Blackstone Code

Chapter 213

On November 21st, negotiations between the Mayor of Sabine and the representatives of striking workers did not make any valuable progress. The workers asked for more than the mayor, and The bottom line of the capitalist representatives participating in the negotiations.

They demand more wages, less working hours, and better benefits.

If only one of them is discussed, or each project requires relatively small concessions, then the problem is not big, just like the workers of drinking water company, they dont ask much, and this is achieved The basis of the agreement.

But these workers’ representatives on strike have asked too much. The most ridiculous thing is that a worker’s representative asked for a reduction in the working hours of the week from the original 60 hours to 50 hours, and the wages have to increase by a percentage. Fifth, and meat and fresh fruit are needed at noon every day.

Even if this kind of request kills the capitalists, they will not agree to it. The fifteen worker representatives of as it should be by rights maintain a common camp and front to some extent, even if Some workers thought it was possible to negotiate, but at this time, because of the so-called situation, they also refused to negotiate.

Always existing differences made this negotiation a farce. Worker representatives and capitalist representatives ended the negotiation amidst mutual accusations and abuse.

This makes the workers think that the mayor is insincere. They think that the mayor is on the side of the capitalists. With the instigation of a small group of people and the escalation of the Bupen shooting, Sabine City and the entire state The unrest escalated again.

People have started blatantly beating, smashing, looting and burning. They even chanted slogans like “Who is going to shoot me” to vent their dissatisfaction with the current situation.

There are some people who actually understand this is a wrong approach, but they dont say, at this time, speaking is not the smartest choice.

On November 23, seeing that everything was going to be truly out of control, the governor gave a public speech, calling on all the people to return to their rooms from the street as soon as possible and close the doors and windows. , Protect your own personal safety and property safety.

At the same time, it also urged those who had been beaten, smashed, robbed and burned to voluntarily surrender, and ordered that the out-of-control demonstrations be terminated immediately.

These seemingly dictators words dont at all play any role. Peoples free will is extremely precious, although they are hungry, even though they feel that every step is right Physically tormented, they still held up the banner and shouted slogans weakly.

At 7:30 pm on November 24, the governor personally signed this years Number One governors order and informed relevant agencies such as the Department of Defense that the state will be Starting at 5:30, it entered a state of military control.

The governors order is an executive order that can only be issued during a special period. Simply put, when the situation is too serious to wait for the approval of the presidents cabinet and Congress, the governor can temporarily obtain the highest level of military and political control in a state. Permissions.

Of course, after the situation is over, the governor will also be subject to Union investigations by the National Security Council, the Federal Office of the Interior and other federal security agencies, and complete the hearings held by Congress.

If they think that the governors choice was not at all inappropriate, the matter ends here. If they think there are some problems with the governors behavior and handling, they may file a case.

This time, the governor requested that outside of the prescribed time, no one is allowed to appear on the street, no one is allowed to approach or attack the soldiers on duty, and no more free behavior of beating, smashing, looting and burning is allowed. They will face the harshest treatment.

At eight o’clock in the evening, the news quickly spread to every family in the entire state through the TV station, and people were full of anger while panicking.

This is an insult and trampling on human rights and freedom!

This is a tarnish to the precious spirit of federal freedom!

On the same evening, the mayor announced that November 27 days, the second labor-management negotiation will be launched, and the mayor will still preside over it.

On this evening, the workers’ union held an emergency meeting to discuss countermeasures.

In fact, this wave of workers strikes can sweep the entire Confederation so quickly, I have to say that workers unions have played a very important role in this.

There is a very simple truth. Workers in a certain city absolutely do not know that a city thousands of kilometers away is going to hold a walkout, and they can’t pay attention to places that far, but the workers’ union can.

Driven by interest demands, the workers union began to spread the message and connect workers organizations from all over the country. This may have been just an insignificant, with dozens of small-scale workers strikes occurring every year. The son became a massive strike that spread across the country.

Now that the problem is so big, some of the demands have not been resolved, and they are not sure whether they want to continue.

After a one-night meeting, they need to understand the official attitude to determine how to deal with the current situation next.

As for how to understand, let people test it!

On the morning of November 25, it was late autumn and early winter. The city of Sabine was still shrouded in darkness at 5:30. The sun in winter time rises much more slowly than summer time. It may Still enjoying the warmth in the bed for a long time, reluctant to get up.

At this time, soldiers from the military were fully armed and followed the main route into the city.

In this brief moment, a group of workers with different expressions stood in front of the soldiers. They put their arms around their arms to connect themselves and others tightly, and they held their heads high. , Singing the famous song “Long Live the Freedom Federation”, staring directly at the soldiers with fearless fear and blocking them from moving forward.

The car that was walking in the front of the army slowly stopped, and out of the car came a 30-year-old soldier with blond hair and blue-gray pupils. Judging from his epaulettes, he Is an army major.

The meticulous personal appearance, coupled with the military uniform, gives him a very heavy temperament.

He leaned on the car door and looked at the ordinary persons blocking their way, because he was standing behind the car lights. People only saw two very bright car headlights and one with some The vague shadow can’t see his appearance clearly.

The major walked to the car, he looked at the people, then raised his wrist to look at the watch on his wrist, “There are still five minutes to half past five, according to the governors order, five oclock Half of the time before, everyone must go home and accept military control.”

He put down his wrists and looked at these people indifferently, “You only have 40% of your time left, 40% If you are still in my sight after the clock, you dont have to go back.”

Some of the strikers who blocked the soldiers way have already begun to weaken their legs, but they can actually agree to the unions request ( It is the workers’ representatives who come first, not directly contacting the union), and the people who come to try at this time are very courageous.

When faced with these indifferent soldiers, their courage to beat, smash, rob and burn seems to be rapidly disappearing.

The loss of courage also made the songs they sang a little less majestic, more twilight and cowardly. This should not be the singing style of “Long Live the Free Federation”.

Facing these people, the major stood calmly in front of the car, with both of his hands behind him, his blue-gray eyes staring at these people indifferently.

Later, he said, “There are still 3 minutes…”

The voice of people singing has been weakened again. If it werent for each others arms, Im afraid someone would have to bear it. Can’t help leaving here.

Although soldiers and policemen have guns, their nature is completely different. Soldiers are even more fearful.

“two minutes…”

“one minute!”

When talking about one minute, the major raised his wrist again and he stared The dial on the wrist says, “You have 47 seconds. Now it is 43 seconds. Four 12 seconds…”

He was counting down, and the voice of one person suppressed everyone’s voice, singing The disappearance of the atmosphere became serious.

Some people broke away from others’ arms and turned their heads and ran towards the city where they lived, but some people thought that this was just a threat from the soldiers, they just stood here and the army is not qualified to attack them .

Looking at fewer and fewer people, a sneer appeared at the corner of the majors mouth, “Ten…”


“Count Now, it looks like you wont leave, I wont count down…”, he retracted his wrist, turned his head and looked towards another soldier standing behind him, “Is the joke I told is not funny?”

In this early autumn morning, some sweat was secreted from the soldiers forehead. He smiled a little nervously “haha”, “Very funny, Major.”

The major looked at him and saw He only said when he was hairy, “It’s too exaggerated. When we go back, twice the basic training.” After he said, he held the door back into the car and issued an order to the soldiers behind him, “Capture These insurgents can be killed if necessary.”

In a flash, all soldiers are like wild wolves out of the fence. They charge ahead. They use the most professional military skills for the ordinary person who has the least resistance. Body.

Sit in the car and watched those ordinary persons whose heads were beaten and bleed. They were pressed to the ground by fiercely and the muzzles of at least two guns pointed at their heads. The major put them on again with satisfaction. Lambskin gloves.

He knew that what he was doing now would be reported to his chief officer of the military base, or even to the Ministry of Defense, but he didn’t care.

He knows very well that this country is about to lose its harmless camouflage under pressure. In the next ten years, at least ten years, it will become a paradise for hawks and radicals. This is also a paradise for all soldiers. Our favorite era.

The tougher and more aggressive he is now, the more opportunities he has in the future.

At the rank of major, he is already qualified enough to know some high-level trends. He hopes that his performance can be seen by the high-levels. He wants to take the army to perform missions overseas. Let this World take a look. The strength of the Union soldiers!

Let them understand that the isolation of the Federation does not stem from fear, but does not want to hurt others!

With less than one minute, this group of strikers who were helpless by the police were beaten with bloody nose and swollen face, and tied their wrists with a string of forearm thick ropes, and put them in a string , Contacted behind an armored vehicle.

If they don’t want to be dragged along, they’d better trot forward. At this time, these people who are all aching have no more complaints, no cursing, they can only follow silently.

At half past five, the eastern sky began to turn slightly white.

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