Blue Star Sea Diamond

Chapter 109 Giant Manipulator

Meng Sheng said to Wang Yinming: "I still know you. You sent me to jail. Maybe you just believe in Liu Chengyi. This is also good for me. I know many mathematicians from Bei'an Steel Country. My celestial mechanics research is also very important."

Wang Yinming said: "I want you to help me find the whereabouts of Juzi."

Meng Sheng said, "Why are you looking for him?"

Wang Yinming said: "I want to ask him for a remote control system for electricity."

Meng Sheng smiled and said, "Don't you look down on these ancient technologies?"

Wang Yinming said: "Nuclear radiation has occurred outside, and such technology is needed. Machines with chips are easily destroyed by radiation."

Meng Sheng said: "It seems that ancient technology is also useful."

Meng Sheng told Wang Yinming of Juzi's address. Wang Yinming hurried to the place where Juzi was, and found that only Juzi's disciple Qin Guli was here.

Wang Yinming said to Qin Guli: "Is Juzi there?"

Qin Guli said: "Juzi and Liu Chengyi were arrested by the police."

Wang Yinming said: "Where did you get caught?"

Qin Guli said: "I don't know, but he has ordered that anything can be left to Meng Sheng. If Meng Sheng is away, so can I."

Wang Yinming said: "Okay, Angang has suffered serious nuclear radiation. I hope I can use this tool."

Qin Guli took out the mechanical drawing, opened it to Wang Yinming, and said, "You must be looking for this drawing. The solution to the nuclear radiation problem depends on this drawing."

Wang Yinming said: "Are all the parts on these pictures ready?"

Qin Guli said: "They have been completed, and they have also been improved to the best. Not only chips, but also circuits and batteries have functions that can be replaced."

Wang Yinming said: "What is the source of energy during operation?"

Qin Guli said: "It is the gravitational potential energy of water and wind energy. The gravity of water drives the hub. Wind energy raises the water. The other is the energy to boil water. The gravitational potential energy of water is used for ignition. After the fire, you can use the fire to boil water, and the boiling water can drive the cylinder and turbine, and then drive them."

Wang Yinming said: "What are the basic parts that drive each device?"

Qin Guli said: "It is a structure of countless gears and levers."

Wang Yinming said, "Can I see what it looks like?"

Qin Guli opened the No. 1 picture, which showed a device unit called the Power Transmission Giant Hand. This giant hand is mainly used for remote transmission and controlling the desired power.

Qin Guli said: "This device is the most used device. There is a long distance from the safe zone of nuclear radiation radius to the nuclear radiation zone, so it is necessary to have a lot of these devices to transmit force."

Wang Yinming said: "What is the direct connection of the force transmission device?"

Qin Guli took out the No. 2 picture and said: "You see this pipe. The inside is through water vapor. The water vapor can be driven to transfer energy. The power transmission giant can transfer the due energy to drive the transmission. Powerful hands, and this pipeline itself needs a steam engine and a fire lighter to drive it."

Wang Yinming said: "Then we need a lot of such pipelines and force transmission devices to connect the nuclear disaster zone with the control command room, right?"

Qin Guli said, "That's right."

Wang Yinming said: "We need to transfer the force transmission device and the tube to the corresponding position. If we let them pass, should we control it?"

Qin Guli opened the 3rd picture, pointed to the picture and said: "According to the method on the picture, you can make the corresponding force transmission device and pipeline use wind technology, and let the wind hang them to the corresponding position. If the navigation is not good, you can use the pipeline. control."

Wang Yinming said, "Is there any mechanical arm in the disaster area?"

Qin Guli opened Picture 4 and said: "It looks like this. There are multiple robots that do not understand the model. The fine control of the robots can be controlled by multiple ropes in the pipe. The principle is the same as the shadow play."

Wang Yinming said: "Okay, it seems this is perfect, but the problem is that we can't see it here, and we can't use the camera yet. You can't rely on guessing."

Qin Guli opened the No. 5 drawing again. It was a pile of devices with mirrors and glass prisms, which were arranged on the force transmission devices and pipes.

Qin Guli said: "This kind of device allows us to see the device remotely. It is very convenient. Nuclear radiation will not damage the mirror structure."

Wang Yin looked at this mirror device carefully and found that it was so complicated that it far exceeded the wiring of the circuit.

Wang Yinming said to Qin Guli: "It is indeed perfect. You can follow me and help Markenkov deal with nuclear radiation."

Qin Guli said: "I'm not going anymore, you can do it. Just follow the map given by Mr. Juzi and you can dispose of the nuclear waste. I will wait here for Mr. to come back."

Wang Yinming said: "Then where are these materials, I will get them."

Qin Guli said: "It's not enough, and it's made of wood. I will give you these 5 drawings. You can make metal abrasive tools according to the parts shown above. After that, you can assemble them according to the way on the drawings. disaster area."

Wang Yinming hurried back to the Macchenkov base camp. Macchenkov was amazed at Juzi's device, saying that it can be used as a rescue device for disasters in the future.

Machenkov ordered everyone to quickly build this device, manufacture it, and install it, and then fill in the installation instructions.

Then connect each force transmission device to the pipe.

Then let the force transmission device install the mirror and glass prism.

Then install the manipulator on the force transmission device.

Then let everything arrive at the designated address according to the wind.

Adjust the position of the giant hand in the disaster area, just around the explosion of the 060 core.

Adjust the operation of the force transmission device, arrange it in a long straight line, and connect the device between control and force transmission.

Based on the multilayer reflection, you can directly see the situation on the spot, and Wang Yinming began to control the robotic arm.

Here is still pouring water into the big funnel. The big funnel at a very high place starts to flow the water to the distant force transmission device, so that the hub of the force transmission device is driven, and then the hole device and the shadow play rope of the conduit can be produced. Can control the clutch device.

The engine device of each power transmission device is equipped with enough fuel.

Then put the cores one by one in a thick protective shell.

The task was successfully completed, and Princhin was very satisfied with Markenkov and Wang Yinming.

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