Blue Star Sea Diamond

Chapter 227 Rockets

Bracketman Bubba’s rocket unit and Damantushi’s tank unit set out to defend themselves.

After Mangulin District got the information, he called Princhin and said, "Are you ready to do it at this time?"

Princhkin said: "I want to explain to you that we have lost control of the conference’s missiles. This is something we Dark Steelers cannot tolerate. We must quickly destroy the conference’s missile launch core base, otherwise we will still Threatened by their strategy."

Ke Han said: "Your approach has made us mess up here. We must solve the problem through negotiation, otherwise, things will get out of control."

Princhin said: "You may like to negotiate, but the Dark Steelers like to fight, and this is a battle to defend themselves."

Ke Han began to call Li Hao Pang and said, "No matter what, you have to stop your missiles. Your current practice will cause us to be forced to develop into a military conflict with Angang."

Li Hao said: “It’s really inconvenient to tell the information about the rebels. I’m just following the orders of our conference. The four missiles will attack the rebels in Mangulin at the right time. I only hope you can control yourself. Provide us with the information, and I will help you resolve the conflict. Because now you are in conflict with Dark Steel."

Mangulin quickly issued an order to the Minister of Defense to respond to the rocket attack from the dark steel side of Bracottman Bubba. On the one hand, the Minister of Defense led troops to monitor the military situation from the conference area.Now the Manggu Forest District is considering whether to provide remote sensing data to Li Hao.

Ke Han called Li Hao Pang and said: "I don't want to take care of the conference, but now we are on a dead end. We need to join forces to stop the attack from Dark Steel. I hope that we will join forces to fight Dark Steel and clarify about the rebels. Thing."

Li Hao said: “It’s really inconvenient to tell about the rebels, but it’s okay to help you fight the dark steel. If the dark steel’s rockets come over, I can destroy their guided missile vehicles. As for the three tank defense lines of Damantushi, we There is no need to worry about those."

Ke Han said: "Tell me about the rebels, and then provide you with the rebel information I know."

Li Hao said: "You can't exchange something for this kind of thing. You need to cooperate with us fully. This is very important for a big meeting."

Kehan ​​agreed, and a war began.This is a war. Which two kinds of people are fighting?At this moment, it doesn't matter in this case, everyone on each side does this just to survive.

After Daman Tushi’s rockets were deployed, a large number of launches began, not only on the conference base, but also on many residential areas in this mountainous area.After countless steel rockets swept through, Damantushi sent 1,000 tanks to attack the army of the conference around the base, and also began to attack the conference base in the mountains.

The Mangulin area instantly turned into a sea of ​​flames, and many men were temporarily caught in the army to serve as reserves and began to prepare to meet the enemy. Mangulin fell into chaos.

As the war is getting closer and closer, the residents here in the Manggu Forest area begin to understand, thinking of those who once clamored to fight against the enemy country, how angry those people used to be, and seem to want to wipe out the opponent’s country completely. To kill or enslave the people there.But at this moment, those people disappeared before the war came.

Not to mention how the original soldiers resisted, only that when the enemy was preparing to attack the city, all the people in the city were frightened, thinking about how to escape hysterically and unreasonably.

Now think about it, what territorial sea baselines, island disputes, and what has nuclear intercontinental missiles.At this moment everyone wants to laugh a little, laughing at why their country has not had time to counter, and all the heavy arsenals have been eliminated without any combat effectiveness.Those decision makers, what were they thinking and waiting for peace?

At this time, those brave armies now seem to have disappeared without a trace, but in fact they are scattered. The soldiers in the scattered army are no longer soldiers. This is the sorrow of a soldier.

The country broke the mountains and rivers, the deepest feeling at this time. I remembered the troubled times of the country broke the mountains and rivers recorded in history books. The helplessness of the people at that time for the country fits his mood at this moment.In fact, there are many people who are truly patriotic, but there are very few who really dare to fight for their country. Many people are afraid of death, and some are afraid of fighting for nothing.

Before the war started, the two sides were unwilling to go to war, but at that time the people on both sides were extremely angry, and even took extreme measures to express their anger against the enemy country.But there is really a big battle, and there is a mess, and there is always a ridiculous regret in my heart, why people are so contradictory.

The war started, and the enemy attacked. The nation that thought he had stood up was in a mess. The confident and strong heart became as fragile and vulnerable as the ancient bullies.At this time, I felt scared from the bottom of my heart. Only then did I know that things were going wrong. Only then did I realize that I didn't really like to fight wars, and I really dared to face the difficulties and kill the enemy on the battlefield.

Many people saw that the enemy killed people, and they were scared to the extreme. Only then did they realize that the enemy was not easy to provoke. At this time, everyone learned to think rationally and gave a reasonable plan for themselves. Escape, the farther the better.

The soldier next to Wu Wei turned out to be a good friend by his side. He clearly remembered that when he was eating together, his friend's anger towards the enemy country could no longer be increased, and he almost kept talking.But now his friend has always wanted to be a deserter. He has an excuse to survive to support his family. He will run away at any time, or even surrender.

The enemy's army has rushed over, and everyone is listening to the command in confusion. After a trumpet, everyone starts to sprint forward?There was no such thing, only a part of the people were rushed, his eyes fixed on the enemy ahead, he picked up the gun and aimed at the enemy's body and shot. This was what he had been thinking about before the war started.

He could feel that many people did not rush forward after the trumpet sounded. Almost everyone he knew did not rush forward, and including his friend, but stayed in the trench quietly and stupidly. Jing was shot and killed by the supervisor in the trench.He wondered why many people would choose that ridiculous way of death.

He saw that there was a famous angry youth who died under that useless trench. This is how bravery and cowardice were identified.

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