The seventy to eighty years are put here, so that some people will choose to consider the next generation when they are around thirty.

In addition, the speed of civilization progress is beyond imagination, so that some people do not want the birth of the next generation. First, they feel that the other party is a cumbersome, which makes their life pressure even greater.

The second reason is that you are afraid that you will not be able to bring the life you want. Since you choose to have children, you must be responsible to them. If you don’t even have the ability to give them a better life, don’t consider this matter. Up.

Of course, this is the thought of some people. Among all mankind, at most, it is a very small proportion. It is still relatively difficult to really meet.

Speaking of the child, the news from Zhou Shengde's family, Zhou Shuren, yes, I don't know what Zhou Shengde thinks, and why he named his child such a name.

Is this a name that can be put on the body casually?Do you feel like you are everywhere?You have to be more careful when you speak. What if, like your predecessors, you don’t know which sentence will become a classic for future generations?

For example, Zhou Shuren, who is a few years older than Fang Xuan, has already begun to experience his college life. He doesn't know what Zhou Shengde thinks. Fang Yuan said he had a special quota for the simplified version of the system in his hand.

Besides, there is no difference in terms of whether there is a special quota or not. Zhou's boy, he grew up by his side, and has everything he should have, even if there is no simple version of the system.

However, compared with his father, this kid still has a gap in talent. Now Zhou Shengde also occupies a place in the domestic academic circle, and he does not rely on the relationship with Fang Yuan.

It was all his own efforts. At this point, this old friend still liked it very much. As Fang Yuan's best friend, he has not changed his feelings until now.

It is because the communication between the two parties does not contain any interest factors in it. Sometimes pure friendship is more valuable than family affection.

After all, family relationship is maintained by blood. No matter what happens, it is difficult to change at this point, but friendship is different.

To maintain the relationship, it depends on the joint efforts of both sides, and Xu Qiang, who has retired at home, and his family's Xu Xiaozi, have just entered the stage of enlightenment education.

I don't know if it is because of the injuries suffered during the time as an athlete, or because of other reasons, the child Xu Qiang has been looking forward to came late in the past few years.

But precisely because of this, Fang Xuan and Zhou Shuren can be said to have loved Xiao Xu Xu more. The feelings of the previous generation are reflected in the next generation.

Fortunately, Xiao Xuxu is still young, but looking at the other person, it is really possible to inherit Xu Qiang's career. If that is the case, it would be a good story.

If Xiao Xuxu really has this idea in the future, Fang Yuan will do his best to help the other party. He will arrange all the energy potions. With his current financial resources, it is just to provide a few people's energy pressure water. It's not about pressure.

Fortunately, the system needs money, not other things. What does the other party want for this kind of thing?Is money still used in unexpected ways?

Fang Yuan also didn't want to understand this matter, or he didn't want to understand this matter at all. Money is not a problem for him, as long as it is solved with money, it is not a problem.

This sentence is not an exaggeration to describe Fang Yuan now. As one of the richest people in the world, Fang Yuan can say that he is not interested in money.

No one can refute this sentence, unless he can be richer than Fang Yuan, even if he is richer than Fang Yuan, his status in academia is not as high as him.

It is not impossible to surpass the distance in both aspects, but it will take many years after the development of human civilization that this kind of thing will be born.

To put it bluntly, it is the current level of human civilization. It is extremely difficult to cultivate another Fang Yuan. After all, Fang Yuan is two levels higher than the current human civilization.

And this gap will continue to grow. Only when human civilization completely digests the wealth it brings can this matter be able to maintain balance.

It is not difficult to cultivate a top talent in the field that can be involved at present, but it is difficult to cultivate a person who transcends the times.

Except for Fang Yuan's abnormality, few people have been able to do this before. It's like this throughout history, and it's not just that this era has this problem.

The current level limits the vision of human beings. Fang Yuan is different. He is standing on the shoulders of giants, not the same as someone who also stands on the shoulders of giants.

Fang Yuan's giant is a real giant, countless times taller than the opponent's giant. In contrast, the opponent's giant is a relatively tall human at best, which is not worth mentioning.

In the days to come, Fang Yuan will become stronger, step by step ascending higher mountains. In the eyes of others, Fang Yuan’s place is the top of the mountain.

But from afar, he can still stand higher, and the higher he stands, the more lonely he is, but the more wealth he can bring to mankind.

Fang Yuan didn't want to become lonely, but he wanted to bring more wealth to mankind. Fortunately, he was accompanied by his family and friends so that his loneliness did not erode himself.

Without these people constantly reminding themselves that he was still a human being, Fang Yuan would not have eaten fireworks long ago.

Especially his daughter, a child who chased his father's glory, Fang Yuan felt that he would not lose interest in this world so easily before the other party reached where he was.

Children like things are really amazing. When they are around, I think they are a little annoying, but if they are not around, then I can’t stand it at all.

The empty-nest old people now say that they don't need the company of children, but they are very honest. When is the happiest time of the year?

It is when the child goes home, but the child often does not realize this, has not really experienced the parting, and will not cherish some things at all.

Only after you lose it will you know how important this thing is. For human beings, all kinds of emotions are the most important things in their life.

Money, honor, these are things outside the body, only these emotions can prove that they are not animals, but the true masters of this earth.

During the time when Fang Yuan was at home, he tried his best to impart the knowledge in his mind to Fang Xuan. Regardless of whether the other party could understand it or not, he stuffed all the knowledge into his daughter's mind in a duck-like manner.

He knew that such days would not be many for himself in the future. After knowing how big the universe is, the pace of human civilization development will be adjusted a lot.

Even if the solar system is only a remote corner of the universe, it does not mean that the resources here are not abundant, nor that it will not be noticed.

There is a precedent of the Mobis civilization. A dark cloud has been hanging from the head of human civilization. Before their strength can resist all risks, they must avoid these risks as much as possible.

Therefore, the camouflage on Mars is more complete than before. The camouflage techniques used on Dawn Island are now all used on Mars and Europa, which is about to become the third home of mankind.

In the solar system, there is no longer a third planet suitable for human habitation. As for the galaxies farther away, the current space technology cannot reach them in a short time.

It needs to be transferred many times. In addition, human beings cannot accurately confirm the coordinates of other requests, which makes space technology seem a little powerless at this time.

Fortunately, humans now have the ability to navigate between stars, but at present, this ability cannot be said to be very powerful.

It can only be said to be able to meet the current needs of mankind. It is not easy to achieve this. You must know that before, even in the solar system, these spacecraft were not easy to reach.

It may take the pilots to be on this spacecraft for the rest of their lives. This is a bit exaggerated, but for example, it would take nearly a year to go back and forth between Mars and Earth.

It's different now. Even if you don't use space technology, it will take less than a month to travel between Earth and Mars.

At this point, the gap with the Mobis civilization does not seem to be large, and there is even a trend of transcendence, with the blessing of space technology.

Let the current human spacecraft still have a certain advantage in terms of speed. If you really say, the current Ares is only in terms of offensiveness, and there is still a big gap between the warships of Mobis civilization.

But in terms of comprehensive ability, it can still reach about 80% of the Mobis civilization!This is compared with Dauris, they don't know the strength of other fleets either!

Is there no need for comparison at all!If the Mobis civilization comes again and only dispatches a fleet, the human civilization is absolutely sure to let the opponent come back and forth. Let’s see the strength of the human civilization and send a fleet, the Mobis civilization will not As for being able to compete with the Arau civilization for so long.

Has been wiped out by the other party a long time ago, and there is still room for struggle. Do you think everyone else is stupid?

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