Blue Star Sea Diamond

Chapter 417 Quick Utilization

Quickly use the sun technology to use high quality and density celestial body to impact directly, then force the sun to splash out high energy particles. The material and energy of these particles are then exploited.

For high temperatures, direct extraction and magnetic field extraction can be used. Direct extraction is that there is a need to be heated to directly receive this high-energy particle to heat, then directly melt, these are the portion of the front end of Dai Sen ball. The magnetic field extraction is to extract a wide variety of particles that require high temperature, collected as classification.

Ma Jing starts using simulation techniques to simulate this process. This simulator simulates the variation of various forms of solar sputtering. Extraction of the energy of the sun, provided that there is an accurate capture of solar jet energy.

"The magnetic rings must not make the sun to hit."

"This magnetic ring can no longer be bigger? The magnitude of the sun is large."

"Yes, I can simulate it."

"If I do a three-dimensional big pillar, will it cause the center to become a meteorite or planet because it is too big and caused the center?"

Chen Hao simulates three models, one is a solid big iron stick, there are three light years old. One is a steel frame like the iron tower, there are three light years old. One is a word array of cluster electromagnetic control, and there are three light years old. The result of the simulation is that the center of the big iron rod is easy to compress into a planet in a short period of time, while the steel frame structure takes a long time to be compressed into the ball, the cluster control needs to be adjusted outward, so relatively stable.

"The steel rack is most stable, it will not be too powerful to be compressed, but it will not be allowed for a long time. After hundreds of millions of years, it will still be pressed out of the meteorite or planet."

"Why? The three lights is also very long. Why will she be very compressed."

"According to the calculation, it is because it is too far, it will not be affected by the great influence, almost ignore it."

"So steel frame is also cost-effective than the cluster adjustment. After all, the cluster still consumes many energy. And the steel frame only needs to have the push of the center direction, do not need too much power." Chen Xian's first frame The construction made the heart.

"You can drive a huge magnetic rod, you can use this magnetic rod to accelerate an ordinary material to extremely high speed, shoot to the sun, this energy can break through the sun. This is an electromagnette, a giant electromagnetic gun, need to Quasi-solar direction. "

"How is this possible, can an ordinary iron stone break through the sun?"

"The speed is small, that is, the energy is not enough, it is not okay, but if it is a huge energy, it is full, but also control, you can splash on the sun. A large gas emits a conical type. Then we look for a magnetic ring that meets the tapered magnetic field, you can collect high energy charged particles. "

"So, don't need to find high-density celestial body to break through the sun? But use you this way?"

"Of course, the high-speed normal substance can be achieved at all."

"It's amazing." Chen Yu was shocked.

"If the magnetic force is strong enough, it can even change the time and space, so that a ferroelectric capacity is not problematic."

"How long does it take to make such an electromagnet gun?"

"I also took a picture of the three-light steel frame to give an example. Steel frame or cluster is to bring the unit modules of these things to the corresponding place, that is, the journey will be distant. Manufacture, it is very simple Things, the Mu Mu's Mercury Rings will not adjust the corresponding abrasive, can you? "

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