Blue Star Sea Diamond

#219-Chapter 219

"That's it."

"You mean, this is where UFOs are produced?"

A man named Fu Shi nodded to Sergeant Hua Lei. He found out that a lot of clues about flying saucers had been found in a warehouse of No. 179 in Taiyuan Iron and Steel Works, and then wanted to report it to Hua Lei.

Hua Lei said to Fu Shi: "The man who made this flying saucer is called Shi Chong, isn't it?"

"Yes. He was originally an engineer in our factory, but he was taciturn and seldom speaks. He often came in and out of this warehouse alone. Because there are a lot of discarded steel in this warehouse, there is nothing useful, no one. Will come here."

Fu Shi has the closest relationship with Shi Chong, but he has never been to such a place.

"Did Shi Chong talk to you in peacetime?"

If Shi Chong committed the crime, he would generally have motives.Making such a flying saucer, holding hostages, and even controlling the hostage’s nervous thinking, using weather weapons to destroy many crops, must have important motives.

"He rarely talks to me about flying saucers, but he often complains about the factory leaders' arrangements for him. And he often says something bad about the factory leaders."

"What kind of problem is complaining."

"Generally, the factory leaders are not doing well and are cronyism. Many nepotism leaders call five and six and don't know how to reuse talents. They don't know how to be compassionate to employees and pay employees. They often say that the factory is about to die, employees are numb, and frogs are cooked in warm water ."

"If he is making this flying saucer, have you noticed that he is different from usual?"

"I can't notice it, because he is an engineer, and he often makes various things by himself. Even if he makes flying saucers, he will not behave differently from usual."

Warehouse No. 179 is the leftmost one of the three old factories side by side in this factory. It seems that they are not used for a long time, but they are still sealed with things inside.In combination with that era, it has a history of more than 50 years. The factory buildings are very ordinary even red brick houses that symbolize the cultural heritage of this nation. A large spire typical of the industrial style of that era is painted with faded light yellow paint. Various slogans and old-age style illustrations covering many times.After a long period of wind, rain and sunshine, the wall has been washed to a sleek, simple and heavy feeling.For the workers, there is a sense of warmth that can produce all energy sources, but it is like another level of comfort that people have to return to with the passion of steel.The red often painted large iron door has also become so mottled that red paint and rust are indistinguishable, but it still has a heavy industrial-style heavy metal taste.

Opening the door that had never been locked, Fu Shi had always known Shi Chong's lonely style of being lost and not afraid of being discovered.Hua Lei smelled a deep brewing industrial smell with a smell of metal and masonry.

I saw the heavy lifting arm that straddles the factory, and a large manipulator that can hold a truck, underneath is a cart transformed from a truck.There are countless iron sheets that have been cut out of various shapes. Perhaps these are scrap pieces left over from making flying saucers.

"This may be the manufacturing platform used to manufacture flying saucers."

Where Fu Shi passed his finger, Hua Lei saw that it was a square platform about 5 meters long with a bracket welded together on it.

"The robotic arm on the crane can lift the flying saucer on the manufacturing platform and put it on the cart."

Fu Shi said with a surprised expression.For him, Shi Chong was able to do such a complicated thing, and it was really amazing. Almost all the materials in the factory were discarded materials, so Shi Chong could actually make use of it.

"However, there is still a question. How can Shi Chong create such a complicated flying saucer? This is not something human technology can have. A flying saucer staying in the air for such a long time requires a lot of power and consumes a huge amount of energy. . It’s absolutely impossible to understate it in a processing plant, and you can easily manufacture this thing with your own wisdom."

Hua Lei always felt that some clues were still missing, or that apart from this, there were no clues at all.

"I don't know anymore. Our factory can only produce steel. No matter how high the talents here, it can only make cars and airplanes. But no one can make a flying saucer like that on a train station."

Fu Shi also felt strange.After all, workers do it by themselves, making cars and airplanes, and there are traces of the materials used and the engines they bought.As for the manufacture of this flying saucer, there were no signs or clues at all.Had it not been for Fu Shi to know that someone around the factory had witnessed Shi Chong driving a cart and driving a flying saucer, Fu Shi could not believe that the flying saucer was made by Shi Chong.

After a while, a leader from the factory also came.After seeing Hua Lei, he enthusiastically shook hands: "Comrade police has worked hard. I know everything about the matter here."

Hua Lei said to the leader: "How much do you know about Shi Chong himself?"

"Shi Chong, this person, this person has very strong technical ability. He graduated from a high-level foreign university. He is a bit withdrawn and doesn't like to talk to people. It is said that he was going to enter the military factory, but he was blocked due to unknown reasons. To Taigang. No one can think of a large number of his manuscripts in this workshop for making flying saucers, and all of them are notes on manufacturing and testing aircraft. But this manuscript does not feel like he created the flying saucer himself, but Caused by the influence of certain information."

Hua Lei said to the leader: "The manuscript? Where is it? I want to see what the manuscript is."

After a while, a man named Xiao Li came in with a bunch of manuscripts and gave them to Hua Lei.Hua Lei saw the thick piles of manuscripts and found that there were many designs that he couldn't understand at all, and he couldn't tell that it was the appearance of making flying saucers. Many complicated mechanical drawings made him unpredictable.

Hua Lei said to the leader: "These are important clues to solve the case, can I take it away?"

The leader said: "Of course it can."

Hua Lei said: "Before making the flying saucer, did you find any abnormalities in him?"

The leader said: "The only exception is that he often works overtime, even all night. Even if he likes to mess with something, he rarely spends all night."

Hua Lei said: "He often likes to contact with whom, do you have any clues?"

The leader looked at Fu Shi and said to Hua Lei: "That's Fu Shi, but it's not the one that comes frequently. I understand that Fu Shi doesn't do things about flying saucers. As for other people. , I rarely know that."

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