Blue Star Sea Diamond

Chapter 210 Compression

Professor Lang began to release his own compressors of various shapes.

Fan Ye said, "Is the compressor used to compress things?"

Professor Lang said: "Yes."

Fan Ye said: "Why don't you use a hydraulic rod to complete the compression."

Professor Lang said: "My inspiration for compression comes from the bottom pressure. Many submersibles dare not go into too deep water because the sea pressure is extremely high."

Fan Ye said: "So, you can use this to let the sea water compress things, and you need to consider using the appropriate geometric shape, right?"

Professor Lang said: "That's right, it just makes sense. I have various models here, and indeed there are various geometric shapes. See what makes sense."

Fan Ye said, "Then our submersibles must be so particular?"

Professor Lang said: "Yes, when our submersible dives to a certain depth, the sea pressure will squash the submersible. We need to consider this when building the submersible. This way we won’t suffer. Corresponding damage. After that, the submersible has set aside the corresponding compression distance, and after compression, the door can still be opened after landing."

Fan Ye said: "Well, there are indeed many things in the project that need to be compressed. If it is compressed in all directions, seawater is very suitable."

Professor Lang said: "Not all of them are suitable. To create pressure, the overall internal density of the pressed object is relatively small. If a solid stone or iron block, the seawater can’t press them well. So I made it. A sealed steel ball shell filled with gas needs to be sufficiently flexible. Place the pressed object in the center of the ball. After that, there is a support rod between the ball shell and the center pressed object. The materials of the two ends of the support rod also need to be mechanically balanced under compression, so that both ends of the support rod in the ball will be sealed and airtight. In this case, the compression ball will achieve the ideal compression effect when it reaches the deep sea. I want to see under what circumstances the material and placement of the support rods and the fusion glue at the gaps between the ends of the support rods will reach the ideal state."

Fan Ye said, "I think you used a heavy iron cable to pull down these various compression balls."

Professor Lang said: "Yes, these things have a lot of buoyancy, and they need heavy things to drop them."

Fan Ye admired Professor Lang's experiment in his heart, and felt that many difficult problems that were difficult to solve might be solved in this way.

At this time, Professor Su and Ou Ximu were calculating the geometry of the umbrella when the jellyfish was swimming to calculate the reasonableness of the aircraft's flight.

Professor Lang put this kind of spherical compressor designed by himself into the deep sea. This kind of spherical compressor is a closed special rubber sphere with air in the middle and a thimble compression system in the middle, which are two very sharp diamond needles. Clamp the tiny object to be pressed. Behind the two diamond needles, there is a special steel pillar on the wall of the sphere, and then there are a lot of tree-like small thimble ends all covering the inside of the rubber ball, so that it can be in the rubber ball. When compressed, all the thimble supports can be compressed with upward force, so that the diamond needle can exert force on the compressed material.In order to prevent excessive pressure from puncturing the rubber ball, the supporting iron pillars on the spherical surface are connected to the steel plate to contact the rubber ball wall. The distance between these small steel plates is opened. After the rubber ball is compressed by the road, it is calculated. How small it looks when it becomes the smallest to restore its distance.

Professor Lang is looking forward to the experimental results of the compressed material, to help his friends complete the high-pressure chemical experiment.If successful, Professor Lang will also use the same method to make a high-pressure container, put the object to be pressed in the container, and place the container at the center of the diamond needle, and then let multiple steel needles to suppress this easy Achieve high pressure effect.

This compressor has a lot of air inside, so a heavy weight is needed to pull the rubber ball down.

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