Blue Star Sea Diamond

Chapter 113 Missiles and Anti-missile

Hai Lanzi said to Liu Cheng sincerely: "Didn't you have played a game of sand table deduction? Today we have a trick to give you an interesting scene to play and simulate."

Liu Chengyi said: "What to simulate?"

Hailanzi said: "I am a country, and you are also a country. Let's play around and use missile attack and anti-missile systems. Because I need to build a strategic nuclear force, my weapon is mainly the nuclear force of the Northern Dark Steel Country. . I need to take into account all of the factors, this needs you to help me."

Liu Chengyi said: "Okay, let's try it."

Hailanzi chose Beian Steel Country, and Liu Chengyi chose Nortel Country.

Hai Lanzi said to Liu Cheng sincerely: "Northern Steel Country is specially responsible for offensive, and you Nortel Country is specially defending."

The set scenario is that the North Dark Steel Country and the Nortel Country have only missiles and nothing else.The missile attack and missile interception battles between the two sides are only land-based, without submarines and strategic bombers.

Liu Chengyi said to Hailanzi: "We are missing a lot of things, should we start like this?"

Hailanzi said: "The significance of this game is here. We will see what to add as we proceed."

The scene set by the game is that the opponent is scattered with fifty important missile and nuclear weapons bases.

Liu Chengyi said: "Then we will start."

Hai Lanzi said, "At the beginning, I just don't know where all the fifty bases in your country are. How to find this? It seems that you don't know where all the fifty bases are, right?"

Liu Chengyi said: "That's right, if we don't make a move, we won't be able to fight this battle. It doesn't matter how long everyone has been waiting."

Hailanzi said: "Then we need to set up some satellite reconnaissance functions?"

Liu Chengyi smiled and said: "It seems that we don't have a reconnaissance satellite, and we can't even fight a battle, so let's not say how many weapons we have."

Hailanzi said, "It makes sense."

Hailanzi has added sufficient remote sensing, communication and positioning navigation satellites, and control stations for all satellites in the set game.

After a long time, the two of them were using satellites to scan the military bases of local countries.

Both people think that if they know that the other party launches missiles on them, they will definitely be able to detect them with their own satellites, so they must use their own satellite systems to check them carefully.

Both believe that if they suddenly launch a missile and destroy the other's reconnaissance satellite, they will not be detected by the other party.But if you launch a missile yourself, the other party will quickly locate the location of your missile, and will quickly launch the missile, knocking out the location of the missile.

Neither of them dared to make a bold move, but they couldn't decide if they didn't.

Hai Lanzi said to Liu Cheng: "Our game is set to launch underground. I want to change it. One part can be underground launch and the other part is vehicle-mounted intercontinental missile."

Liu Chengyi agreed, knowing that Hailanzi was about to launch an attack and was afraid of revealing his position, so the vehicle-mounted missile could run away after launching.Liu Chengyi believes that he also has a demand for this vehicle-mounted missile, so it is necessary to prepare one for himself.

After a long time, Hai Lanzi continued: "Let's set up the other party with excitement. Let's set up 50 cities for the other party, and set the cities to function as missile bases."

Liu Chengyi said: "It's really exciting, so do this."

After Hailanzi set up the city, the two parties began to use satellites to survey the locations of each other's cities.

After Hailanzi had surveyed the opponent's city, he recorded all the opponent's cities, and then started to activate all the missile systems on his body.

Hailanzi launched 50 Baiyang intercontinental missiles.Hailanzi knows that he has all been exposed, so when launching these missiles, he must quickly observe and judge Liu Chengyi which country wants to intercept its own system, so that it can change its trajectory and strike, and Liu Chengyi wants to intercept the place where his missile is located. , Can basically destroy Liu Chengyi's interception force.Then the outcome will be decided slowly.

Seeing that the trajectory had risen, Liu Chengyi confirmed the opponent's base. He also knew in his heart that this was a war for all bets.All wins and losses are at this moment.

Liu Chengyi requested to stop this battlefield and asked Hailanzi to change the excellent plan.

Liu Chengyi said: "Wait a minute, satellites alone cannot accurately know where you want to launch missiles, and you cannot intercept missiles from the Northern Dark Steel Country nearby. This is not in line with actual common sense. It is actually in the north. There are many anti-missile systems deployed around the dark steel country, which can be intercepted in the atmosphere at the beginning of anti-missile."

Hailanzi said, "You mean, according to actual needs, some Patriot missile systems and THAAD systems with radars should be added in the vicinity of the Northern Dark Steel Country, right?"

Liu Chengyi said: "Yes, it must be based on actual needs. Think about it, how can the people of Nortel country be so easily attacked by the North Angang country for no reason?"

Hailanzi knows that Liu Cheng's intention to talk about these actual conditions is also a nuclear strategic thinking of the far north that must be considered.Stopped the missile launch just now, set up the game again, and added the anti-missile system around the northern dark steel country.

Hai Lanzi said: "I need to free my hands now to strike off these anti-missile systems near the coast. And my existing Salmat intercontinental missiles are easily intercepted, so it is unfair for me to lose, and I also demand , Add some actual things."

Liu Chengyi said: "Of course you can. This is a necessary point in consideration of the Bei'an Steel Country's strategy to deal with the Nortel Country. You have to add corresponding and reasonable weapons."

Hailanzi said: "I want to add some Pioneer supersonic missiles, and they are still on-board."

Liu Chengyi agreed. He knew that Hailanzi would add supersonic missiles to avoid the missile interception system near him, so as to hit the intercepting radar, and then launch Salmat missiles, and then attack his country's nuclear base.

Liu Chengyi thought in his heart that Hailanzi now has the initiative, and when the Pioneer missile is launched, he can use satellites to quickly destroy the long-exposed Pioneer missile launch vehicle, and can take the lead in launching his own Minuteman III. The missile quickly strikes the location of the Pioneer missile launcher.

Liu Chengyi knew that once the game started shouting.The Pioneer launch cannot be intercepted. After Hailanzi uses the Pioneer attack, if Hailanzi starts to launch the Baiyang intercontinental missile after launching the Pioneer, it will give its anti-missile system a fast interception time, and the rapid interception rises To prevent its maneuvering orbit change.If it is after the attack, you can't use the process to intercept, you must kill with one blow.At that time, he launched a large number of dwarf missiles that could change their orbits, and they also began to take off. In all directions, the cities and bases of the Northern Dark Steel Country. At this time, you can only use your own remote sensing satellites and spy satellites to respond.

Liu Chengyi believes that this is okay. The satellite can see the approximate place where the poplar missile rises, and can also use the sub-warhead of the dwarf missile to strike this approximate place. Because the nuclear explosion radius is large, it can completely compensate for the inaccurate position. Error.

Hai Lanzi shouted: "Start!"

Sure enough, just as Liu Chengyi had expected, after Hai Lanzi destroyed all of Liu Chengyi's radar systems, he quickly launched the Kayan Tobo missile, exposing his launch site.Liu Chengyi also quickly launched dwarf missiles and a large number of Patriot interceptor missile systems.

Hai Lanzi was looking for this picture. Although there was a Li Nortel interceptor missile rising, he could change the track of Baiyang, and then accelerate the opening of the sub-warhead to avoid the Patriot's interception.

Liu Chengyi's dwarf missile also turned on its sub-warheads to hit all the exposed bases of Hailanzi, and Hailanzi's terminal interception system S400 was also in preparation.

In less than a while, almost all the sub-warheads of the nuclear weapons of both sides hit each other's bases, and the other side was tied.

Both Liu Chengyi and Hai Lanzi were shocked. They understood a terrible truth, that is, when the nuclear powers start a war, whichever is quicker will win.

Hai Lanzi was thinking in her heart that if a nuclear war breaks out, we can't wait for death in vain, and we need to protect her own vitality as much as possible on the basis of severely injuring the other party.

Hailanzi said: "In fact, it can expose the bases of both sides, in addition to the radar, there are satellites. Therefore, before the war, the two sides need to kill the other's satellites immediately, so that the other party will not quickly and accurately counterattack. So the importance of satellites is very important. Big."

Liu Chengyi said: "Although satellites are of great importance, they need to have enough satellites to accurately determine the coordinates of the enemy launching missiles. The images of the satellites are not very clear, and there is no bright light from the surveillance aircraft."

Hai Lanzi said: "The tactics of the two of us are not entirely right. I will not expose my nuclear weapons bases. I will only launch a part of my nuclear weapons base as much as possible to complete all the tasks as much as possible. Therefore, I need a comprehensive approach. Investigate you."

Liu Chengyi said: "Yes, reconnaissance is an extremely important thing, but satellites are not omnipotent, and he cannot see clearly. It still needs the power of ground radar and reconnaissance aircraft to improve his reconnaissance system. Some missiles can be used to destroy all enemy bases."

Hailanzi said, "Is this the real meaning of the need for a lot of conventional weapons? Do I only need to have a strategic reconnaissance plane? For example, I only need a reconnaissance plane like U2? This can pass the North Dark The steel country takes real-time photos to fully judge where there may be missiles and nuclear weapons."

Liu Chengyi said: "Yes, I must use U2 to take pictures of Bei'an Steel Country before the war to judge."

Hailanzi said: "The problem is that this conventional approach is not guaranteed. After all, aircraft like U2 have been shot down many times."

Liu Chengyi said: "That's why Nortel has a blackbird supersonic stealth surveillance aircraft like the SR71."

Hailanzi said: "Positive solution, such a supersonic stealth reconnaissance aircraft is indeed a threat. But we can create a large number of fake bases, and many real bases cannot be clearly visible to you. I want to get ours. All intelligence can only provide you with coordinates through spies."

Liu Chengyi said: "Yes, you will go underground, but there will be other conventional weapons that can't do anything to make our SR71 reconnaissance aircraft. They are strategic nuclear submarines and strategic bombers."

Hai Lanzi said: "So, nuclear powers develop strategic nuclear submarines to allow themselves to have nuclear counterattack capabilities. Then if they want to destroy the other party's nuclear counterattack capabilities, they must find ways to deal with the other party's strategic nuclear submarines and the other party's strategic bombers. Strategic bombers can be spotted before they take off, and they can destroy airport shells. Strategic nuclear submarines can be detected by sonar. After all, nuclear submarines have no positioning ability, so you can't run around at will."

Liu Chengyi said: "Strategic bombers need to observe his dynamics in real time. And strategic nuclear submarines, if they have a well-developed silent system, it is difficult to find out, and they can do a sneak attack mission."

Hai Lanzi said: "The nuclear submarine with a good level of silence is difficult to intercept and track. It is necessary to install sea-eye detection submarine technology under the sea. Detection is based on the magnetic field emitted by the submarine."

Liu Chengyi said: "Yes, Nortel has such technology before."

Hailanzi said: "If you want to completely kill the opponent, you still need a comprehensive, fast, and difficult-to-intercept technology. Even strategic nuclear weapons can be placed on satellites. And to do so, they need to be replaced from time to time."

Liu Chengyi said: "The method you mentioned is not impossible. It just costs a lot of money to launch a rocket."

Hailanzi said: "This money is worth spending. It is not only a strategic nuclear weapon, but a tungsten rod can also be thrown down to destroy the enemy's military base on a large scale."

Liu Chengyi said: "You have already spent a lot of money to make nuclear weapons. If you launch a large number of satellites to maintain your strategic nuclear power, you will need more money. And we also need to prevent the other party from attacking our satellites. We need to be in space. In order to prevent a flexible aircraft to protect itself, and at the same time can destroy the other’s satellites, such as Nortel’s X38 aircraft."

Hailanzi said: "That's right, before we start a nuclear war, we have to destroy the enemy's satellites as soon as possible. We also use our own satellites to launch nuclear weapons, and at the same time use our own nuclear submarines to launch nuclear weapons for the first time. The other side. If conditions permit, it will also send its own strategic bombers and launch its own land intercontinental missiles to attack the other side."

Liu Chengyi said: "Yes, this process must be fast, but also accurate, with energy to reduce flaws and expose yourself."

Liu Chengyi thought for a while and said: "Wait, if a nuclear war breaks out, the hostile country will not rule out the possibility of letting the elite hide in the bunker. At the same time, we also need to let our own people hide in the bunker quickly in order to let ourselves Become safe."

Hai Lanzi said: "Hiding in the bunker is indeed safe, but it also loses control of the satellite. This is easy for the other party to grasp and cut off the ability of one's own satellite, then he will become passively beaten underground."

Liu Chengyi said: "So, we need a command and control system that can quickly maneuver, so that we won't be eliminated by a fixed point."

Hai Lanzi said: "Yes, land, sea and air force all need such things. It seems that it is impossible to remove conventional weapons. We still need to base ourselves on conventional weapons."

Liu Chengyi smiled and said, "Now, do you understand it!"

Hailanzi believed that Liu Chengyi had important military command capabilities, and deliberately wanted to give him some of his military power.After all, he also has military exploits and loyalty.

Hailanzi decided that if he had a combat mission, he had to learn the command ability with Liu Cheng's will.

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