Blackstone Code

Chapter 1358: Mobilize enthusiasm

There are some words, when you hear them at first you will think "there is such a funny saying in this world".

But when you think about it again, you will feel that "he seems to make some sense."

If the person who said this sentence at this time can explain and guide a little bit, people will have a kind of "it turns out to be like this, I'm so **** stupid"!

Lynch looked at the senior officials of the Ministry of Defense unhurriedly, "Gentlemen, don't worry. In fact, we have just signed a large order. These aircraft are enough to ensure that our battlefield will become a no-fly zone for the enemy. "

"We will deliver the Lin-III fighter, which has a better design and better parameters. Judging from the current internal experiments of our institute, it is ahead of the world!"

The chief engineer of Lanying Aviation gave a light cough, everyone knows that they blocked the Blackstone bomber category as an export commodity.

In terms of profit, there is not much difference, but because it is exported to many countries, it is more profitable than directly sold to the Ministry of Defense.

But what they have done with their black feet is not white.

Lin Qi's words seemed to include them, which made Lan Ying's chief engineer somewhat unconvinced.

Blackstone Aviation is indeed the first research institute to use aircraft for military purposes, but this does not necessarily guarantee that their aircraft will be ahead of other brands and models.

Lynch glanced at the chief engineer, smiled, and said nothing.

"We collected all the published parameters that we can collect so far, and a small number of unpublished aircraft parameters. It turns out that these aircraft have no advantage in front of our third-generation fighters!"

"We can try to conduct a military exercise, or use other methods to verify the authenticity of what I said. This is not difficult to verify."

Lynch was so sure that the officers of the Ministry of Defense seemed... suddenly relieved.

It's like an old hair who heard that his daughter was going out to bury the innocence of sixteen years, and he was shaking with anger, and the guy told him that he was wearing a condom. There was an inexplicable relaxation...

It's really a ghost metaphor, but in any case, finding the best solution in the worst case is probably such a feeling.

I have to face a bad situation, but I have taken measures!

Some people even think that giving Lynch a big order is the most correct decision made by the Department of Defense. For this reason, Congress still has a lot of criticisms against the Department of Defense.

An order of 2 billion has been smashed out. The previous Ministry of National Defense did not have the courage and capacity to smash such orders-of course, it was not a one-time payment, but a phased payment.

"So... give it a try?"

Lynch nodded, "Then give it a try, but I suggest that we keep it quiet, at least we can't let the Pengjieo people realize that their methods have no effect in front of us!"

Lynch said so affirmatively, without any ambiguity, once again deepened everyone's confidence.

So the content of the discussion soon changed. From the original discussion about how to fight Penzio's sea fortress, it became the idea of ​​"whether we can also make a sea fortress".

This plan...In fact, there has always been a project, but since the project was established, only a nominal budget of 20,000 yuan has been allocated as start-up capital, and nothing else.

The purpose of this is to release a message to the Gefla people, telling them that we are also studying this shit, and voila, not only has the project been established, but the Congress has also allocated funds.

But in fact, no one thinks that this can become a reality.

Create a moving "island" on the sea?

Okay, stop kidding.

Gevlar, who made this "news", also knew that it was impossible, but no one thought that Pengjieo took it seriously, and they also came up with highly feasible schemes and designs, otherwise they would not Started mass production and entered the state of preparation.

This shows that at least in theory, all of this is successful.

Shipbuilding is not the same thing as building airplanes. Shipbuilding requires much higher technology than building airplanes, at least for now.

Think about it, those plank planes covered in sheep's clothing can go to the sky, but how many civilian scientists can build large ships across the ocean?


You have to consider many factors, such as the corrosion resistance of materials, the impact of ocean currents on the hull, the fatigue resistance of metal materials and optimized engineering structures...

At this time, ships, especially large battleships and battleships, are the pinnacle of technology!

The engineers of some shipping companies and the Ministry of Defense are discussing the possibility of building a sea fortress, which means that there is a huge military budget waiting for the next home.

The meeting lasted until close to one o'clock. Of course, the officers of the Ministry of National Defense invited everyone to have a light meal at the Ministry of National Defense.

The federal people are not picky about lunch, and there is no need for it.

Even a sandwich for one dollar and a cup of coffee for ninety-nine cents are acceptable to them.

The Defense Ministry’s lunch is actually much better than the fast food outside. There are plenty of fried chicken and steak, but no pork chops.

Firstly, the federal people are not too interested in pork products-animal protection organizations believe that cutting the eggs of boars is an inhumane act of abuse, so the federal edible pigs have not been gelled.

But pigs that retain the source of life...will have a smelt, which can't be eliminated, and has nothing to do with what ingredients are fed.

Only when these pigs are cast, their meat quality will not be so sloppy.

As for the sow...the sow doesn't taste very good. Federal people who are used to eating beef are even less likely to eat sow, so pork is relatively rare here.

Even the poor in Xiacheng District would rather buy ninety-nine cents a pound of ground beef instead of cheaper and better-located pork.

In addition to chicken and beef, there are many delicious things. The Ministry of Defense and the military are not short of budget, and they will not save on eating. So here, Lynch also saw pickles in neat rows.

If you eat too much, a pickle can save people from hell.

After eating the lunch with the characteristics of the Ministry of National Defense, the commissioner and Lynch went to the Blackstone Aeronautical Research Institute. They needed to get some data as support to arrange the next secret military exercise.

The chief engineer was a little surprised by the arrival of Lynch, but it was not a complete surprise. After all, the entire research institute was desperate for two billion orders, and it was normal for Lynch to come over and take a look occasionally.

Lynch’s commercial management methods have given everyone inexhaustible strength. Various incentive mechanisms, especially sales sharing, have enabled many researchers to enter the ranks of the middle and high class.

Every year, tens of thousands of hundreds of thousands of dividends are paid out, which is not a dividend that can not be obtained in other research institutes!

Not to mention, there are two billion this time!

The commissioners went to see the parameters. The chief engineer pulled La Lynch's sleeve, and the two went to another room and closed the door.


The chief engineer nodded, "We are currently short of some manpower, but you know, although many people submit materials to us every day, I don't dare to make a choice easily."

"There is another question...", the chief engineer paused as he spoke, and his expression was a bit embarrassing. "A researcher asked me privately before..."

He couldn't help but laughed twice, his awkward expression eased slightly, "They asked me if I could introduce them to a girlfriend..."

Many researchers in the research institute are young men in their twenties and thirties. When Lynch first started the flight research institute, he could not recruit many authority figures in the industry.

Due to the current "low technology" in the field of flight, he lowered the standard and recruited many civilian scientists, as well as those who are just out of campus, or those who are capable but lack communication and are not welcome.

Most of them are single.

Now everyone is considered a successful person, and as soon as they have money, they have to take trouble.

Solving the problems of personal emotional and physical needs is also on the agenda.

Before, Lynch recruited some female **** workers, the purpose of recruiting these people is to let them calm some restless emotions.

It now appears that the effect is not very good.

In fact, Lynch has overlooked one point. Those who study technology often lack initiative in social interaction.

Even if they have some thoughts about those "female colleagues", in the end these thoughts can only be thoughts, and they will not take the initiative to attack.

The chief engineer means that if everyone wants to fall in love by themselves, it will not only affect the research and development of various projects, but also may bring in some unstable factors from the outside.

This matter, if it's not a big deal, it's really a problem, but if it's a problem, it's a bit... weird.

But Lynch nodded his I know, I will think of a way on this matter. "

"In addition, you have to talk to the waitresses and create some urgency for them. Once the researchers are married or have a stable target, they are of no value."

"We are a commercial organization, we don't raise worthless people..."

The chief engineer's eyes lit up, and only admiration was left in his expression looking at Lynch. In terms of methods, Lynch was still great!

It is conceivable that when those female employees who have high salaries and do only simple things all day find out about the layoff crisis, they will definitely be more proactive than the researchers.

This also illustrates the nature of the fact that capitalists have ways to arouse people's enthusiasm and allow the working class to act according to their own ideas.

And in this process, the employees underneath are constantly being screened, and until the end, all those who are left are obedient.

Maybe some people have hard bones, but how many hard bones in this world?

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