Blue Star Sea Diamond

Chapter 174 Kano's Heat Engine Booklet

Li Hang arrived in Paris. After searching for a long time, he finally found out the whereabouts of Creel. If he couldn’t find Abel, he could only go to Creel, and Creel was in the outskirts of Paris, before a huge building. Li Hang had never seen something so tall, and was shocked.

Li Hang with the translator began to inquire about Abel with Kriel. Kriel was very curious when he saw the people who came to Abel from all over the world.

Kriel said, "What are you looking for Abel for?"

Li Hang said: "We have a graphene battery research and development project here. We need a good mathematician, so I came to Abel."

Kriel frowned and said: "Strange, Abel is indeed talented, but he is not so famous yet, who asked you to find him."

Li Hang said: "Professor Hu Die."

Kriel was suddenly unnatural, and after a long silence, Li Hang said to Kriel, "Is there any problem?"

Klier looked at Li Hang and seemed to have no other thoughts. He said to Li Hang, "Hu Die is also a prestigious scholar. She has worked with Abel on projects, and of course knows Abel's talent."

Li Hang said, "So, where is Abel?"

Kriel said: "I have been busy with my work recently, and I really haven't noticed where Abel has gone. I have to think about it."

Li Hang continued to ask. At this time, Krieer’s assistant, Xie Lin, said to Kriele: “The existing ones are not good. A bigger engine is needed.”

Seeing that Kriel was lost in thought and had no time to pay attention to Li Hang's affairs, Kriel said to Schelling: "We need to find someone to fix a big engine."

Schelling said: "It has to be a flexible engine."

Kriel and the others went to Kano from the School of Engineering. Kano is a designer of various engines in the School of Engineering. As long as it involves any kind of engine, he will be happy to design it.

Kriel told Kano about the requirements for agile engines. Kano said: "A variety of engines must be designed, such as horizontally opposed engines, in-line engines, V-engines, Quasi engines, rotary engines, and Green engines. , Stirling engine, new engine, in fact, there is only one essence, and that is to coordinate the movement process."

Krell said: "Not only is the force required, but the shape change is also very demanding."

Carnot said: "I can design any engine in the shape you want, and the stability is good."

Kriel said, "Really? Great, how did you do it?"

Carnot said: "You find that no matter what engine, there is always a cylinder and a rotating shaft. The cylinder is driven by the combustion of steam or oil. The rotating shaft is where we want it to turn. To propel the cylinder requires burning materials. Drive the reducer and you can play various tricks. We can achieve the tricks you want with just a few gears."

Kriel said: "You only need one essence to coordinate the movement process. How is that achieved?"

Kano said: "It must be calculated by writing, of course, even if there is an error, it can be adjusted."

Kriel said: "In the future, we need a powerful and efficient engine. What will it look like?"

Carnot said: "If it is advanced, it is a turbo engine. Because it is easy to coordinate, it does not require a piston compared to a cylinder. However, it is generally not used for low-speed applications. It is high-speed. It is heat-resistant for turbofan blades. The performance requirements are higher. Take the aircraft as an example. In the future, in addition to the turbine accuracy and material strength, the engine will have a complex and deep-level reasonable structure in the starting layout after reaching a certain limit. The shape of the aircraft and the height of the engine shape The complex fusion together becomes a special shape with a cross-sectional area similar to a triangle. Of course, this shape is also the best adjustment to the shape of the aircraft."

Klier said: "I want to design a powerful robotic arm that can extend the pipe for pouring cement to extremely high places. What kind of engine is needed? Do I need a large engine with huge cylinders, shafts and gears? ?"

Kano thought about it for a long time, and he felt that it could be a huge engine, or it could be a large number of small engines that combine power to drive a large project.

After Kano asked Kriel about the required parameters, Kano said to Kriel: "Don't drive the engine alone. Some engines with basic units will be used for driving, but such engines will not be too big. Small, if you use a separate large engine, it is not easy to repair if it is broken, and it is also bulky, and the small one can be replaced if it is broken."

Kriel said: "Yes, how many gears do you have to drive, and how to complete this process?"

Kano said: "I need to draw a frame. The process of extending the cement pipe to the sky requires a high platform frame. After drawing such a frame, divide the frame into several layers, and each floor is covered with this unit. The engine, when extending the cement pipe, uses the engine-driven hydraulic technology to lift a heavy pipe, and I think the pipe also needs to be segmented and connected again when working."

Kriel said, "Do you use a hydraulic pump?"

Kano said: "Of course, it's just that this height needs a person who understands mathematics to calculate. I haven't done this here. After I look for a solution, I will give my question to a friend who understands mathematics."

Kriel said, "Your math friend is all right, right?"

Kano said: "Of course it's okay. It's just that it's a long way to go to him and it's a bit troublesome. That mathematician is named Zu Wenyuan, and he needs to go to Northern City for a trip."

Kriel said to Li Hang next to him: "Then I will trouble you, Abel, leave it to me, and I will find it for you."

Kriel and Kano decided on their plans, wrote out the remaining mathematical problems, and gave them to Li Hang, and asked Li Hang to give them to Zu Wenyuan to see what kind of mathematical scheme Zu Wenyuan would give.

Li Hang thought to himself, in order to be able to find a job, to be a spy at a conference, to be a spy, to make a graphene battery, to be a graphene battery, to find a mathematician Abel, in order to be able to find a mathematician Abel, I have to go back to find Zu Wenyuan, so can Zu Wenyuan calculate the graphene battery structure like Abel?Li Hang thought, if you can find it, you might as well ask and try.

Li Hang directly took the return flight ticket, went back to Northern City, went to the Institute of Mathematics to find that Zu Wenyuan, and gave him Krell and Kano's plan.

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