Blue Star Sea Diamond

Chapter 107 Dirty Bomb

Princhin said: "I know you have become stronger, but you want to make trouble for us, I am afraid it is not that easy."

Hailanzi said: "You are really good. You are still holding on. You are about to perish. Think about Ivan, Peter the Great, Ekaterina, Stalin. By the way, think about the resurrected Uri under the ground. Yanov, how can you explain to those people after you die!"

Princhin said: "I have no time to make trouble for you, I am going to take care of my own business now."

Princhin began to call Batuman to regroup the 58th Army, ready to teach the rebels.

But Batouman said: "There are too many insurgents. I don't know which one to fight. I can only gather around Moscow to prevent others from counterattacking."

Only then did Princhin discover that even his own troops could not be mobilized, and only then did he truly know the seriousness of the matter.The core of the rebellion is the 23rd, 31st, and 37th armies, which are ready to encircle Moscow.

Princhin began to contact Hai Lanzi again and said to Hai Lanzi: "I really don't want the Northern Dark Steel Kingdom to fall into my hands. I need your help. The three armies have 2,000 T72 and T90 tanks per month. This is a confidant. Great trouble."

Hai Lanzi said: "If I help you kill these tanks, you have to pay for the gunpowder."

Princhin said: "Okay."

Hailanzi has upgraded its cluster control technology to use cerebral cortical waves for control. Hailanzi deliberately found someone with strong gaming ability to control it.

On the basis of the original XQ58A, the cluster has improved its internal structure and strengthened its electronic control capabilities. The main thing to prevent inside is the Gatling gun. The aircraft that controls the transfer station are all transported by an255.

Soon the cluster encountered the T72 and T90 tank groups that were rushing to Moscow. The cluster drones used Gatling to target each tank. After a burst of rapid fire, the tanks were quickly scrapped.

After a while, all the T72 and T90 tanks were almost completely scrapped, and the rest either fled or gave up the battle.

A vigorous and large-scale independence movement was quickly suppressed by the powerful clusters of the Far North.

The 58th Army began to dispatch, and the 23rd Army did not have any tanks and armored vehicles that could be driven. For the 31st and 37th Army that were fleeing, the 58th Army chased and fought, and soon the remaining people surrendered.

Princhkin breathed a sigh of relief, but he was still very uncomfortable. Why do these people like rebellion and use such an inhumane way to make them succumb, and everything can't be discussed properly?

Hailanzi said to Principe: "Tell you, your 060 bunker seems to have changed."

Princhkin said: "Our bunker has never been peaceful. If it is a matter of no importance, we will not discuss it."

Hailanzi said: "I also know a lot about the bunker, but this time is different."

Princhkin said: "During the period of Beria, we sent the air force to hit almost all bunkers with ground penetrating bombs."

Hailanzi said: "But you didn't destroy 060, and it was too deep. It is still in the area of ​​Kamchatka. Now 060 is performing a mission that the former Great Martian Alliance did not complete. It is the cobalt bomb project."

It seemed that Princhin remembered something, and hurriedly sent the MiG 31 from the 58th Army to the area of ​​Kamchatka.

At this moment, Sbetznas also found out from the manual that 060 was the place to study cobalt bombs. Sbetznas grabbed Nikita’s leader and said to Nikita: "Are you really going to 060? What do you want to do?"

Nikita said, "I really don't know."

Spezners said: "People of the Skeleton Party, I know, they won't let you innocently release this kind of weapon that destroys the earth."

Nikita said: "What are you talking about? Destroy the entire earth? I never thought of that."

Sbetzners said: "And I just got the information, Visari has arrived at that place and started the launch plan of the cobalt bomb. This cobalt bomb is a dirty bomb. After the launch and explosion, the cobalt 60 radioactive material will reach the advection. The stratosphere fills the entire earth from the stratosphere, and then the entire surface is contained in radioactive materials. The consequences are extremely serious."

Nikita said: "Then stop them quickly and use a powerful weapon."

Sbetzners said, "What do you mean?"

Nikita said: "In a while, Feng Zhiyuan will send 10 H-6N aircraft with extremely powerful metal storms to ensure the normal operation of this mission. This is what I know."

Sbetznas also received the news that Prinzkin had sent the MiG 31, and felt that it was not difficult to deal with the former Figure 16 aircraft.

Sure enough, Visali also initiated the cobalt bomb project in the 060 bunker under the instruction of Kaka Kaslat.

The special train in the 060 bunker is equipped with long-range missiles, and the newly completed 060 cobalt nuclear bomb is installed. The MiG 31 that went to strike the nuclear bomb was detected by the radar that has reached 6N, and the roaming 6N is taking advantage of Beiangang. It entered the territory of Bei'an Steel Country during the civil unrest.

The MiG 31 started to launch air-to-air missiles against the H6N, but was intercepted by bullets sent by the metal storm that had been targeted, and the MiG 31 was instantly screened by the metal storm.

When Prinshkin learned of the news, he was shocked and began to request the launch of the S500 to intercept the cobalt bomb that had been launched. When he was about to reach the stratosphere, the sixth shot hit the cobalt bomb.

The first cobalt bomb did not reach the stratosphere. Visari continued to transport the second cobalt bomb by special train, but was remotely controlled by Ulyanov's console.

Visari heard the broadcast: "I am Ulyanov, Visari, you made an unforgivable mistake. I let you be independent for that kind of spirit, not to destroy humanity."

Sbetznas and Korolev, who arrived suddenly, entered the 060 bunker, shot and killed all the soldiers who resisted 060, and captured Visari.

Sbetzners said to Visali: "It's over. If you stay in the Far North, I won't do anything to you, but you came here to do things that destroy mankind. That's Ulyan. Nov will not agree with you."

The first cobalt warhead that was hit still exploded. Although not all of it entered the stratosphere, there were also many contaminated radioactive elements that irradiated the Far East of the Northern Dark Steel Country, the northeastern region of the Northern City, and the southern part of the Far North. The Strait, Alaska in Nortel and the northern part of Canada have all suffered extremely severe radiation.

Many organisms were destroyed by radiation and died in batches. Although global disasters were prevented, local disasters were not avoided.

All crew members of the H-6N group sent by the Skeleton Party died on the spot.

In Kakakaslat's view, such a deterrence is sufficient, but Kakakaslat looked down on the earthlings. He thought that the earthlings would become more timid, but in fact this just awakened the whole earth. Human, human beings understand at this moment that alien forces have deeply penetrated the earth, and human beings must be ready to resist.

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