Blackstone Code

Chapter 1341: Anna girl's future plans

Every society has its own set of operating rules in the upper zone. In fact, this society has it, the middle zone also has it, and the lower zone also has it.

In the world where Lynch came, people used the phrase "a dragon gives birth to a dragon, a phoenix gives birth to a phoenix, and the son of a mouse will make holes" to summarize this set of social laws.

In this world, people have not been able to condense such a crystal of wisdom, but they also have almost similar sayings that have condensed the wisdom of many generations—

Don't do anything beyond your ability. What everyone should do is decided from the time they are born!

Why do people always say that the richer the richer, and the poorer the poorer.

Why is there always someone who has worked so hard to change their own destiny, only to find out that they are just spinning around in place?

In fact, from a higher level, what causes this is the solidification of classes and the closure of the ascendant passages. In other words, no matter how hard you work, you cannot change your status in society, nor can you change your destiny.

The graduates of the Holy Harmony College, a few of them, are born successful.

Upon graduation, you will get a sum of money from the family fund to start a business, for example, like Anna, who has not yet received that money.

Even if their entrepreneurship fails, the family fund is enough to allow them to live a life that many ordinary people can't even dream of.

Not even the middle class can imagine!

And other people, they will serve these really rich people.

They study hard, use hard work and their own excellence surpasses 99.9% of the same people, in exchange for only the opportunity to serve the upper class society.

Every year, the eyes of the whole Federation will be on the graduation season of the Saint Harmony College, because everyone, whether they admit it or not, they must understand one thing.

The vast majority of the big figures who can influence the Federation in the future will come from these young faces.

If you think about it, it is true.

Mr. President comes from an "ordinary family", but he is a graduate of the Holy Harmony College, and he joined the Holy Harmony Society as a full member during his university.

Mr. Truman was also a graduate of the Holy Harmony Academy, and of course the only graduate of the Holy Harmony Alliance Military Academy. He also joined the Holy Harmony when he graduated.

The top leaders of various important departments, even if they represent the power of some big capital in their positions, they are almost all members of the Holy Harmony, and the worst, they are also graduates of the Holy Harmony Academy!

It is not unreasonable for the bottom society to say that the Shenghehui conspiracy to control the world every day, because almost all the high-level federations have something to do with the Shenghehui.

This loose organization holds the highest power in the federal government. Whether it is the Progressive Party, the Conservative Party or even the Socialist Party, the core of them is the Shenghe Hui!

And this also makes the federal multi-party governance very stable.

It is not like some countries that are trying to find a way out of a variety of social systems. Either this party is not going to go because of power today, or that party and the military colluded in a military coup.

This situation does not exist in the Federation. Although the general elections are lively, the order of the whole society will not be said that because of the replacement of the responsible persons of the main government departments, there will be social turmoil, which does not exist.

Because they are always "owners", as long as they are "owners", nothing can't be solved.

It's like... When you suddenly have some new ideas and want to stand on the opposite side of most people, first stand up to stop you, and persuade you will not be your enemy, but your closest person!

He/she/it may be your wife. If you are also at this level, then she must also be a graduate of the Holy Harmony College.

She will persuade you on behalf of the overall interests of the Shenghehui and tell you not to do **** foolish things and mess up everything!

He may be your father, your best friend, and they will talk to you, be reasonable, and tell you that dreams are really important, but first live your life well.

It may even be your pet. It will bite you and let you know that you can do something stupid within everyone's permission, but don't be out of the ordinary!

This is the federation, this is the federation of free and sweet air!

Lynch has never considered going against the federal environment to do something stupid, promoting party reforms, promoting social reforms, and promoting reforms. He has never considered.

Because he knows who drives and who will die, no one will have a good end, even if you have countless wealth, when the whole society is targeting you, they only need a needle to destroy a skyscraper!

For them, the graduation season is equally important every year. This is a weather vane. They can clearly recognize who will lead the trend in the next era!

Lynch personally called the school principal, expressing his willingness to speak on behalf of the third grade students to the fourth grade graduates.

"I am worried that your work is very busy, so I asked Anna to ask. It is obviously the best that you can come. Do you need us to prepare a speech for you?"

The principal's attitude is very gentle, not at all as full of majesty in the impression of ordinary students.

Everyone has a lot of faces. Everyone knows what face to show to whom.

"No, I will prepare it myself, is there anything I can't say?"

"I'll avoid it in advance."

"No!" The principal replied quickly and affirmatively, "For us, there is nothing that cannot be said. We will look forward to your performance, Lynch."

After hanging up the phone, Lynch looked at Anna, "Thank you for reminding me, otherwise I might miss this!"

Anna smiled and shook her head, "No, I just reminded it, anyone can do it..."

She paused after speaking, as if she wanted to express something further.

This year, Anna has been serving Lynch for about eight to nine months to be precise.

Later, he participated in the work of Hopelight Investment Company and Industrial Incubation Park throughout the whole process, and undertook the main work.

She also used her personal experience to perceive the surging vitality and competitiveness of the entire group company!

Yes, the group company, every time she takes a document to sign to Lynch, it means that another company with vision and potential has become a member of the head office.

These companies all have development potential. They are all in front of a barrier at this time. As long as they break through this barrier, they will immediately trigger a qualitative change.

The company has more and more mature evaluation teams, so when they look for projects, the success rate is getting higher and higher.

The reasons for failure are different, but success is about the same!

As long as these projects have the elements for success, the remaining problems will not be big.

Because there are many companies and shareholders in the group, they cover many industries, and each of them can make these "egg companies" quickly hatch into chickens as long as they "fluctuate" slightly.

As for whether the chicken will be served on the table in the future, it has no effect on the company as a whole.

The benefits and value it should create have been captured by the company, and even the "corpse" can be reused. How could this be a loss?

The whole system is sensible and cruel, but everyone involved is obsessed with its design and planning.

Anna felt that the Arkin family might be really old in the face of the new era.

She didn't want to start a business anymore, because she clearly realized that she took the money to start a business, just like those business promoters waiting for her approval outside her office.

She and them will experience the same, maybe her condition will be a little better, but it's just that.

Others, there will be no difference, this is not the life she wants!

She once looked forward to the picture of her successful business, but at this moment, she didn't look forward to it.

But it is another "novice game", she is not Severilla, as long as she is happy, she can inherit enviable wealth.

She can't afford to fail, she has to find a way to change.

"I... want to continue to serve the company." She was a little careful and a little nervous.

From the current point of view, if you give up starting a business, it can be regarded as a kind of "business failure", but the family will not get back the money.

Everyone has this money, and the fairness of the family fund lies here.

Everyone is fair, and how much they can get from the family has nothing to do with what the family gives them.

She wants to invest this money in the company, but it may be a lot for ordinary people. But for this company whose internal competitiveness is also very cruel, it is too little.

Shareholders sometimes speak ill of Lynch behind their backs. He makes the competition and friction among the company's shareholders increase because everyone wants more shares.

The more each of them spends, the more they understand that each stock is not only its own value, but also the value it paid before.

Therefore, major shareholders will find ways to take advantage of off-market factors and use various methods to get the stocks in the hands of minority shareholders!

The slightly weaker ones will soon be crushed here, just like a boat in a storm.

Even if Anna is leaning on the Akin family, once she becomes independent, she may not be the opponent of these people, and these people may not be afraid of the Akin family.

When it has formed a scale, its power is shocking!

This is a monster, it is very calm on the surface, but when this group of shareholders who are always in competition put their power together, all enemies will be defeated by it!

So this is very contradictory.

Lynch looked at Anna for a while, "Aren't you starting a business?"

Anna shook her head, "In fact, starting a business is just like that. I want to buy some company stock and entrust the management of Blackstone Fund..."

This... is the way she thought of, not buying much, and then entrusting it to the foundation.

No matter how crazy those people are, they won't attack Lynch's foundation unless they want to get out!

But let's not talk about whether this kind of thing is reproducible or not. Really large institutions, they also disdain to do so, so this will not become the mainstream, nor will it become a "model" or "model."

Lynch was also thinking. He sat slightly sideways, tapping the tabletop rhythmically with his fingers lightly, Anna's heartbeat began to accelerate, and he was almost choked with nervousness...

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