Blue Star Sea Diamond

Chapter 100 Victor's Nuclear Launch Device

Beria called Prinzkin, Victor, Kochav and Batuman in the office.

Beria said: "The state-to-state dynamics are unclear. It is necessary for us to issue a nuclear order. I don't think such a method will cause trouble both at home and abroad."

Princhin said: "Didn't you beat those countries back some time ago?"

Beria said: "There are changes in many places, just to prevent our country from directly threatening, so they are all done in secret."

After Beria finished speaking and watched Kochav, Kochav knew that Beria signaled to speak: "Yes, our intelligence agencies have repeatedly shown that many Caucasus countries are still wooing Nortel and want to join NATO in order to get In exchange for advanced weapons, Nortel’s missile interception system is installed in these places. The current situation is very unfavorable. If no measures are taken, we will not be able to make our nuclear bombs normally strike the target in the next nuclear war. Was intercepted."

Princhin said: "So what, who would fight a nuclear war? That would destroy the earth. We can't always spend wrong money in such a place. We were originally calculated by Andrew Marshall of Nortel. Become a poor person. Do you still want to learn this lesson now? We still want to revitalize the economy. We can't panic as soon as we get information. That kind of information may be the bait that our enemy country gives us."

Kochav said: "My intelligence can't be wrong. I have been doing it for so many years, and no one dares to deny my job." When Kochav heard that it was bad, he worried that his position would also be affected. So don't let others say that your job is a problem.

Princhin said: "That’s not what you mean. Your information is correct, but those who give the information will use us with ulterior motives. We can’t start a nuclear war. The Caucasus is fighting with us and really dared to fight us. ? But the kid is fooling around."

Beria said: "The world is changing fast. We are careful to prevent the Wannian Ship from being beaten until we find that we are not prepared for anything."

Princhin thought for a while, and felt it necessary to ask the expert, Victor, the holder of the nuclear suitcase. He must have his own unique insights into the science of nuclear strikes.

Princhkin said: "If we and Nortel are attacked by nuclear weapons, will we attack major cities in the world? Or cities in the world? Or every corner of the world? I don't quite understand this. How do we convert it?"

Vidoc opened the nuclear button box. There was an electronic map made by WeChat's electronic tube. Each map marked the location of nuclear missiles, nuclear submarines, nuclear missiles, bombers, and road-based vehicles. The position of the missile is marked with the equivalent of each missile, and even the number of equivalents at which it decays after its lifetime is also marked.And the speed used to hit a certain place has come out.

As long as Vidok follows Beria's instructions, he can directly issue operational orders to nuclear bombs in those places on this box, and the other party will complete the mission directly after receiving the order.This box can also edit instructions to optimize the ratio of how to attack a country or a combat unit to attack.

This box also has the location of the nuclear missile marks of Nortel Country, Northern City and other countries. This is because the nuclear bombs of these countries are also a threat to their own countries, so they will destroy the nuclear bombs of these countries in the first time.So here is a nuclear control center that does not deduct anything.

Vidoc said: "The surface area of ​​the whole earth is about 510 million square kilometers, the ocean is about 361 million square kilometers, and the land is about 149 million square kilometers. If we calculate according to the Tsar bomb, it is about 100 million tons equivalent. The Tsar bomb is 200 million tons. Kilometers can cause huge damage to human eyesight, which is 120,000 square kilometers of damage. You can use 1,241 nuclear bombs to spread the entire earth. Of course, we will use small bombs for all islands in the ocean."

Princhin said to Victor, "Are we all bombing?"

Vidoc said: "If a nuclear war breaks out, follow what we have learned in the nuclear game. We focus on attacking cities in various countries around the world, using bombers, nuclear submarines and road-based missiles to launch against airports, large cities, and military sites around the world. , There are dense fleets and sea airfield areas on the ocean for tiling."

Princhin said: "Do we have that kind of power? What you said is all flat?"

Vidoc said: "To be honest, there is a problem with the shelf life of our nuclear weapons. It is about 20 to 30 years old. Many of our weapons are 30 years old. The ability to extend life is not very strong, so most of them cannot be used. Many things are more complicated, some are life extension, some cannot be used for trimming."

Princhin said: "If you attack with current power, what effect can you achieve?"

Vidoc said: "The Green Island country can only be leveled three times."

Princhin said: "Just so little?"

Vidoc said: "Even Nortel has not many nuclear weapons. Normally, nuclear weapons need to be a trinity. If there are not too many nuclear submarines, bombers and missiles, it means that there are not too many nuclear weapons. And duds."

Beria said to Princhin: "How? If the world is in chaos, do you think we can handle it?"

Vidoc said: "The current use depends mainly on those countries. If you want to see which country is more dangerous in the long run, you need to manufacture it now, which takes about 3 days. It's just that the cost is expensive. The corresponding radioactive mines need to be controlled. These need money."

Beria said: "Now we can get a trillion dollars, and we won’t get too much, so we don’t want to spend all of it into nuclear weapons. The nuclear submarines, bombers and bombers contained in the Vidok’s command box Both underground roadbed and vehicle-mounted missiles need maintenance. The maintenance cost for one year is too high. We also use radar and satellites to monitor, which requires a lot of money."

Vidoc said: "Yes, these all need to be optimized. My nuclear button box can be tiled several times around the world, but now its power is greatly reduced, and there is no way to use it at will. This box is in Back then, every time a nuclear bomb was released was an order from this box. It was a standard. Every test of the Great Mars Alliance was sent out from this box. The first time you can’t get it right, you can hit the second time. Don’t be afraid Waste, I’m afraid that others think that they don’t have it. But now, it’s a good time to get it right, otherwise it will be a huge waste. Maintenance and repair, as well as the differences in the situation of each nuclear bomb, greatly increase the amount of data calculations, and things become more It used to be complicated. If you continue to use it now, you need to look at which country you are dealing with? If you are dealing with several countries in the Caucasus, I’m afraid it’s a bit nervous. After the fight, there will be repairs and the production of the next nuclear bomb. A lot of money is needed."

Princhkin said to Beria: "If this is the case, we can only wait and see the changes and don't take the initiative to start a nuclear war. We only need to achieve a deterrent effect, not a full-scale outbreak."

Beria said: "No, we have to do it right away!"

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