Blue Star Sea Diamond

Chapter 260 Space Strategy

And after telling the girl all this, the girl exclaimed excitedly: "You and your friends are really amazing, I am thinking about everything your friends say now."

Mi Pang said: "I may need to understand what I know, and then find a clue."

The girl said: "I also want to go deeper into this matter. After all, if I can find any information from this stone, it must be a major discovery, and I can't fall asleep if I imagine it."

Mi Pang said, “It’s just that I’m overwhelmed by these sudden messages. I don’t know who to listen to and how to deal with it. And should I believe that Pei Shitong, Pi Xiusi and Xia Ziqi said these things, in case this is just What about a stone? It's a purely natural stone, so aren't we making ourselves a lot of trouble?"

The girl said: "Then what do you know about aliens?"

Mi Pang said: "There are three types of aliens: diplomatic strategy, offensive strategy, and conservative strategy. Earthlings are now biased towards conservative ones. The power used by their own civilization only needs to be used according to the current resources without any expense. Too much effort to go to a very far place to risk. Diplomatic strategy, all of your own resources are used to go to space to find help from other civilizations, which will affect the use of your own energy. Offensive strategy, completely consume your own resources Look for places with abundant resources in the distance. The original resources are almost completely depleted. There will also be a mixture of the above three."

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