Blackstone Code

Chapter 898


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Mr. Senator is not very courageous and is not interested in financial sense. Lynch doesn’t want to know, and it doesn’t matter whether he knows or not.

He is impossible to understand that this senator held him for so long, and now suddenly let go, it must have something to do with the increase in orders.

The military has won a battle and won the title of “the world’s first naval power”. Now the military’s strength and influence are expanding infinitely.

According to statistics, five years ago, the entire military’s annual military budget was not several hundred million, and Congress rejected more than 60% of the military’s budget.

The reason was that he did not want to trigger an international confrontation. He believed that increasing the strength of the federal military would only make international friends uneasy, so he rejected most of the budget requests.

This year, the navy budget alone has exceeded one billion after review and approval. This shows that the military’s “power” is expanding at a rapid rate.

Stop what the military desperately wants today, and tomorrow the Military Intelligence Bureau will start searching for Mr. Senator’s black materials.

Indeed, the federal law does not allow any kind of investigation of incumbent officials. If someone is familiar with this bill, there must be only one “Domain” in it.

This bill can restrict all law enforcement agencies, such as the Federal Investigation Bureau, the Federal Police Department, the Federal Security Council, the Federal Department of Homeland Security, and the Federal Tax Bureau.

This does not include the Military Intelligence Agency and the Federal Army and Federal Navy Internal Investigation Offices, which are not within the scope of this Act.

Under normal circumstances, the military will not take the initiative to investigate any officials, because it is not necessary and cannot be committed.

But it’s not that they can’t do it. This is very important. They can do it but there is no need to do it, not that they can’t do it.

Once the MIB believes that Mr. Senator has caused a very serious impact on national security, they can directly investigate Mr. Senator.

In the end, it might be discovered that this was a “false alarm”, but in the course of this investigation, they unexpectedly discovered some other problems, such as job crime or abuse of power.

These two charges may be a joke in some countries, such as Gefra, but in the Federation, they are enough to make a senator lose his power.

In any case, Mr. Senator often deals with the military, he must know this, otherwise he would not be so eager to sell well-before the truth is revealed.

And this is why Lynch doesn’t directly give him any substantial benefits, but just gives him a gossip. This is what he wants to express.

“If you want benefits, take a gamble!”

Mr. Senator who returned home was thinking about all the gains and losses at the same time, at the same time the president was suffering every second and moving forward every second.

Time is like a saw blade that cuts his soul. Every second is a pull back and forth, and his soul is about to split.

Every moment assets are shrinking severely. What’s more terrifying is that some shareholders tell him that someone has contacted those shareholders privately and intends to buy some shares from them.

At the same time, his personal adviser also told him that there have been some abnormal transactions in the stock market recently.

A large number of stocks were swallowed cleanly by some scattered ones. Although these people want to make this is a normal transaction phenomenon, it itself violates the laws of finance.

In other words, some people are trying to acquire a certain amount of stocks at once by acquiring non-tradable shares and tradable shares, and then launch an acquisition war every moment.

Capital and capital acquisition have always been not a very common thing, not as simple as some people who don’t know much about stocks but think they know everything.

Acquisition is very complicated. There are many things involved, the most important thing is funds.

The market value of a listed company is assumed to be one billion. If you want to forcibly acquire this company, you must prepare at least 1.3 billion of funds, which is at least.

The average analyst will tell those who try to do this-you have to prepare 2 billion and face the possibility of failure.

The reason why a premium is needed so much is because there is something called a “repurchase clause” in most listed companies.

This thing has been written in the contract since the shareholders first joined the company.

When a company faces a hostile takeover, the company’s board of directors has the right to give priority to the purchase of stocks in the hands of shareholders at a price premium to a certain extent.

This price is negotiated by everyone before, and there is also a customary rule, that is, at least not less than 30%.

The market value of a billion-dollar company, when faced with a vicious acquisition, they have to use 100 30% of the tradable and non-tradable stocks to recover the equity. Therefore, if you want to force a purchase, you must have at least 30% of the market value. More than 100 30 will do.

Every moment, every year, a lot of people are watching the profit, their eyes are red, but there is nothing to do.

These Marillos knew the gameplay of the federal capital game. Before the federals could react, they settled the issue of the board of directors.

There are people from federal local investment institutions, federal free investors, and bank investments. Then they divide the remaining shares into small shares and give some puppets. It seems that everyone has control A few percent to a few percent of the shares, and the largest number does not exceed 20%.

But in fact, there are about 40% to 50%, all in the hands of the chairman at all times, and he controls all this behind his back!

In the past, people wanted to intervene here, but there was no good way.

Those federal minority shareholders impossible sell their shares. Such high-quality companies that can guarantee profitability every year are rare in the Federation.

Then you can only look at the stock market, and after acquiring 3% of the outstanding shares, the clarion call for the takeover war is sounded.

It’s just that the market value of every moment is too high. Once stockholders know that someone is about to start a hostile takeover, there is no need for the chairman of every moment to persuade stockholders to raise the stock price. Those stockholders themselves take the initiative to raise the stock price.

Hundreds of millions of tradable shares may eventually be obtained with more than twice the amount of money. Once they are obtained, they are not a major shareholder. After entering the board of directors, they will have to go through a round of share dilution to reissue additional shares and relist them.

In other words, it may have spent 700,800,000 or even 1 billion, and only acquired less than 20% of the shares. It looks like a major shareholder, but it is still killed by the Marilos. dead.

Although people are jealous, they can only be jealous.

But things are different now.

Lynch’s press conference became the clarion call for launching the general offensive. As the stock price plummeted, capital once again smelled the sweetness of blood, surrounding every moment, from time to time, rushing to bite a piece of flesh and blood.

Now want investors to raise the stock price spontaneously?

Now they only hate their own stocks for not having two legs, they only hate that they are selling slowly, and they are expensive, and others don’t want them. How can they still have the mind to help launch a defense war every moment?

at first did not find this problem every moment, because it is always a small bite in multiple accounts. According to the federal financial law, if an account acquires 3% of the total share capital, then it must Submit information to all parties.

This is normal investment or acquisition.

If it is an acquisition, it is divided into normal acquisition and hostile acquisition.

The former requires companies or individuals holding stock accounts to sit down and talk about the acquisition every moment, and finally issue an announcement explaining the situation.

If it is malicious, the Financial Management Committee will activate the hostile takeover regulations to monitor the operations of both parties to ensure that they will not harm the interests of ordinary shareholders.

Hostile takeover is divided into multiple stages. Once it is launched, it cannot be stopped easily, otherwise it will be investigated for the crime of “undermining the order of the financial market.”

It is precisely because of this that most of the time there is no obvious signal in the early stage of the war between capital and capital.

Before preparing to fight hand-to-hand, they will forbear and be fully prepared.

The rapid increase in the amount of handover is a signal, and a large amount of small stuttering is also a signal. To discover these, someone must always stare at and analyze it.

When those people have eaten almost, they transfer the stocks scattered in different stock accounts into one account, and if it exceeds 3% or even 5%, they will directly initiate the acquisition.

Combined with the frequent contact of the small shareholders within the company now, there is no doubt that someone intends to swallow every moment in one go.

This is the weakest moment since the establishment of every moment!

Because the market value has shrunk dramatically and the credit of the bank has been reduced, they can’t even borrow money from the bank!

Of course, this is also normal. Banks never lend money to those who desperately need money, because they can’t pay the interest or repay the principal.

They will only lend money to those who do not need money, can afford the interest, and can also afford to pay back the principal.

Obviously this is not the case every moment when I am in trouble, even the part of the company that belongs to the bank’s investment will change from stock to debt again!

Banks have long been accustomed to turning the borrowed money into stocks in fast-growing companies, and turning the stocks into debts when necessary. In any case, they will not lose money.

“Mr. President, today’s handover volume has begun to drop, leaving us running out of time.”

Mr. President looked haggard, full of alcohol, “Why do you say that?”

The analyst pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose, “The decrease in the number of hands changing means that the number of shares in circulation has begun to decrease. Some have entered the accounts of those people, and some may also have discovered the problem. They began to choose to wait and see. .”

“Isn’t this a good thing for us?”, he gave himself a judgment with his head that is not flexible enough. This should be a good thing, at least those villains can’t buy many stocks.

The analyst shook the head, “This means that our opponent, it is almost time to launch a general attack…”

“If you can’t come up with a solution, we are likely to lose a lot of territory.”

His words made Mr. President sober for the most part. He looked at the analyst and asked, “Then what should I do?”

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