Blackstone Code

Chapter 217

On Tuesday morning, Lynch held a general meeting of shareholders.

Mark, tall and thin, Aser and other local investors arrived at the companys Conference Hall, and investor representatives from Kurilan City also arrived at the Conference Hall.

It is said that it is a general meeting of shareholders. In fact, there are only eight people in total. However, the general meeting of shareholders is a general meeting of shareholders and has nothing to do with the number of people.

Sitting in the chair of the board of directors, peoples eyes were focused on Lynch. He looked at the materials in his hand for a while, and after about a two minutes, he turned his attention to At the meeting.

“There are two things to discuss with you at this shareholder meeting, the first question, the development plan for the next stage…”, he said while observing the these people.

The shareholder representative of Kurilan City looked like “I don’t care, but I will tell the truth” and prepared a notebook and pen to record the meeting.

Mark still has a tired face. I heard that this kid has had a good life recently. He holds a large number of food rolls in his hand. At the same time, his food factory also undertakes the task of producing food. For people at this stage, food rolls are equal to money. Every bag of food produced by Mark is money, and his factory spit out money like a money printing machine.

Recently, he has always been very close to the two female hosts of Sabine City TV. Judging from his listless look, the two women are not very good to deal with, but it is a pity that they The two hostesses have become ordinary persons.

They are thinking about the female anchor who dare not desecrate the spirit. Every night, they fight with Mark until late at night and fall asleep deeply with a thick face (not a typo).

Local investors don’t have much expressions, and their faces are more or less sad. The financial tsunami has caused serious losses to them, and everyone’s life is not easy.

Aser looks very unremarkable, but he is a smart person. There is not much eye contact between him and Lynch, although the people in the room basically know that this guy has an unusual relationship with Lynch .

After Lynch looked away from the last person, he began the topic of today’s meeting.

“Everyone has seen the speed of the development of Star Trading Company. Even in the early stages of the strike, our work has never stopped, and this strike has proved that my model is successful. , So we are not at all affected by the strike too much.”

He is talking about cooperation. Everyone is his partner. He does not have any employees. If these people are going to strike, they It will only be their own work, Lynch will not suffer any loss, only themselves will suffer.

This also allowed the company to operate very normally, and survived the strike crisis in an unimaginable way.

People at the conference table are nodded, they can’t deny this.

Lynch paused for a while before continuing, “Next, the company will have a faster development period. The double blow caused by strikes and economy problems will make it difficult for most families to sustain it. Their demand will increase, but the budget will decrease, and a lot of goods will flow into the market.”

“Not only ordinary households of ordinary persons, some factories and some capitalists are also in bankruptcy. They will also be included in our goals.”

“Buy more goods at lower prices, and then sell them at a price that can guarantee our profits. All we have to bear is Its just a short-term backlog of funds.”

“But there is also a new problem derived out of it, that is, if our speed of acquiring goods exceeds our speed of shipping, a large amount of funds will be accumulated in the warehouse. Its impossible to circulate here. This is something I cant bear.

So I have an idea. I want to split the Star Trading Companys most important business, the second-hand commodity trading auction, into a second-hand commodity trade fair. And second-hand goods auction……”

For the time being, the little girl who came to serve as a secretary began to release materials for everyone. These are materials specially produced by Lynch, which describe in detail the results obtained after the business split Effect and possibility.

I have to say that he has made this material very beautiful. It not only has real and detailed survey data, but also some intuitive trend charts.

According to a survey, the more a character like Boss, the less patient they are to pick the word one by one. They prefer intuitive things, such as histograms and graphs.

“After the business is split, ordinary second-hand commodity transactions will not occupy more of our funds. We only need to provide places and charge various fees.”

“At the same time, after studying the transaction records of the auctions during this period, we will gradually focus on those valuable commodities that can bring us more profits.”

” The advantage is that we dont need to waste limited funds on some potentially unsalable goods, and we can also make the auction more professional and bring more profits.”

He emphatically added one step, “In fact We are not only splitting up the business, but also the audience.”

After saying this, he wants everyone to have a process of understanding and thinking. This is the plan he is considering until now.

The biggest drawback of current auctions is that high-end bidders and low-end bidders are mixed together. Sometimes low-end bidders will disrupt the auction order of valuable goods, for example, they let the auctioned goods increase prices. The speed is too fast.

In auctions, raising prices too quickly is not a good phenomenon. It seems that there are many people competing for the same thing, giving people a concept that this thing is very popular.

In fact, this will make some people dispel the inevitable idea, because there are too many competitors, and they think they may not be able to succeed.

Even if there are not many people who bid at the end, and the price has not reached their psychological limit, they will feel that even if they bid the price, the other party will continue to keep up.

On the contrary, it is the kind of auction products and processes with a small number of bidders, and the prices are better in catching up with each other.

Let low-end consumers go to the trade fair, and let high-end auction participants participate in auctions that can provide more profits. More accurate positioning can provide more profits.

The tall and thin guy asked after discussing with the people around him, “How do you plan to solve the trade fair?”

Lynch pointed to the information in front of him, “Dont ask , I will also say.” After the two looked at each other for a few seconds, Lynch said, “Please turn to the seventeenth page of the information…”

With the sound of turning pages neatly, Lynch began to talk about his thoughts, “I noticed that our cities, including other cities, have not had an official second-hand commodity trading center so far.”

“Most second-hand commodity transactions are in It was completed in some dirty and poor streets, and many of them were stolen goods.”

“We have only three things to do, standardize, legalize, and centralize!”

“Our profits also come from these aspects, such as the rental costs of ordinary stalls, the commission for specific transactions, and the insurance business…”

Everything Lynch says is very In detail, it seems that he has done a lot of work for this, and after repeated deliberation and research, he came to this conclusion.

So such a conclusion, coupled with these intuitive data, is full of persuasive power, and these people have been persuaded.

Even if you are a tall and thin guy who is not easy to deal with, he is satisfied with Lynchs plan at this time. He thinks that Lynch is right to split the business and then split the customer group. To make more money in a more targeted way, this is the attitude of real money.

He looked at Lynch who was talking about it, and he was a little puzzled, what exactly is in this youngster’s head?

Lynch didn’t know that the tall and thin guy had a little interest in his own brains. After he finished talking about splitting the business, when no one raised a clear objection, the corner of his mouth slightly .

“Considering that we have more tasks in the next stage, I propose that the currently split business be operated as a separate subsidiary company.”

After coming out, Mark’s face didn’t change much. He didn’t care about it at all, he only thought about the happy things.

As long as his Uncle does not leave Sabine City for a day and does not lose power in his hands for a day, he does not need to worry about being trapped by others, and this kind of thing will not happen.

The representatives of Kurilan City did not express any opinions. The results of this meeting will not be born at the end of this meeting. Only a few tall and thin people have expressions of thought on their faces.

After a while, the tall and thin man asked, “Mr. Chairman, do we have to do this?”

He refers to splitting the business into independent subsidiaries to operate This matter, in his opinion, it is unnecessary to do this, but he wants to hear what Lynch said, in fact, he should not do it, because persuading others is what Lynch is best at.

Lynchs face was filled with a smile, “Of course, then I will talk about the difference in detail…”

In his description, everyone quickly understood why Lynch wants to do this, and he understands the advantages and disadvantages of doing this-everything has two sides, but as long as the advantages and disadvantages are great, people can ignore the disadvantages.

It took a little half an hour. These thin and tall people finally figured out Lynchs ideas, but they did not immediately express their views. They have to go back and discuss it. After all, this involves some new changes. Need to find someone to discuss and discuss, make sure.

After sending these people away, Lynch glanced at the materials on the table with disdain, then threw them away in the trash can. He already knew the result.

These people will not reject his proposal, because the reason is simple, the purpose of splitting the company is to make more money, as long as the businessmen have not given up on the pursuit of profit, they will not refuse.

Greed brings them a lot of wealth, but it also makes them partial and blind.

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