Blue Star Sea Diamond

Chapter 104: Intercept SS24

Batman understands that Moscow is the most important thing. If Moscow falls in turmoil, it will be an irreversible loss. Therefore, no matter what the battle is, it must be able to defend itself.

He also understands that the trouble at this moment is not only the independence of the various republics in the dark steel, because no matter how independent, their ability will never be able to compete with the powerful Moscow region, but they have been so extreme in a series of recent military operations. , It means that they want to achieve a goal, and this goal will not be known to Beria in Moscow. The military action is only covering up this important goal, but what is the goal?Is it because Beria attaches great importance to the stone wall in the Georgian cave?

Batuman asked all the Su 34, Su 25, and MiG 31 at all air bases to refuel, and then withdraw the 58th Group Army in Tuva to Moscow, and the reinforcements also withdrew back to Moscow. He was refueling the remaining 19 Group Army. The sophisticated T72, T90 and even T80u tanks in China were singled out to form a first front army, forming a mobile fire defense line around Moscow.

After the five Tu160s launched cruise missiles on this side, the cruise missiles all accurately hit the intercontinental missile train, and turned around to fly to the important military bases of those five countries to continue launching cruise missiles. At this moment, a total of 10 Tu95s were sent on standby. , Every two planes flew to the military centers of various countries to destroy their installed methyl land.

Batuman felt that the five countries had no more backward forces, and he only needed to let his Moscow 1st Front directly face the five-way soldiers of the five countries.

The 1st Front Army quickly covered the White North Dark Steel Country close to itself. After that, it quickly dispatched the White North Dark Steel Country by surprise and quickly retreated. For Ukraine, it used a large depth to attack the ground of the armored group of Ukra. The firepower was covered, and the air force used the Su-34 to accurately bomb. Ukraine, because the back has been captured by Figure 160 and Figure 95, cannot advance or retreat.In the end, the Su-25 used machine guns to turn into a pile of scrap iron armor along the way. Many tanks and armored soldiers abandoned their vehicles and fled.

After that, the 1st Front Army also carried out a rapid and mobile encirclement of Norway, which did not exert too much effort. However, Tu 160 and Tu 95 that arrived in Norway did not drop bombs. The Norwegian government expressed that Nikita was bewitched and was willing to withdraw from the war, so Norway directly announced surrender.

After that, it was about to face the Georgian army. Although Josephine saw that the other four soldiers had escaped, died to death, and retreated, he was not afraid.

Batuman used the s500 to defend three SS24 missiles near Moscow, and the remaining seven landed in the Far East.Six of them were in uninhabited areas, while the seventh fell in a town. All the people in Chenzhen were killed and the buildings were razed to the ground.

After the news reached Moscow, for Beria, the destruction of a town is not worth panic. As long as the news is blocked, it will not have a bad effect.As for the local residents, they are often isolated ethnic minorities. There is nothing worthy of nostalgia. They will be destroyed if they die, and there will be nothing to recover from distress.

But for Lin Feng, he was already scared, and he pushed the stone wall with Li Xiaochong in a daze, got into a truck with Li Xiaochong, and walked through the grassland with Li Xiaochong towards the northern part of the city.

Lin Feng still babbled, "I destroyed a town, I destroyed a town..."

Li Xiaochong said to Lin Feng as he drove the truck: "Don't blame yourself, it's not your fault. We will finally find Nikita to settle the matter, but our top priority is to find out about the stone wall."

Lin Feng said to Li Xiaochong: "My sins cannot be paid off."

Li Xiaochong said: "Stop talking about it. If you want to regret it, then do more things that contribute."

Lin Feng said: "How many people have I killed? I have killed too many people."

Li Xiaochong said: "Our top priority now is to ship it back to Shibi and send it to the designated address. You have achieved your goal."

Li Xiaochong stopped the truck, thought for a while, walked and turned over, turned over to the carriage, looked at the stone wall covered by the cloth, looked at it for a long time, and wondered what kind of thing this stone wall is. People seize it, and there are many people trying to hide the secret about it.

Li Xiaochong untied the rope, opened the cloth, and saw the weird symbol on the stone wall.Li Xiaochong’s sixth sense told him that the symbols on the stone wall are conveying very important information, and the content of the information seems to be solemn and inviolable.Hearing Lin Feng telling him that this stone wall has a civilization of 100,000 years, he felt shocked, and it was an alien civilization.

The piles of text are like a human face, some are like a star map, some are like a sword, and there is a hollow in one place. The hollow is like a thing originally inlaid in this In the gap.

Li Xiaochong said to Lin Feng, "Who are you going to give this stone wall to?"

Lin Feng calmed down and said, "Give it to a man named Lei Tai, who is the boss of Thunder Company."

Li Xiaochong said, "Well, does he like collecting?"

Lin Feng said: "Don't ask too much, I don't know, we are all under the orders of superiors."

Li Xiaochong gave Shek Pik to Lei Tai. Lei Tai seemed to be a very old man, but he was very energetic, and there was a kind of pedantic elegance that was rare in businessmen. Standing next to Lei Tai were his couples. The sons are all middle-aged.The eldest son is Lei Yuan. After Lei Tai retired, he gave the company to Lei Yuan, who was good at managing the company.The second son is named Lei Ji, who is very proficient in some technical matters in the company and belongs to the top management of the technical director type.

Lei Tai said to Li Xiaochong and Lin Feng: "You got this extremely important stone wall from a deep cave in Georgia. It's really unavoidable. In addition to paying your high salary, I also consider whether you want to join us. the company?"

Li Xiaochong was not interested in joining Thunder, and asked directly: "What's the secret of this Shek Pik? Why do people in many countries want it, and no one has said why?"

Lei Tai said: "This is also the reason for my investigation. We still need to further appraise the Shek Pik. I plan to send the Shek Pik to the Academy of Sciences to see if it really has a long history."

Lei Tai called Lei Ji and Lei Ji agreed. Lei Tai said to Lei Ji: "You give this rock wall to the Geological Institute. Now you must check the age of the rock wall to find out if it has such a long history. Be secret, don't let anyone know, and at the same time bring the stone wall back to me." Lei Ji took the order and left.

At this moment, Lei Tai’s office showed news about the domestic unrest in Bei’an Steel. Lei Tai said: “A country as strong as Angang will be chaotic if you are a little careless. You’ve all beaten them to some degree. After dealing with it, I am afraid I can feel the change."

Because Lin Feng was misled by Nikita and made a mistake, he did not dare to mention his experience in the Northern Dark Steel Country.Li Xiaochong knew in his heart, so he didn't want to speak out and embarrass Nikita.

Both of them watched the news in silence and saw that Georgia could not stand the invasion of its territory by the Northern Dark Steel State. Joseph actually used the weird weapons of the former Great Mars Alliance, large robots to carry out a military counterattack against Moscow.

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