Blackstone Code

Chapter 845


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When Geruno said this sentence with a smile, the attention of these people in the room was immediately drawn.

As one of the most powerful people in the Federation, every day all will have countless pairs of eyes staring at him, interpreting every word, every action, and every look he says.

People with higher status tend to look more rigid in their work. This is the reason.

They can’t show too rich emotions and voice actions, these will make people think about it, and even cause a series of uncontrollable things.

“Because a smile causes a war” is a very famous proverb by Gevlar, which refers to an earl showing an ambiguous smile to a married aristocratic lady.

Someone saw it, and then told the noble wife’s husband-another nobleman.

The husband of the noble wife asked if the noble had an affair with his wife, of course the other party would not admit it.

He just thought of a knowing smile, he didn’t even know the woman, but in the eyes of others, it was an ambiguous smile.

So the husband of the noble wife felt that he was not only betrayed, but also humiliated, so he killed his wife in public and declared war on the nobleman.

The war lasted for a whole year and killed more than 20,000 people. In the end, the noble group had to stand up for mediation.

The smile of an earl can cause misunderstandings, let alone a word from Mr. Geruno and the interesting expression on his face.

At this time, everyone in the room was thinking about three things.

What is he laughing at?

Why did he laugh

Who is interesting?

The first question seems to be the same as the second one, but it is not. There is a strong specificity in laughing. For example, if someone falls, the laugh is that he falls.

This is a concrete matter, a reason for behavior that can be refined.

The latter is a dynamic change derived from inner emotions. It may be because of anger, it may be because of happiness, it may be because of…

Of course, there is the final theme, who makes Mr. Geruno interesting?

More than a dozen gentlemen in the room are thinking about this problem, and they are constantly searching for valuable clues to expand the scope of their thinking.

Mr. Geruno saw the Junior or his peers in the room with a thoughtful expression, and he narrowed the smile on his face.

“Do you know how the arms dealer can sell a pistol to someone who doesn’t need it?” He suddenly asked the gentlemen in the room to change their thinking at the same time.

Some people think quickly, and immediately give the answer in their own minds, “create a sense of crisis, such as contacting some vicious cases that occurred in the society, and telling him that buying a pistol can not only protect himself , It can also protect the family.”

Some people agreed with nodded, while others were still thinking. Mr. Geruno looked towards others, “Does anyone have other ideas? This is just a simple discussion.”

Although his words are very simple, there is no doubt that the person who answers correctly will impress him deeply.

The Duncan family is a huge family, because they are rich enough to give birth without restraint.

Ordinary families may not be able to afford two or three children, but for people in this family, they can have a lot.

You don’t even need to raise them by yourself. There is a special organization in the family to train these children uniformly, and this is also a screening mechanism to select outstanding family offspring.

There are many excellent people, so who can get a better future, after they have proved that they are excellent people, it has nothing to do with their learning ability and performance.

No matter how good a person is, it is impossible to master all knowledge, but the wealth of the Duncan family allows countless people who have mastered a knowledge and studied to the extreme to serve them.

So how to compete for the leader of each generation of the family and even the next generation of patriarch?

It depends on how much impression they can make on Substitute Patriarch, maybe when old fogey is about to choose a successor, whether he can come to mind in his mind.

At this time someone said, “We can sell other things and sell weapons to him in the form of ‘gift’.”

Some people ordered nodded, which is very popular recently.

Do you want a hair dryer?

Now we buy a hair dryer and we also give away an oven!

Perhaps in the eyes of customers, the oven is a gift, but for capitalists, every commodity has a cost price and a selling price, and the oven is still “sold”.

No one continued to answer.

Mr. Geruno leaned back on the chair, he casually played with the exquisite pen in his hand, “You are all right, but none of them is good enough.”

“Creating a sense of crisis may sometimes be effective, but you must note that only in defensive issues can the sense of crisis promote people forward.”

“Except for a few people, most people are relatively less offensive. They are less likely to buy offensive weapons to protect themselves, but they prefer defensive equipment.”

He pointed to another person, “Buying one product and giving another product seems to be effective, but I have only heard of buying guns and giving ammunition, but I have never heard of buying electric irons and giving pistol Of.”

“It may be possible if it is an arms trade, but this does not apply to everyone. It has great limitations.”

When talking about this, Mr. Geruno put the pen in his hand on the table and made a clicking noise.

He looked up towards everyone, “In fact, it is very simple to do this, no matter who he is, as long as he is given a strong hatred and impulse for revenge, he will buy a pistol without the slightest hesitation .”

“He can be a farmer, can be a cleaner, can be an ordinary office worker, can be anyone.”

“Give him a strong desire for revenge anytime and anywhere, he will buy a pistol, there are no limitations, as long as the hatred is in place.”

“So what we first peddled was not the pistol, but hatred, and then made the pistol a necessary consumer product, and then sold it.”

“You must be thinking about what I mean by ‘interesting’, I’m actually talking about Lynch.”

“The purpose of promoting the legislation of the “Overseas Security Law” has actually been achieved, but he has pushed the atmosphere one step forward.”

“We have the power to revenge and we must revenge are completely two concepts. He did this very well, and he won’t lose six million!”

From the promotion to the development of the whole thing, almost all the work was done by the Duncan family, but this kind of completion is missing… how to say, a kind of soul, a kind of bone!

There is no core.

The “Overseas Security Act” is like a security threat theory to today’s federal people.

“Hey, someone is injured, don’t you buy a pistol to protect yourself?”

Some people will agree, but more people still think that this kind of thing is impossible to happen to themselves, or if it does happen, it can be saved by other methods.

Their desire is not strong, even if it is certain to pass, some people will crook their mouth and say that it is the result of another behind-the-scenes operation.

But Lynch gave the whole case a kind of agility. He didn’t tell people that you might be dangerous if you don’t buy this pistol. He stabbed twice in the chest that people can’t see, which makes people urgent. I hope to protect myself.

Then he appeared with a pistol, and at this time the desire to consume was strong.

This is why he said Lynch is interesting, at first he didn’t even think of it, Lynch thought of it.

There is no doubt that the six million spent is very worthwhile.

“When the “Overseas Security Law” is passed, we will form the family’s first private arm on the surface, and this matter will be… to be responsible for it!”

He said a name casually, but in fact, the person and name in his mind may not be right, it may be wrong.

After all, there are thousands of people in this family. He is impossible to remember everyone’s looks and names. He is already very old and he can’t put all his energy on recognizing photos.

This is why it is more meaningful to leave a deep impression than to work hard.

He said and laughed again, “It’s really interesting!”

He knows the history of Lynch’s family. As one of the new generation of capitalists who have risen rapidly, Geruno has been paying close attention to it.

Compared with the new generation of capitalists who are rapidly emerging through the processing industry and manufacturing, Lynch’s path is a bit “wild” and a bit unintelligible.

He chose the most difficult path that may seem to everyone, and left the Federation directly for overseas development.

Many people may not be optimistic about him, but he has avoided the more cruel domestic competition.

At that time, if you wanted to engage in finance or processing and manufacturing in China, there was simply no chance of development.

The big crocodiles in the financial circle are embezzling each other, and the physical industry is gradually declining. He has no chance to develop any way he chooses.

But he just developed, the change of Nagalil has become a phenomenon-level capital operation.

It is said that the Holy Peace Society intends to promote this matter to be included in the federal textbook. Of course, Mr. Geruno agrees. After all, he can also leave a name in the textbook.

Some fame spreads well, but some fame is not spread so well. This kind of name retention is safe.

This until now is a youngster who doesn’t follow the script. This time it looks like he has made a lot of money, but in fact, Lynch has also made it.

In addition to the six million he earned, he also earned a lot of orders.

Just like the question raised by Mr. Geruno, before the danger occurred, when there was no strong hatred.

Do people tend to buy a pistol as an offensive weapon when necessary, or do they entrust professionals to provide security services for themselves?

The answer is obvious, more people still tend to spend money to solve problems than to form a professional military organization by themselves.

So in the Federation, which company is the most guaranteed?

No doubt!

That must be Blackstone safety!

As solid as a rock!

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