Blue Star Sea Diamond

Chapter 426, Mercury

A burst of explosion accompanied by severe vibration, the entire Mercury triggered a strong earthquake.

A huge, golden, double-headed cone-shaped spacecraft suddenly flying over the ambulance.

A bunch of solar magnetic circles behind.

Huge magnetic storm slides directly into the sky over Mercury.

Magnetic violence, a huge roar explosion, swing out of boundless dust, covering every day.

This magnetic violence has also led to the dramatic vibration of Mercury, that is because Mercury also has a magnetic field, so each other, the return is rushing.

Chen Yu first ordered: "We must now quickly retreat to Mercury Cave."

The people of various troops began to retracerate into the cave of Mercury, and all the Chen Hao Pioneers were all retreat to the bottom of Mercury.

"Dai Sensen ball system is afraid that it is also suffering, Gri will definitely destroy." Chen Yu is very helpless at this moment.

"Take this time, we hurry to hit them, use the electromagnette to hit the small black point." Malinkov requested by Chen Xian.

"We can't let this huge magnetic force invade us."

"There is no way, and finally, you must start the battle for a battle." Chen Hao hurriedly said.

"How is the factory system of Mercury?" Chen Yu first asked Wan Quan.

"Can run smoothly." Wan Qian answered.

"I have long said that I have to run multiple projects. You don't stop, do you start now, don't you feel late? Do not obey, delay, and the Mercury rings is outside, will definitely be destroyed, or At the time, we will even have a refining plant for a while. "

"You talk, Mercury ring is occupied, what should I do, how to produce in a short time."

"Sorry." It is completely helpless.

"Don't say sorry, now I don't come, our imperative is to bring all the electromagnetic guns that can be mobilized, let Malin Corridge gathering the army to prepare to hit the Magui magnetic field. We are ready to attack once, everyone Be prepared. After we rushed out of the hole, sacrificed would be bigger, but it was better than waiting here. "

"Is the armored troops on the land?" Chen Xian asked.

"When the Gri people's cone marine, when the magnetic circle attacked Mercury, it was estimated that the armored troops on Mercury can protect it. Gri people use the magnetic circle to attack my attack, mainly for destruction My electromagnetic system. "Wan Quan thinks for a long time.

"In addition to the electromagnetic system, they also use high temperature weapons to deal with us." Chen Xian added.

"If it is a malfunction in the electromagnetic system, it needs to be driven by a human system, which is considered when designing." Wanquan is unfortunately designed for the Min Pang's power switching human system.

"Unfortunately, there are now many electromagnetic gun modules that use electric power drives, and various satellite systems cannot be effectively recovered in time, so I am afraid that it is too fierce."

"We now need to send 100 artificial driving electromagnetic gun systems, can she fight those spacecrafts. Alignment, use laser to be aligned. Do you understand?"

"Understand!" Everyone said in concert.

"Do we have to rush out of the hole?"

"No, we don't have a hole from A, we have just digged another B-hole, which prevents Grrians from caught in the cave. This B hole is very close to the garde ground. It has not been opened yet. The mouth. "Chen Xian knowed. If it is underground, there must be a spare export. If not, you can quickly dig one, which is a common tactics from the offense in your genoven.

After the shield machine is mined, the use of ultrasonic monitoring of the B-cavity is very close. Then set a number of cannons in the B-hole, and after a single order, multiple cannons began to bombard B holes. Then the B hole has been opened, after breaking B holes, the dust is not spread, and a large number of human handling electromagnet modules are like honeycomb.

These spacecrafts fly into the sky and start sending a square array.

At this moment, the huge magnetic ring on the sun is crazy from surrounding.

It's been a huge magnetic ring, how is it to do this? Everyone else can't understand, but I have never thought about why, but I must find out why? What kind of principle is Grrians do?

At the same time, a Gri spacecraft emits extremely glittering rays. Shot of the Earth people flying in the sky. These strong lights only need to burning a small session on the electromagnet, you can destroy these spacecraft.

The party is more amazed in this Gri's optical weapon. At the same time, the part changes, if Gern uses optical offensive spacecraft, each spaceship needs to sprinkle the smoke from my protection. It is better to prevent light light, and can also cover the enemy's sight.

Mi Pang is also thinking about this strange double-headed cone ship, is this a magnetic rod outside a magnetic force wrapped in this strong light? If this weapon is mature, the intensity is a magnetic weapon that is much higher than the earth. And these magnetic bars can also set off such a huge solar electromagnetic wave.

"The main purpose of now is to kill these cone spacecrafts, can only use electromagnet guns to solve." Chen Xian first understood.

"It seems that the truly terrible is not those black, but these weapons are wrapped in the light-light electromagnetic circle weapons, even in the sun, you can't see them, they own with the sun, so you I can't even see it. "Zhang Lot said.

After saying these, Zhang Tu seems to think of, and left the command office.

Human driving After the electromagnet weapon is arranged, it began to shoot these cone spacecrafts in the sky.

A variety of artificial uses are placed on a mason, and when avoiding the magnetic circle of Grrians, it is necessary to work quickly, and position the enemy's spaceship.

"I remember to quickly launch the attack when the electromagnetic interference was the weakest." Chen said to Malinkov.

"After attacking the tapered spaceship here, it began to attack a variety of black spots on the sun. Our purpose is to try to eliminate these unknown flying things near the sun. Wooden days must continue to attack, because he may It is a command office. "Chen Hao said very certain.

"Every aircraft is manpower, people to calculate and measure enemy goals to attack."

"Requires an origin coordinates for tracks, allowing pilots to use this as a standard, and then use Mang's designed flip to communicate, so it is necessary to let every observer on the aircraft to observe the probular flip to interpret the signal."

A huge unparalleled magnetic ring continues to attack Mercury, Chen Yu is required to shut down the B-hole, let the flying fighters fight fight, and people underground holes should step up the production of electromagnetic guns.

The Mercury Ring also crushed directly by a huge magnetic field, and a broken Mercury ring factory fell from the sky, and he was squatting on the ambassador. Then, the sound of hitting the ground for a long time was drifting on Mercury. There are countless lost smelting fireballs all fall, like fireworks. Who can think of this magnificent space smelter, but becomes an ammunition attacked. And the greatest smelting project of this human beings is destroyed quickly.

Chen Yu, said: "We have to contact the distant friendly army, try our best to send our danger, see if it can be effectively supported."

A variety of electromagnetic spacecrafts in a hundred refresons are a row of various spacecrafts that destroy the Greu. But it is also very difficult to take off a few irrelevant spacecraft, and smoke disappear, showing in the vision of the Gern, will be blindly blindly blindly blindly used by Gern.

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