Blackstone Code

Chapter 819


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In the mobile manor in York State, in the crystal goblet held by the governor lies quietly a bottle of wine worth thousands of dollars. His face is slightly flushed. He has been drinking it for a while.

Drinking some alcohol in winter can warm your body and help you sleep.

He has been watching the final vote count and has been seeing Mr. President win the election.

The past two years can be said to be stable, and you can even seek re-election!

This is the benefit that my party sent a president for politicians, and the people will naturally tend to the governor of the “Presidential Gang” instead of the governor from the Conservative Party.

This kind of thinking is normal. Ordinary people don’t know how complicated federal politics are. They simply think that when facing some problems, “their people” will be more reliable.

His sons, nephews, and some brother sisters are all sitting next to him at this time. The presidential election is also an important event for this governor’s family.

A relaxed smile appeared on everyone’s face at this time, and the youngster even suggested to go out for a while.

The governor took a sip of the wine and put the glass on the low table beside him. He raised his hand, and the family members in the room stopped talking.

Whether it was his Junior, his peers, his aunts Uncle or even the old people of the grandfather generation, they stopped and looked at him.

The entire family is centered on the governor, and the governor is the real leader of this family.

He pursed his mouth, and he licked some of the remaining wine stains on his lips. “Tomorrow, you will arrange to get some floats in various cities and organize people to celebrate Mr. President’s victory. Be more lively, and TV stations will also report. ……”

As one of the important members of the Progressive Party, the governor must show his “loyalty” to the Progressive Party. If he does not celebrate when others are celebrating, people will doubt his attitude.

Everyone is nodded, holding these celebrations will cost a lot of money, but the money will be earned back soon.

After the president took office, the governors of the Progressive Party were able to get more budget, and a little leakage was enough to make up for their loss this time.

The governor looked towards his nephew, who quickly straightened his chest.

“Tomorrow morning, you will go to Sabine City, and what…”, he looked towards Adelaide, he knew that person, but he had forgotten his name.

Adelaide is the Governor’s Uncle and an important staff member. He participated in the Governor’s management and politics of York State throughout. He reminded him, “Ferrar…”

The governor was nodded again and again, the person in his heart matched the name, “Yes, Ferrar, the mayor of Sabine…”, he re-looked towards his nephew, “Go and contact him. He will resign in a while.”

“Before he resigns, you should learn from him how to be a qualified mayor.”

“Although Ferrar is not well-known, he is still qualified for the job of managing the city, and his relationship with Lynch is very close.”

“You can dislike him, but don’t offend him, do you understand what I mean?”

The governor’s nephew quickly nodded, “I will study with Mr. Ferrar, I will not offend him!”

Even if the governor easily broke down a multinational group, a local economy pillar, it looks like a local tyrant of York State.

That’s because whether it is the multinational group or Ristoan, the highest politician they can reach is the senator of Congress.

In terms of political status, they are almost the same as the governor, but in terms of power, these people are far behind the governor.

The lack of a strong upper-level relationship is the real reason for their downfall.

Look at the federal consortiums of the first and middle generations. It is easier to change the president than to destroy them.

Lynch has come into contact with the consortium at the top of the society, and has a good relationship with the president and the military. He already has a lot of energy. It is not a good idea to offend him rashly.

Don’t look at Ferrar, the acting mayor, who is unremarkable. Some places are even considering asking him to be the mayor.

On the one hand, he has shown a qualified and even excellent level in management. After all, the person who has been in contact with people for so many years and has penetrated into all aspects of society is him, not the former mayor.

He knows enough about the development of the city, he knows what kind of life the people need, and he also knows the demands of the capitalists.

Secondly, because of his relationship with Lynch, it is said that when the time comes, he can still get an investment.

Governor nodded, he pondered for a moment and said, “I’m tired, Adelaide stay.”

Other family members got up to say goodbye to him and left in an orderly manner. Soon there were only two people in the room, the governor of the low-level province and Adelaide.

“You can contact Lynch and ask him about the things we talked about last time and how he thought about it.”

The governor said that the last time he met with Lynch, he wanted to build a new economy pillar company around a certain industry in York State, just like Ristoan or Everfine.

These companies can provide a lot of local jobs, not to mention, the upstream and downstream industrial chain surrounding the core industry is enough to revitalize the economy of the entire state.

Once the economy develops, people’s satisfaction with the government will increase, and the governor will have a foundation for planning for re-election.

After all these things are done by him, people will think of his good.

When the economy is good, people may not, they even think that maybe changing a governor can make them more money.

But when the economy is difficult, as long as you give them a bite of food, they all feel that this is a damn gift from God!

Adelaide nodded, “So…policy…”

The governor just said that he was tired, but his face was not tired at all, but very energetic.

“He has a good relationship with the President and Truman is also very good. I will provide him with some policy support, and Mr. President will give him another part.”

“As long as it does not violate the requirements of the Charter, I will try my best to satisfy him!”

This is the condition that Lynch talked about before. He must wait for Mr. President to win the election before he can make a decision.

Don’t look like it’s just a year or two or even a few months away. It seems to have wasted this time, but there have been many similar people in history, because they felt that they had won, and they started the so-called “layout” months in advance , The last loser can’t afford to wear the trousers.

When the dust is not settled, the investment is impossible, and every penny is impossible!

In addition, now that Mr. President wins the election, as Mr. President’s important campaign sponsor, Mr. President is reasonable in every circumstance, he must give these investors enough returns to thank them for their support.

This is a kind of rules of the game, an essence of federal politics.

From the local to the federal government, give the green light all the way, even a fool who invests will definitely make money!

In fact, there is also a problem here. As long as the investment can be lowered, at least it will not lose money. Why does the governor not invest himself, but hope that Lynch will invest?

The reason can be said to be very complicated, which involves the ideology of the federal society and some unwritten rules, but it is not that complicated because in addition to money, it also requires coordination and ability in many aspects.

A politician’s family engaged in a business in the place where he was in charge?

Although this practice is permitted by federal law, as long as there is no abuse of power between the company and the governor for their own benefit, it will not arouse people’s dissatisfaction.

But the problem is that this is almost impossible.

The ruling party approves some ridiculous policies to others. People will only say how dirty politics and capital are.

But if the governor approves some policies for himself, the society will fry!

“Never conceal his ugly face, and use the power granted to him by the people for his own personal gain…”

This may be a more implicit and conservative evaluation. Perhaps some magazines and newspapers will write “Fuck you!” on the front page.

This is something that will definitely happen. The development of an enterprise is inseparable from policies. The people and the media don’t care about the content of these things, they only care whether the politicians do or not.

So in this respect, the governor’s family can do business, but the scale must not be large. If you want to make it larger, try not to be on your own territory.

Lynch is a good choice. He is a native of York State. During his development Early-Stage, the Governor also gave him a lot of convenience. He is also a person who knows how to be grateful.

Now that all the conditions are ripe, he should know how to do it.

At the same time, this is also to lay a solid foundation for his nephew.

If Lynch’s project can fall into Sabine City, his nephew will undoubtedly become the first beneficiary.

Look, as soon as he took over this mess, he settled on Lynch’s large investment and got Lynch’s friendship, which is undoubtedly a very outstanding achievement.

The governor is impossible to do it all his life. He always gets old until he must retire. He must find a suitable successor for the family.

Don’t worry too much about capital, as long as the policy arrives, as mentioned above, fools can make money.

What they need is a person who can carry a banner in politics.

The governor even made some preparations. Two or four years later, he took the initiative to evade and gave the governor to other people as a deal, in exchange for his nephew’s future stable governor’s road , And even have the opportunity to sprint the president’s political path.

“Do you need me to call him now?”

The governor shook the head, “They must be celebrating. Don’t disturb them at this time. Two days later, Bupen won’t be too quiet during this time…”

The news of the presidential election was already known to everyone on the 2nd day. When every media was talking about it, the formidable power of public opinion bombing was reflected.

People are discussing what good changes will be made after the president officially takes office, whether the economy will improve, and whether the federation will play a more important role in the international society.

At this time, Lynch stood outside the presidential palace with a large group of Progressive Party members and some capitalists, watching the president take the oath of office.

The sun today is a bit dazzling.

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