Blue Star Sea Diamond

Chapter 201 Design Drawing

The factory director in the cold office is frowning and smoking, for a long-depressed and dare not say, let's see how to say it today.The cold in winter seems to cover everything here, because there is no money to pay enough for the heating fee, I have to put an electric heater far away from me.The first task when I come to the office every day is to warm water and drink some cigarettes. Those with cold hands and feet seem to have the slightest warmth relief only when I light up cigarettes and drink hot tea with thick smoke.In a moment a skilled worker will come. This is a talented and arrogant person who often talks back to the factory director because of various things.The factory manager didn't like this skilled worker, but he followed him because of his high efficiency and the core skills that other workers could not do well.And this time, the director still hopes to express his dissatisfaction with him that he has squeezed for a long time, even if he quarrels, he must solve this problem.

"Tell me, what is this picture? It costs money and is not pleased!" As soon as the skilled worker Mi Pang arrived, the factory director Liu Songnian shouted angrily at him.It doesn't matter whether or not speaking out loud suddenly seems abrupt.

Liu Songnian likes to win steadily, not to make breakthroughs that waste money.Many unfavorable breakthroughs will come at the expense of money and resources.Those customers who only order a strange item from him will not accept them unless the other party is willing to spend enough money.If the other party can't spend enough money to make things that are not batched, it will cause a lot of waste and often no money.

"On the contrary, I will make more money by doing this." Mi Pang has endured Liu Songnian's conservativeness for a long time, but no matter how the old leader opposes him, he has never changed his mind.Mi Pang knows that with the development of science and technology, sooner or later there will be various unimaginable objects, and the same thing will have more changes to meet the needs of the market.If the factory only accepts and produces batches of objects, it will lose many tens of thousands of small customers and hinder the development of social technology.

"I'm still the old saying, large objects, more than 500 pieces, so don't talk about it. I have my reason to say this." Liu Songnian is unwilling to do small business life and death, even those who only claim to agree to buy bulk but only try A few customers also did not agree, and must pay the full amount or half of the amount.It's not because he doesn't like to be creative and make small items for customers, but in recent years, the demand for funds has forced him to adopt this conservative strategy.If you start making a few parts for small customers, you may not be able to make enough money if you are burnt out.

"I understand that if it is a small piece, one or two is not worth doing, and it is a waste of time, but for large iron pieces, it is also profitable. Now many customers will ask for a lot of weird large pieces, not welding, not riveting, It’s not screwed, it’s about to be poured out. They only give us drawings. I make a soil model according to the style of the drawings, and then pour it out. The price can be slightly higher.” Mi Pang still thinks this is a good one. The method is always profitable, and making soil molds is not a problem. Just use paraffin technology to make a one-to-one appearance, bury it with soil molds, heat the wax water, and then pour it.

"The technology you mentioned is not a problem. But I want to pay the people in the whole factory! Your iron sample is only enough for two or three people's wages, how can you feed the hundreds of people in the factory? So I won't come down to 500. I never talk about it.” Liu Songnian understood everything in his heart. It is not that he can resist new things, but he has become a lot of sleek and old-fashioned, and he no longer has the childish vigor of his youth.Many things need to be considered for the overall situation.There is no innovation in the factory, and many people criticize it for being backward.But in comparison, I would rather not work than make such absurd heads.If you follow Mi Pang's method, you will only be exhausted and you will not make money.

"I know what you mean, and I promise you that this will make money instead. We will have more customers and will have a lot of demand. We only need to learn how to make soil molds flexibly." Mi Pang still insisted, Not only for the present, but also for the long term.Although it is risky, this may be a revolution in future industrial development.It is not just simple steelmaking, but also special talents to spend energy to make soil molds. Making soil molds has also become a core work in the factory.

"Even if I support it, there will still be problems with your reforms. You have to figure out that if the craftsmen make mistakes, they need to be reworked. We can't take the time to do those fancy things. "Liu Songnian didn't want to say more."Let's try first, try to make a few things, first take a few small businesses from customers, satisfy them, and see if it's feasible." Mi Pang plans to start doing it anyway.The current factory has almost stopped production, because many customers only want a small amount of iron parts, which caused the factory manager to refuse to do business with them, so the factory almost stopped.Many workers’ wages have not been paid for many years.

Liu Songnian said unhappily: "You pay for it out of your pocket, I don't care about it. I just ask you not to waste too much clay molds. After all, you consume a lot of raw materials. Many clay molds cannot be recycled after they are used."

Two days later, in a large iron box as a temporary command office.Three people are sitting on the iron sofa, in a daze, discussing things that are unsure if they can make sense.The ground is full of cigarette butts smoked by workers, and the cold iron sofa is filled with various newspapers, beverage cans and cigarette cases without cigarettes.

"Let's talk about it, I'll see you for the first time." Liu Songnian saw that the outfits of the two people did not look like wealthy. They were both plainly dressed, with some disgust.Before Liu Songnian, he would not be so snobbish. He depends on whether he has money and he likes low-key people who eat by their ability. But after a long time, he discovered that those people only know technology and may not be able to make money for himself.After a long time, I like to find a customer who can spend a lot of money, because the money they spend can make their own factories get a stable salary.

"To make something like a big round boiler, I have drawings here." The person who took out the drawings is called Zhang Duo, a member of the Geological Research Institute. He was ordered to participate in a new energy mining plan. The manufacture of a large boiler is an important part of this plan. .Zhang Duo is very talented, and he is not limited to doing scientific research. He also hopes that he can use his own ability to transform science and technology into products to make money.

Liu Songnian opened the icon and saw that this iron piece is too common and a bit complicated.

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