Blackstone Code

Chapter 1389: competition is brutal

Let those who are good at exploiting themselves be role models for all laborers, and this will make those who still have some rebellious ideas question themselves.

The boss said all day long that "make you work better and more for your own good" seems to have become the truth at this moment. People question themselves being exploited in the process of exploitation, which is what the capitalists have to do.

You say those people are bewitched by the capitalists and exploited more brutally, so why are their lives better?

With higher wages and higher benefits, the living environment has undergone tremendous changes. If the exploitation and oppression they are subjected to are real, are capitalists too stupid?

But if this is not the case, is the labor-capital confrontation relationship less established?

You work hard and your boss gives you positive feedback, as if...there's nothing wrong with that!

This is what the joint development company has implemented in Nagalil. Countless role models are compared with those "bad people". More and more people are habitually exploiting themselves. Capitalists have to laugh out loud when they sleep. .

But these things, this whole set, are the means by which the capitalists enslave the laborers, and the labor unions cannot do these things beyond their authority.

Otherwise, when the capitalists recruit workers, they are all senior technicians. Do you pay them according to the ordinary type of work, or pay them according to the senior technical type?

Originally, an ordinary worker might need to work in the factory for two or three years or even three or five years from the lowest level to the intermediate skilled worker. Now you have shortened the time to one month...

This is why in some complete systems it is difficult to obtain senior professional title evaluations, but others can get them, because you are not cruel enough to yourself, and people can work crazily without sleeping, eating, and showing their value.

This is a whole system that cannot be touched casually.

"The most important thing is that you haven't contacted the joint development company before, you don't know their attitude, you want a fait accompli, but you may not be able to get what you need!"

The president of the workers' union frowned, "Let's discuss this issue..."

Instead of agreeing to end here, he intends to delay.

Maybe something will turn out differently when the school in Nagalil opens its doors.

On the way back, the president and the president of the Nagalil chapter were in the back seat of the same car.

"Don't worry about other things for the time being, continue to implement according to our original plan, after we do it on our side..."

The president pursed his lips and said nothing.

Once he can get a lot of benefits from Nagalil, he doesn't have to worry about the whole workers' union not being on his side.

As long as he is on his side, he will have the means to restrain the Socialist Party, or even to establish the Workers' Party without the Socialist Party.

Due to the changes in the political program and ideology of the entire country, there are actually many more radical people in society.

Just like the president of the workers' union at this time, he was a bit radical. He didn't want the workers' union to exist as a "parasite" in the past, but wanted to change and develop.

He also rallied a number of people who could be said to have the same aspirations to join the workers' union, and they are now working towards their goals.

On the other hand, the chairman of the Socialist Party Committee returned home after leaving, picked up the phone, and dialed a number.

He chatted with the person on the other end of the phone for a while, and he said that he had tried to convince the president, but the other party obviously had some ideas of his own and did not support some old-fashioned ideas.

In the next few days, everything continued to move forward according to its inertia on the timeline, until the fifth day.

On the fifth morning, the president opened his eyes at seven o'clock. He slept at nearly one o'clock last night, and now he wakes up early in the morning.

He couldn't sleep, thinking that there was so much to do, only adults understand the urgency of this time.

It's not like people's perception of time as a child, where even forty minutes would feel like a long time.

Now, the whole day seems to be such a brief moment to people!

As he was getting acquainted, he suddenly heard the sound of falling glassware from the dining room, and something shattered.

He hurried over and saw his wife standing at the table with her hands on the table.

Shards of dishes were scattered all over the floor, and bacon, eggs, and some beef also fell on the floor.

"What's wrong?" he asked, walking over.

He found that something was wrong with his wife, and when he got closer, he realized that the front page of today's "Buren Daily" was actually a photo of himself and a woman.

The headline of the headline is "Who is making the rules" in bold.

He grabbed the newspaper and read it with a serious expression.

According to the newspaper, a woman named... reported to the local police station that the president was suspected of using his position to **** the case. The local police station of Bupen has set up a special team and began to investigate.

In this report, the girl described in detail the entire process of her being raped.

She said that she wanted to find a job, and was contacted privately and individually by the president, saying that there was a good job that had not yet been selected and might be offered to her.

Then they met, and after dinner she got drunk, and then the next morning, she found herself raped.

But the president didn't admit it, and said that she seduced him just to have a better job...

In short, this kind of plot that can only appear in film and television works actually appears in the real society.

The public opinion of girls who needed people's assistance before has not completely passed, and the whole society's attention to women is still at a peak. At this time, such a thing broke out and the public opinion that has not cooled down once again became an uproar.

As for the outcome of the case, further investigation is needed.

The President immediately realized that someone was working against him!

These **** capitalists!

He roared in his heart, and before he could even eat breakfast, he rushed into the office building of the workers' union under the siege of reporters.

As soon as I came in, the chairs had not had time to sit on the heat, and the police came to the door.

"We were going to your house, but they said you were here, so..."

The police laughed hypocritically, "We have a case that needs your cooperation to investigate, Mr...."

The president was silent for a while, "If you have any questions, you can talk to my lawyer. I need to reiterate that I am innocent."

The policeman who came to invite him to cooperate with the investigation smiled, very contemptuous, "When every criminal is called by us, they say that!"

The President had no other thought than annoyance.

Soon he, accompanied by his lawyer, went to the police station to cooperate with the investigation.

Although not much progress was made that day, police said they had found some witnesses.

These witnesses stated that on the day described by the girl, they did see the president and the girl together, but on the president's side, he never admitted that he knew the girl.

More various kinds of evidence appeared, as if everything pointed to the president lying!

"If you want to win this case, you have to tell me the truth!"

In the lawyer's office, the lawyer also became impatient. Every time he asked the president what his relationship was with this girl, the president always said that he didn't know the girl.

The lawyer even said vaguely that he successfully exonerated many criminals, including cases of "false accusations" of rape.

He hoped that when the president could be alone with him, he would tell the truth and his work ethic would allow him to keep secrets, otherwise the entire Bupen and even the entire Federation would no longer have room for him to survive.

People don't want a lawyer to reveal some of the things they know, and for this reason, these wealthy people have also pushed for the legislation of a law-

They can refuse to reveal any information to anyone when something involves an open party and they don't have their permission!

With the protection of this clause, lawyers can know more content and details related to the case.

He has said many times that even if he knows something, he will not say it, but the president has always bitten to death that he does not know this girl.

Seeing the lawyer's impatient expression, the president was also very depressed, "I said, I really don't know her!"

The lawyer couldn't take it any longer. "If you **** want me to defend you, you'd better tell me the truth."

He pointed to the door, "There are at least a dozen people outside who have seen you with the girl. You said you didn't know her, so are you trying to say that these people are lying?"

The president was a little dazed again, "I really don't know, I haven't seen her at all, but you all said I've seen her, so should I admit that I've seen someone I haven't?"

Just as the lawyer was about to say something, the phone rang.

The lawyer picked up the phone He was stunned for a moment, then walked to the TV, turned on the TV, and changed the channel.

At this time, in the TV screen, the female secretary of the president was standing in the press conference hall of the police station. She was showing some of the girl's job application documents to the media, and verbally broke the news to the media that she had been subjected to many times by the president. Long harassment, physical, verbal.

She was tormented, and encouraged by the girl's actions, she mustered the courage to come forward and expose it.

The flashing lights kept flashing, and the president's whole person was not well at this moment.

The lawyer looked at him as if asking him "you haven't done that either".

And his answer must be no.

He had never harassed that secretary at all. Hell, their relationship was actually pretty good. What did she gain from others to stand up and frame herself like this?

The president really can't figure it out, he just has a proposal, an idea, why is it so difficult?

And they're not stopping him, they're trying to kill him!

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