Blue Star Sea Diamond

#160-Chapter 160

The Hulk appeared again. This time, many people have witnessed the appearance of the Hulk. Hundreds of Hulks appeared in Iberia. Most of the Hulks were about 30 meters tall and less than 40 meters tall. The Hulk is more than 50 meters high.The Hulk broke into various cities in Iberia and began to rampage. The panicked police couldn't hurt the Hulk even with their guns.

Many important cities in Iberia were destroyed. Iberian President Alfonso was very angry and invited the Minister of Defense Franco. For the overbearing and ignorant Franco, the president can endure these informal behaviors. , But today he was furious because of the Hulk issue: "General Franco, you explained to me that the Hulk is not a problem. Now it is here, what should we do?"

Franco was also caught off guard about the Hulk’s coming. He only knew that the Hulk only appeared in the Black Sea generation. Senator Sanchez and others in the parliament had been reminding President Alfonso that the Hulk might come from afar. Sex, was blocked by Franco, Franco gave the excuse that the Hulk would not come from afar, so there is no need to specially deploy an army to resist the Hulk, but Franco knows that the cost of the arrangement is not Shao, I don’t want to spend money on this, Franco said: "The Hulk is a huge disaster, I just want to block it for you, how can I block it?"

Alfonso knew in his heart that even if the Hulk was going to attack Iberia, he didn’t know from where to launch the attack, and he couldn’t deploy coastal defense troops on all coastlines. Alfonso calmed down a bit, right. Franco said: "You already know what the Hulk is doing. You should have a way to deal with it. Tell me about your plan."

Alfonso said: "Don't worry, I will give you the answer soon." After Alfonso finished speaking, he hurriedly began to deploy the army. As Alfonso did not understand the real battle situation of the Hulk, he could only mobilize the maneuver first. Strong anti-aircraft missile vehicles, and at the same time began to send two RF-4C reconnaissance aircraft to detect the situation of the Hulk.At the same time Franco mobilized F18 fighter jets and began to prepare to launch missiles against the Hulk, but the Hulk traveled very fast, and in a short while, he ran from one city to another. Various weapons could only damage the Hulk’s fur, but couldn’t. Reach effective annihilation.

Eventually RF-4C detected that the Hulk had been driven away by the intense Iberian fire and ran east to the Central Mountain Range. Then various helicopters began to shoot the Hulk, and the Hulk relied on the advantage of the mountains. , Hiding in the valley of the Central Mountain Range.The Hulk even began to dig the cave himself and get into it.The army could not enter the valley, because the Hulk used its huge body and immense strength to move the big rocks in the mountains to hinder and destroy the Iberian armored vehicles that entered the valley. Even throwing big rocks can lift the helicopter. Smash it down.The F18 fighter jets rushing into the valley can hardly effectively hit the Hulk running around.

The war reached a stalemate, and the Hulk defended several key mountain passes. When the Iberian army relaxed its vigilance, some of the Hulk also broke out to destroy the deployed positions of the Iberian army. The situation is not optimistic.Both Nortel Country and North Dark Steel Country intend to send troops to help Iberia, but they were both declined by Alfonso. Alfonso believes that Iberians’ affairs should be settled by the Iberians.

At this moment, Xia Shangbu did not give up, and found Lei Zhen, the son of Thunder Company. He had contacted Lei Zhen before with the hope of investing in manufacturing robots.When I saw Lei Zhen, I couldn't wait to say: "Master Lei, I hope you can invest part of the money in, I want to try."

Lei Zhen had long been dissatisfied with his overbearing father and brothers, but he was afraid of their prestige and did not dare to confront openly. He hoped that he could find a chance to stand up, even to carry out his own plan.It is also very attractive to find a talent to solve the threat that Hulk poses to human beings. Lei Zhen said to Xia Shangbu: "Have you had experience in designing robots? Or participated in any project? And the project?"

Xia Shangbu feels a little guilty. He understands that if he wants to ask the capital for investment, he needs to have something to reassure the capital. If he tells the truth directly, he has never designed a large robot or participated in a project. No matter how good I feel, I’m afraid I will hesitate. Once hesitates, most things will be difficult to achieve, but this is an experience and a project in itself. I should try my best to seize the opportunity. Xia Shangbu said with a confident look: " My design is perfect. As long as the money is in place, it will be done immediately."

Lei Zhen was surprised by Xia Shangbu's self-confidence. Lei Zhen knew that there was no precedent in the world for designing large-scale robots, and Xia Shangbu was so full of words and courageous. For people with Xia Shangbu's personality, Lei Zhen believes that he will not deceive, but he also considers his lack of experience. Even if he has not succeeded in the early stage, he only needs to make a look to other employers, and his father and brothers will see it. That is very different. You can still get the second fee. Lei Zhen said to Xia Shangbu: "Don't say that you are too full. I will invest money. I want you to do it with all your strength. I hope I didn't mistake you."

Suddenly Lei Zhen remembered it again and said to Xia Shangbu, "If it is to make robots, it will need a lot of materials like steel, and the engines you mentioned, have you contacted the manufacturer?" Lei Zhen thinks so It is necessary to inquire about this matter, and it is not an easy task. If Xia Shangbu didn't think about it, he might have to set off on his own.

Xia Shangbu said to Lei Zhen, "Before I found you, I had already passed the hall. The engine model has been considered. I will buy it as soon as the money is available. The steel plants have also been contacted, and they can follow me. Come in all sizes as needed." What Xia Shangbu said is true. The manufacturer has already contacted, and it is not one or two. Almost all of the hall can be inquired about. As long as the funds are in place, the construction can be started immediately. , Even the workers responsible for manufacturing robots in many engineering teams have been contacted.

Xia Shangbu approached Kong Qiuming, the president of Northern University, and told Kong Qiuming about his plan to make robots. Kong Qiuming had been found many times before, and he rejected Xia Shangbu's request to participate in manufacturing robots. , Many times evaded that he had no time, but Xia Shangbu found the time to find Kong Qiuming and said to Kong Qiuming: "President Kong, I hoped you would make robots before. Regarding the application for scientific research funding, I will not use it for the time being. I just want to use a venue in the learning space."

Kong Qiuming was very dissatisfied with Xia Shangbu’s behavior, whether big or small. Since Kong Qiuming said that he was capable of undertaking projects, he never imagined Xia Shangbu doing things so carelessly today, thinking that Xia Shangbu was just Minke, who has become fanatical for his ideals, is not a good person to do things down-to-earth. Kong Qiuming sees more such people, and he has a very good plan.Said to Xia Shangbu: "I will not provide you with too much space, but there is an old playground that is not used all year round, and it is full of weeds. You can find someone to clean it out, and do it in the name of my scientific research. , Because your qualifications are not enough to apply for the project leader, but I think you are interested in it. I am going ahead. If this old playground is used, you must immediately make room for it. You can’t occupy this place."

Xia Shangbu nodded happily.

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